
Yuki Rito recalled the last king when he fought with him, and looked at his husband with a meaningful smile.

"Do you have the ability to seal him? Use the dragon-snake seal that once sealed the disobedient Monkey King? Although the seal is quite powerful, it is still far from being able to seal the King of the End."

Has he really seen the King of the End? But that sealed place has obviously not been discovered. I heard that he disappeared some time ago due to the power of another God Killer... because of Rito Yuuki's speech. Husband Yu, who was furious inside, nodded helplessly.

"It was indeed sealed. At that time, the King of the End had killed all the God-killers in the world, and exhausted his strength, turning into the divine sword of salvation. We slightly changed the place where he slept, and at the same time applied the dragon-snake seal. , try to reduce the possibility of it waking up again"

"So, what about the so-called true savior sword? Is there still a fake Divine Sword of Salvation?"

"In order to prevent the King of the End from awakening, we forged a, with the same appearance as the Divine Sword of Salvation, it is also a very powerful divine tool, used to confuse the summoner of the Last King. According to the methods we left behind, we can conclude that the forged object has been obtained by the summoner. However, currently It was said that nothing happened, and the summoner did not notice any abnormality. Therefore, it can be concluded that the summoner this time is different from the last time. Perhaps the summoner is different every time."

Yuki Rito was surprised to find that what Mr. Yu said was indeed not fabricated. Combining some facts, we can draw such a conclusion.

The god of disobedience actually prevented the resurrection of the last king? This is equivalent to help in disguise. The God Killer.

Rito Yuki stared at Mr. Yu and looked him up and down, but Mr. Yu accepted it calmly and continued talking to himself.

"‘Humans should be human, and gods should be gods. In front of the great gods and nature, humans can only be helpless and at their mercy. From the beginning to the end of the universe, let the things that should perish perish and let the things that should exist survive. , weaving the correct thread of history. Therefore, a world in which mere humans can kill gods must not exist and should be revised.’——With such intentions, the King of the Last was sent to annihilate the God-Slayer, and I am on the side of the God-Slayer."

"The shady story is——[destiny]?"


Looking at Mr. Yu who was horrified by the words he said, Yuuki Rito took a deep breath, but smiled.

"[Destiny] seems to be an existence in the camp of gods of disobedience. Tell me, why are you standing on the opposite side of [Destiny]? Don’t use any righteousness to deal with it? Mr. Yu, you have indeed stepped down from your position as the God of God. You have human desires, not the desire for power and wealth, but other things."

"If I have to say it, it is the desire to survive."

Husband Yu, who had decided to tell the truth, had no intention of hiding anything anymore. He even gave up on his image and sat down on the ground.

"When did it start? The memories of myself in my mind, as a hero fighting monsters, and even doing various deeds that are now spread among humans as myths and legends, all seem to be false, like a dream, like... fiction. of general."

Yuki Rito narrowed his eyes as he vaguely guessed something. He had long felt that the God of Disobedience was not a god. If there really were so many gods on the earth in the Godslayer world, all the myths in the past were true. In addition to doubts about whether the small broken ball of the earth can accommodate so many great gods, there are also many contradictions.

The myths in some places are not too old, pointing to the history of more than a thousand years ago. A certain person or thing, but that person has definitely not become a god. Whether it is the memory of the God of Disobedience or the records of the conjurer, there is no existence that has changed from a human to a god.

Just like the God of Disobedience was born as a God. Like the God of Cong.

So what happened to Hero of Steel?

"If I die, I may not be who I am now as a disobedient. I can only say this. If I continue to say it, I may attract a more terrifying existence than the King of the End."

After Mr. Yu said this, he closed his eyes and looked like he would never answer no matter how Yuuki Rito pressed him.

Even if he is killed by Yuuki Rito now, there is still the possibility of reappearing in the world. Even if He is no longer himself, but if he continues talking, he may die forever.

My husband is a very shrewd guy who calculates benefits and costs. He is more like a businessman than a heroic god.

Yuuki Rito looked around, Looking at this world that lacks a sense of distance, but seems to be wider than the current world

"Official History Compilation Committee, originally I thought you were coveting power in the world, but now it seems more like you are seeking information. Can I guess that? I hope what I’m thinking is the truth. I don’t like having another sneaky guy on my property. The secluded world is very big. I hope you won’t reach out to the real world."


This is a threat, but Husband Yu can only bear it silently

"In addition, the Divine Sword of Salvation that you hid should be secretly handed over to the summoner of the King of the End. According to what you said, your actions regarding the Divine Sword of Savior are more likely to be affected by [Fate] than if you continue to reveal the secret. ] punishment"


My husband began to sweat again. At the same time, he couldn't understand why Rito Yuuki seemed to want to summon the King of the End. Could it be that he had injuries from fighting the King of the End in the ancient world? Does it make him want to quit?

"Godslayer, if he could only kill the God of Disobedience, would be a bit unworthy of this title."

Facing Yuuki Rito who showed a smile and fighting spirit, Mr. Yu's heart beat wildly and he disappeared silently.

Staying here would be a kind of torture for him, no matter what the outcome of the upcoming battle was. , Husband Yu planned to hide it.

Whether it was a shady person or a madman, he didn't want to face it.

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