According to rumors in the world, the [Holy Spear of Twilight] was the weapon that killed Jesus. It is precisely because of this feat and its own terrifying lethality that it is called the most powerful god-destroying tool.

In fact, this legend is quite contradictory.

Although there are various sects in the church in the world today, what is certain is that what they truly believe in is the God of the Bible.

As for Jesus, as the core figure of Christianity, he should also be in the biblical god system. If all the legends are true, Jesus should be the right-hand man of the biblical god. How could he be killed by the god-killing device created by the biblical god.

Yuuki Rito had always had doubts about the legend related to the"Holy Spear of Twilight", and then, he finally got confirmation from Hades.

Just like the leader of the Old Demon King Sect and the son of the original Demon King Lucifer, Li Zevim Levian Lucifer was recorded in the Bible under the name Li Lin, the people, things, and myths and legends described in the Bible have a certain degree of authenticity and truth. reference object, but it is not entirely consistent with the facts.

The Jesus of the Demonic High School World is the identity created by the God of the Bible for Himself in order to make it easier for him to walk in the world. The so-called"Holy Spear of Twilight" that killed Jesus, the will of God in it is just a fragment of the God of the Bible..

In order to fully exert the taboo power of [Holy Spear of Twilight] that the person cannot fully control, the Bible God did not expect that he would die in the end. This residual thought could not resurrect the Bible God, but , will have other effects.

In fact, even if the Biblical God could indeed be resurrected, Rito Yuuki would not do anything to promote it.

Today's world situation and world will no longer allow the God of the Bible who wants to spread faith to be resurrected.

The God of the Bible is indeed worthy of the name of a god. He is a genius and has a compassionate heart. His only desire is to spread faith, but this desire alone brought him to his end.

The world's will will not tolerate those who are too active at the Collapse Level. The only exception is Yuki Rito, a guy with the luck of the protagonist.

When Rito Yuki came to the top of the heaven, Michael happened to be here.

This Seraph seems to spend a lot of time at the top of the heaven, as a guardian and defender, but he has no intention of squandering the power of faith to become stronger. He is a good and selfless person.

Of course, Michael also made a very clear distinction on matters that really related to race.

Now Yuuki Rito has become the highest controller of the Tianjie Program, and his appearance did not even cause the program to alert the police.

When Michael saw Yuki Rito, he smiled friendly and was about to say something.——

"Will of God, you are actually a remnant of God. This should be the place you were most familiar with, when you were still the God of the Bible."

Yuki Rito's words made Michael instantly become stunned and shocked.

God's Will did not respond for a while. It was not that he was silent when his hidden identity was discovered, but that he found that what he didn't know was different from his own. Speechless when it comes to important news that is closely related.

In the silence, Rito Yuki held the [Holy Spear of Dusk] and waved a gun flower, and continued.

"It seems that you don’t know anything. Indeed, the God of the Bible has set aside a ray of will not for anything else. It can only be said that things in the world are unpredictable and a combination of circumstances... Then choose, let me destroy [The Saint of Dusk] Gun] let you out, at the cost of your existence itself, cooperate with the heaven's program to let you recall everything, tell Michael the matters that you haven't had time to deal with, or continue to be a member of [Holy Spear of Dusk] Will God's will survive for a long time?"

What is in this God-destroying tool is just a ray of remaining will. Not to mention being resurrected through it, just obtaining all the memories of being the God of the Bible is beyond the scope of God's will.

It will reproduce the Bible in a moment. The glory of God can remember everything in the past and manipulate the programs he created at will, but he cannot survive for a long time. The will of God can last for a few minutes after awakening all memories, but can only last for more than ten seconds at a short time. It completely disappeared.

Yuki Rito gave it the opportunity to choose. As for whether this ray of will would do anything detrimental to itself after gaining the memory of the Bible God, to be honest, even if it really gave an order, Let all the angels in heaven attack Yuki Rito, and the angels ignored Yuki Rito's previous kindness and obeyed the order. It only took a little effort for Yuuki Rito. It took a little effort to slaughter the angels in heaven. In the air, he let his golden sword drink the blood of angels.

Michael looked at the [Holy Spear of Dusk] in Yuki Rito's hand, opened his mouth, but lowered his head in silence.

He hoped that the Lord would appear again. , even if the time is short.

But the exchange of the Lord's return is to make the last traces of the Lord's thoughts disappear completely. The cost and gain left Michael speechless.

In fact, he also knows that he has not Discretion

"In fact, even after coming here, I still don’t feel much familiarity. Sure enough, it’s because of this [Holy Spear of Dusk]]……It turns out that like the Sekiryuutei and the White Dragon Emperor, I was sealed in the Divine Destruction Gear.……"

What was still sealed by himself was just a trace of abandonment.

The tone of the will of God was faint. Looking at the top of the heaven that lacked ornaments and only had the incomparable power of faith, after being silent for a long time, he asked Yuki Rito

"Would it do you any good if I gained the memory of the God of the Bible?"

"There shouldn't be any benefits, but as [Holy Spear of Dusk], you finally gave me a push when I was in the most difficult time, allowing me to reach the sky in one step. Although I have improved the process, which can be regarded as repaying this period of cause and effect, but no longer It doesn’t matter if you do more things that don’t take too much energy."


After a long silence, God’s Will raised the last question

"Are you sure I am the God of the Bible?"

"Surely, at this moment, the program of heaven has already given out silent cheers because of your arrival."

Yuki Rito is sure that if God's will obtains all the memories of the Bible God, the person with the highest authority of the heaven program will no longer be himself.

No matter, Yuuki Rito never wants to limit the scope of this effect to the heaven and the human world. The church's programs are taken for themselves because they are of no use. Besides, the will of God that awakens everything can only exist for a moment.

"……Do it, maybe the world really needs me to do something now."

The will of God gave the answer, causing Michael to raise his head suddenly.

The God of the Bible will return to the world.

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