To Ravel and Kuroka’s surprise, Rito Yuuki, who has a status as the chairman of the Kuoh Academy, but whose family is extremely short of textbooks and other human books, turned out to be a normal Yuki Rito is a great academic, and the kind of problem that leaves Ravel at a loss can be easily solved by Rito Yuuki, and he can teach Ravel in detail how to solve the problem.

This surprised Ravel. If she were just an ordinary top student, she would not be able to make this proud Princess Phoenix suffer from emotional fluctuations. However, Yuki Rito himself is a terrifying person. But he has so much common knowledge that should have little use, which seems very disharmonious.

"……Yuki-sama, does human knowledge have any special role?"

"Yes, these are the basics. When you really delve into it, you can create some powerful technological weapons or technological equipment that facilitates life. But you can’t learn it to that level, and I won’t go out of my way to learn it. That’s One way."

Yuki Rito does not deny that technology also has its advantages, but he still likes training that can directly enhance his body.

In the following time, Yuuki Rito relaxedly helped Ravel complete her homework, looking at this The little princess was troubled by human knowledge, or she accompanied Ophis to play some entertainment methods that Yuki Rito was tired of, making vague insinuations about the power level and existence form of the true Red Dragon God Emperor, even late into the night. , have a big sleep with Kuroka and Gurifia.

Yuuki Rito feels that his time arrangement is very reasonable, but it is a pity that he failed to study the forbidden spell well and fell into corruption.

In order to work hard, However, Yuuki Rito was immersed in the world of law and reason after Kuroka and Gurefia were asleep and he fell into the sage state.

Facts have proved that Yuki Rito's approach of seizing the time was wise.

The next day, Yuuki Rito, who should have had a lot of free time, received an invitation from Rias to be a guest in the mansion.

It was particularly emphasized that he hoped that Yuki Rito would go there alone, giving the illusion of a Hongmen Banquet..

If it was a Hongmen Banquet organized by a beautiful girl, Yuki Rito would be fully expecting it. He went to the appointment without much hesitation.

Passing through the gate of Kuou Academy, there were no students inside, not even passers-by..Today is the weekend, and the school is on holiday. Because this is the stronghold of the devil after all, so for various considerations, an unwritten rule has been formed - if it is a holiday, students and teachers should try to avoid going back to school.

Yuuki Rito is a rare No longer being watched by the gossipy and probing eyes of the students, he walked straight towards Rias's mansion.

"Welcome, master."

As soon as Rito Yuki approached, he saw Akeno Himejima standing at the door wearing a maid outfit similar to that of Gurefia and Ravel, looking at her beautiful face full of smiles. , Yuuki Rito said confusedly.


"Ah la ah la, doesn’t the master like this title? Do you only like the maid outfits of Grafia and Ravel?"

Himejima Akeno has always been the kind of girl who prefers a strong style. Compared to a maid, she should be more suitable for the role of queen. In fact, the students of Kuao Academy secretly call Rias"onee-sama" and"princess-sama". , and calling Himejima Akeno the queen shows her special momentum.

But this does not mean that Himejima Akeno is not suitable for maid costumes and decorations, but it is easier to satisfy people's desire to conquer.

At least, Yuki Rashi Dou felt very happy at this moment

"No, actually, I quite like it."

Yuki Rito honestly expressed his inner thoughts to Himejima Akeno, which also made Himejima Akeno smile a little deeper.

"Please come with me, the banquet is ready."

Perhaps it really is the Hongmen Banquet, another kind of Hongmen Banquet.

Could it be that Rias and the others saw me leaving with Xenovia in my arms yesterday, and felt a sense of crisis?

Fortunately, it didn't turn into a hatchet ending.

Yuki Rito breathed a sigh of relief and followed Himejima Akeno into the mansion.

Although it was a banquet, the decorations in the mansion were no different from before. There were no more waiters or maids. There was just a big table in the dining room. , there are dishes on the table that are suspected to be made by the same person, but Rias and Tacheng Kitty don’t know where they are.

"Please take your seat first."

Himejima Akeno led Yuki Rito to sit down with almost perfect etiquette. Yuki Rito looked at the delicious food in front of him and asked curiously


"It was me who did it, and I showed my shame."

Himejima Akeno showed a little surprise that Yuki Rito would specifically ask this question. Then, the surprise turned into shyness, as if she wanted to refuse but Yuki Rito was stunned. Why do I always feel

, Himejima Akeno is now going out of her way to favor herself. It was clearly Rias who invited her here? Could it be that this time, it was Rias who paved the way for her family?

In any case, she must at least show her due praise.

"No, although I haven't tasted it yet, judging from the appearance and aroma, it should be a very delicious dish, and I made such a large quantity. Thank you for your hard work. I think both Rias and Tacheng Koneko will like it. Can't I help you with this?"

(Li Nuo Zhao) Hehe, although Master’s words make me very happy, please don’t say it in front of Miss Rias, okay? Otherwise she would be angry with Yang."

Himejima Akeno put her index finger in front of her lips, signaling Yuki Rito to speak softer. Then, she walked deep into the corridor in the corner of the hall and led Rias and Tashiro Koneko out.

It was like a flame. The bright and long-haired Rias was wearing a red dress at the moment. The fiery color seemed to illuminate the large but slightly dark mansion a lot.

And the little Tacheng girl who was following Rias The cat is no longer wearing the school uniform of Kuoh Academy, but is wearing a white dress, which is also unified with her short white hair.

Akeno Himejima, who is wearing a maid outfit, calls Rito Yuki his master, then Riya What will the kittens of Izumi and Tashiro be called?

Yuki Rito is very curious about this._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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