"Don't make it sound like I'm eavesdropping. You keep shouting God, God, from such a close distance. Unless I claim to be spiritually aware, I can hear everything I need to hear."

Yuki Rito's lazily voice came from a place not far away from Jibril and Azrael. It was only then that the two Flügels discovered his existence, and they couldn't even determine when the other party was. By what means?

Even though it was just a wild guess, Jibril said she was used to Yuuki Rito's presence and had no unusual feelings about it, while Azrael looked at Yuuki Rito carefully. Fight.

Is the guy in front of me God? He is obviously an existence that is called a powerful enemy by the Creator, but his casual appearance without showing any power does not look like a god at all.

"Dear God, Your Majesty."

God is the enemy of the Creator, so there is no doubt that he is also the enemy of the Flügel. Facing this powerful enemy, Azrael still showed enough courtesy. At the same time, he remembered Jibril's words and was about to ask something. when——

"Let's leave after saying hello. Even if you really have questions to ask me, I don't seem to have any obligation to answer them. It doesn't matter whether Jibril participates in the battle or not, and I am also giving her access to the Bible. If you really care about your magic qualifications, Jibril still owes me a life-saving grace."

Yuki Rito yawned and waved his hand to signal Azriel to quickly return to Abant Heim. If it weren't for the two Flügels chattering here in the middle of the night, Yuuki would have Rito should be sleeping comfortably at home now. Although his body no longer needs a simple rest like sleep, it is undeniable that sleeping is quite comfortable, not to mention that Yuki Rito can't do much when everything is completely silent. There are many other things.

Rather than exploring Rito Yuuki’s unfriendly attitude, Azrael is more concerned about another piece of information revealed in Rito Yuuki’s words.

"A life-saving grace? Xiaoji, what's going on?"

As the younger sister of all the Flügels, Jibril has always been a beloved character among the Flügels. Now I hear that her life has been threatened. Even now, Jibril's appearance has proven that she was not in danger in the past. , Azriel's face still showed tension.

When Yuuki Rito turned around and was about to return to the cave and continue sleeping - a bright light fell from the sky.

Azriel and Jibril were there After a short observation, I was shocked to find that this was an attack from the Creator, the God of War Artosh. He seemed to have been observing here, or... observing the God Rito Yuuki.

Rito Yuuki made a move to draw his sword, even if Therefore, even with excellent observation skills, he could only vaguely see a vague shadow of a sword, and then invisible power surged out, splitting the light in mid-air, spreading upward unabated, until those tiny shadows in the blood-black night sky were blurred. All the flowers dyed red by the spirit bones were scattered, and then they were gradually eliminated.

"Can't wait? Artho."

Yuki Rito calmed down his scattered emotions and looked at the sky solemnly.

This was asking the God of War. In Azriel's view, creation would not give an answer. The creator has always been taciturn, just like Jibril. As mentioned before, it is unknown whether Azrael has had a hundred conversations with the Creator over the past countless years. When faced with the enemy, the Creator should crush them without saying a word.

However, exactly As Jibril said in another sentence, Azriel did not understand the Creator.

After a brief silence, the unchanging sky took on new changes after the invisible force that seemed to be able to cut through everything. It was vast. The divine voice came from the sky, shaking the air and even space

"I just want to know if you have the strength to give me what I expect."

"So have you found the answer?"

The reason why Artosh's voice can reach the ground from a distant high altitude is probably because of his abundant and extremely powerful energy, and Yuuki Rito's words can also reach very far away. It seems to be through another kind of energy. Method, the air received the instructions from the superior, and continued to vibrate with the same intensity and frequency like a well-trained elite soldier, reaching above Abant Heim


As Artho's words fell, the divine power that had been present in the surroundings since he spoke disappeared, and the tremors in the air and space stopped. Just like when he launched the attack, the God of War disappeared slightly abruptly.

If you put aside the brief conflict, the conversation between Artosh and Yuki Rito turned out to be like friends. The emotion called happiness contained in Artosh’s last short words, whether it was Azriel or Jibril You can easily hear it.

In Azrael's long memory, the number of times the Creator showed strange emotions can be counted on one's fingers 597 times. Countless years ago, on the eve of the battle between the Creator and the Final Dragon Hardi Reif, this was not the case. Happy, only slightly excited, and then the Creator won. After the victory, there was deathly silence. Even when the Forest God and the Forging God appeared later, the Creator did not have much emotional fluctuations. Time passed little by little, and the Flügel's reputation The Creator is getting louder and louder, and the Creator is becoming more and more silent.

High above, sitting on the throne of the sky, waiting for the challenger to challenge his divine power to appear.

But, there is no one.

There is no longer any existence to challenge the Creator, even No race will come close to the territory of the Flügel.

Now, even the gods have gone into hiding and have not appeared on the mainland for an unknown amount of time. Only God made the creator express joy for the first time and faintly showed She couldn't wait.

The display of such strong emotions made Azrael feel that the Creator was strange for the first time, and for the first time she discovered why the Creator became more and more silent even though he was always winning. The only thing the God of War wants is to fight. War, battles, and everything related to them.

He has won too many times, and now, he is really longing for a battle where the outcome is unpredictable._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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