Yuuki Rito gave two choices to the players on the blog, either directly make a major update to the mobile game, most of the data will be inherited, or directly launch a new game, naturally everything All start again.

The European Emperor and the Liver Emperor all voted for the former. They didn't want their enviable character data to be cleared like this, but they were looking forward to the so-called 3D game. I heard that they would log in to the computer and communicate with the mobile phone in the future. I feel extremely excited. After voting, I am waiting for the results and even the final release of the game.

Everyone, including Yuuki Rito, thought that the former would gain an overwhelming numerical advantage in the voting. After all, there are too few players who have not yet come into contact with Sword Art Online. Those who spend a lot of time on Sword Art Online Those who won, and even those who spend money on fashions to make their paper characters look better, logically speaking should not choose the latter in the vote. After all, a new game means everything starts over. If Sword Art Online 2 is released, what will happen to the current 1? It must be slowly becoming lonely, which is equivalent to being eliminated. but——

"Although I recharged the game with 100,000 yen, I voted for the latter. Those seals who post their cards on forum blogs every day will die! We're all in this together~ It's all good"

"I spend more than six hours in the game every day, but there is a Gan Emperor with a higher level than me and better equipment than me. I thought about it carefully and found that I still made too many detours when I first started playing the game. Spend enough time, and if God gives me another chance, I will be ahead of others at the start, so - I choose the second option!"

"I'm a careless person. I watch big guys brag every day on various chat software, and I can only huddle in the corner and shiver. Although starting over may be just a turnaround, I'll still be a turnaround after that. But the boss is not necessarily still the boss. If you think about it this way, I will still make the profit!"

Those who voted for the second option gave their own reasons, and actually attracted a large number of supporters because of this. The people who stand at the top level of the game player group are only a few after all, and most of them are just ordinary players, relying on high-level players. Play to survive. After all, there are players in the Sword Art Online game. There are not a few people who have angered big bosses and been killed in the wild. Now, this group of oppressed or neglected people have begun to resist. In addition, there are Some people chose the latter out of the mentality that although I would be at a loss if I did not inherit the data of a new game, the big guys would be more at a loss than me. The number of people choosing the two options in the voting actually showed an evenly matched trend.

Result Yuki Rito was a little surprised by this, and then stopped paying attention. As time goes by, the final result should appear.

Although the transition from 2.5D games to 3D games is a small workload, Yuki Rito does not It was too simple to add many tasks to Bunko's game department with advance notice. However, with the end of the students' vacation, various activities carried out by Bunko will also come to an end. The game development department was already in a period of competition, and Yuki Rito only It just gave them a future work goal.

Izumi Kyoka, who had previously sent the band's music to the game department in accordance with Yuki Rito's request, had also returned at this time, with a bit of laughter on her face, but it soon turned into a Keep a straight face

"I saw what you posted on your blog and asked the relevant people to make data predictions. If it is as posted by Mr. Kayaba, no matter which option wins in the end, it will disgust some players and may affect the game. Word of mouth can even damage the game’s revenue"

"Well, I can probably guess that there are indeed many people who don't like big changes, and large-scale updates to the game are bound to cause various disturbances. However, if one of the two votes achieves an overwhelming victory, we can naturally follow the wishes of the majority of people. Presumably, the remaining small number of people will not be too resistant. If the two votes are close, At that time, I will come up with a compromise plan. If nothing else happens, the compromise plan will gain the approval of both player groups at the same time."

0········Asking for flowers···

Izumi Kyoka quickly guessed Yuuki Rito’s plan.

Just like when bargaining, you first give the other party a price that is far beyond what you can afford, and then slowly lower the price. Even if the final price is still higher than the other party expected, there is a high possibility that the other party will nod in agreement.

Originally, Izumi Kyoka thought that Yuuki Rito's black-and-white voting would tempt the player community into antagonism, and wanted to remind him a little. After all, Sword Art Online was already well-known, and there was no need to use such a method that was full of disadvantages. method to increase the popularity again, but if Yuki Rito has a follow-up solution, it will naturally be the best situation.....................

Time passed little by little, and due to voting on the blog, the players have been divided into two camps. Compared with the number of readers of the original light novel, the number of players is higher. After all, light novels have to be bought in bookstores, and there are People may not necessarily like the narrative style of light novels, but games have many fewer restrictions and do not require much effort to download. Everyone has been exposed to them more or less.

It was lunch time in Bunko. All the staff temporarily stopped their work and went to the cafeteria to enjoy lunch. Yuki Rito had a lunch box delivered to him, eliminating the trouble of queuing in the cafeteria. This was of course an ordinary A privilege that employees don’t have, but no one disputes.

Izumi Kyoka seemed to be a little reserved because she was having lunch with Yuuki Rito. Now the two of them were in the office, and they were eating lunch boxes that tasted good but looked very ordinary, and there was no romantic atmosphere at all. Yuuki Rito Douban just casually chatted with Izumi Kyoka for a few words to let her relax.

Shortly after the two of them finished lunch, the office phone rang. It was the receptionist in the lobby on the first floor of the library who called through the internal line. Izumi Kyoka answered the phone and then looked at Yuki Rito.

"Teacher Kasumi Shiko and Teacher Yamada Goblin have arrived"

"Well, ask the front desk to bring them the knife."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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