The voluntary labor with the specific content of picking up garbage is not performed in the fifth station shopping street. Although there is a large flow of people here, it may be that everyone's quality is quite high. Maybe the cleaning staff work They work very hard, or it may be because there are relevant regulations, and littering will be punished. This large place is very clean. If the school sets the location of voluntary labor here, it can probably be regarded as completely free activities.

The location of the voluntary labor is in the corner of the fifth station, far away from the shopping street. The flow of people here is obviously much less. As for the garbage... Looking around, there are just a few plastics that should be blown by the wind. Wrapping paper, however, this amount is pitifully small for the number of students.

Well, it was actually just a change of location for free activities. The students who had been playing at the fifth station for a long time seemed very happy.

The original idea of ​​the school was that it did not have much funding for activities, so it regarded voluntary labor that did not require additional payment as a collective content. As for Yuki Rito later asked Fantasa Bunko to provide financial support, and the school The reason why there is still no change is probably to save face.

The essence of voluntary labor is not to cultivate students' sentiments, but just because there is no money. The school does not want to expose such a real reason.

Since it is voluntary labor, naturally a large number of people cannot gather together, but spread out to look for garbage, because the leading teacher has recorded the mobile phone number of each student, and this location was specially selected, and there is no The safety of the students can be guaranteed for the time being.

However, halfway through the time, an accident finally occurred.

There are no cliffs here, but it is a mountain after all, and terrain such as slopes is not uncommon. In addition, the weather is still a bit cold now, and the slopes facing the sun are still covered with ice. Rito Yuuki, who has keen senses, is not far away. There was a strange sound coming from somewhere, like the sound of a person slipping from a high place to a low place. The sound was not loud. When the students were talking to each other and even chasing and fighting from time to time, the sound was not heard. Attract someone's attention.

Having said that, Yuuki Rito still thinks that the person who slipped under the slope should have some companions, and will soon ask the teachers for help. Although he has the power to solve almost all problems encountered by ordinary people, Yuuki Rito didn't intend to take the initiative to help others, but in the end, no one noticed.

The man in trouble had no companions before, and he didn't call for help now. He seemed to be trying to solve the problem by himself. Yuki Rito waited for a while, but the other person still didn't come back.

Should I say that the guy wants to be strong, doesn't like causing trouble to others, or is he too shy and afraid of embarrassment?

Yuuki Rito sighed and came to the slope.

To Yuki Rito's surprise, he originally thought that the person sliding down was an arrogant girl like Eiri or Tenjoin Saki, or some strong boy with high self-esteem. However, the figure below the slope actually It's Megumi Kato.

Seeing that the girl was sitting at the bottom of the slope, Yuki Rito was troubled. He avoided the broken ice between the two and walked down quickly. When he saw the other girl covering her ankle with her hands, she asked

"Twisted your foot?"


Kato Megumi's response was a bit troubled and imaginary, which made Rito Yuki raise an eyebrow.

"Why not scream for help to get someone's attention, or call the phone?"

"Because now it is a group activity that is more of an entertainment nature. If I ask for help directly, not only will everyone get together to help me, but the school may also consider the safety hazard and stop the activity halfway. (ajcc) Therefore, I plan to wait until it is less painful. Go back by yourself after"

"After the pain stops? Most sprains will not heal so quickly. Instead, they will become more painful as time goes by. Moreover, yours is not a sprain. You have the symptoms of a slight fracture. You are really unlucky."


Kato Megumi was stunned, and looking at the girl with this expression, Yuuki Rito felt a little emotional. She was clearly enduring pain that was enough for a girl to cry, but Kato Megumi didn't show it on her face. It's really sharp

"However, as long as I'm here, this won't be a problem."

Yuki Rito stretched out his finger and touched the girl's ankle. Originally, this part should be wrapped by the pants, but Kato Megumi seemed to move the trouser leg up because of the pain. At this moment, Yuuki Rito's finger was in contact with the girl. Her ankle was in direct contact, and she could feel that her body temperature was much lower due to its exposure.

Yuuki Rito felt cold, but Kato Megumi felt warm. The girl's eyes wandered for a moment, and in the next moment, she Suddenly I realized that all the original pain had disappeared

"How do you feel now?"

"……It doesn’t hurt anymore, but didn’t you say I had a broken bone?"

Even if there is no fracture, just a sprain, it is not normal for the person to heal instantly when the other person touches the affected area.

"Not to mention fractures, even if you have a broken foot, I can help you reattach it. Anyway, this is not the first time you have seen me display this extraordinary method. Just like before, remember to keep it a secret."

Kato Megumi is a qualified girl who can see things that ordinary people cannot see. Back then, a monster appeared in Toyozaki Academy and was eliminated by Yuuki Rito. Whether it was a monster or Yuuki Rito, The erasing process was watched by Megumi Kato. At that time, Rito Yuki did not take any means to erase Megumi Kato's memory. He just asked the girl to keep it a secret for him. Now it seems that Megumi Kato did keep it a good secret. secret

"Will it cost you a lot to cure me?"

Although Yuuki Rito acted very relaxed, the girl still asked this question. She would not mistakenly think that the instant recovery of her slight fracture was a trivial matter because of the other party's simple behavior.

"cost? I did pay a little energy loss, but only a little, you don’t need to care"


This was Kato Megumi's way of saying thank you. There was no exaggeration of gratitude or perfunctory casualness. Even Rito Yuki didn't know how the girl was feeling at the moment.

Seeing that Kato Megumi didn't seem to have any intention of getting up and leaving immediately, Yuuki Chengli Dou simply sat on the floor.

"If there's nothing urgent, why don't we chat together?"

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - Collection

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