Jing Aoxue went straight to the counter and handed the 100 taels of silver to the casino steward to exchange for cash.

The manager of the casino is a middle-aged man in his thirties, with a kind smile unique to a businessman, which is completely different from the indifference in the original owner's memory.

The original owner has played in the casino several times, and every time he loses without a penny, he will be mercilessly kicked out by the manager in front of him.

The steward obviously recognized her as well. He glanced at the one hundred taels of silver bill handed over, and turned his eyes around Liang Shengrong who was standing beside her.

I don't know what to think, his eyes flashed, and he handed over the hundred taels of silver neatly.

Jing Aoxue raised her head arrogantly, snorted coldly and took the money to gamble.

Liang Shengrong was a few steps behind and made a gesture to the steward. The steward nodded clearly and gave a few words to the strong thugs beside him.

The two apparently struck a deal.

Seeing this, the strong man at the door was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

He and his brothers suffered a big loss from Jing Aoxue not long ago, and they knew very well that the other party was by no means easy to fool.

He turned around a few times, knowing that he was not familiar with the manager, and the other party would not listen to his advice.

He patted his forehead and immediately turned to look for their boss.

Jing Aoxue flipped the silver in his hand and walked around the casino with great interest.

Before the end of the world, she was just an ordinary high school student with a gloomy personality.

After the end of the world, everyone is struggling to survive, and most people do not have leisure time to go to leisure and entertainment.

Only the upper floors of the survivor base, or the powerful abilities, have money and leisure, and can go to the casino opened in the base to play a few games.

The casinos in the apocalypse have much more things to play than the casinos in this other world.

Things that can be used as gambling capital are even more strange.

She was once forced to play a few games in the casino by the people of the power user team. The most famous thing in the casino is not dice mahjong, but punching and human life trading.

In contrast, the casino here has a relaxed atmosphere and simpler bets.

She smiled and watched the others play, until Liang Shengrong walked to her side and asked, "I didn't play much before, and I didn't know the rules very well, so I just played the easiest one, dice guessing. size."

Liang Shengrong's eyes lit up, and if he played other tricks, there was not much room for him to do anything, but when he rolled the dice, he completely handed over the initiative to the casino.

This coincided with his plan, he nodded immediately, and the two walked to the dice table together.

Jing Aoxue glanced at the gaming table, took out fifty taels unceremoniously, and pressed it on the small position.

Liang Shengrong said with a smile: "Since you have suppressed the small, then I will suppress the big."

Jing Aoxue glanced at him lightly, the old **** squinted and watched the casino dealer roll the dice, and the others bet in twos and threes.

After everyone has placed their bets, the croupier opens the dice cup, four, four, six, big.

In this game, Jing Aoxue lost and Liang Shengrong won.

Liang Shengrong immediately laughed proudly and said, "I am lucky today, haha, good luck, come again?"

Jing Aoxue nodded, then took out thirty taels to suppress, Liang Shengrong said: "Then I will continue to suppress."

The two of them played big, and the bets were dozens of taels. On the other hand, the other people in the casino would bet a few taels at most.

Others at the dice table took a look at them and then followed suit.

Second round, Jing Aoxue lost again.

She was expressionless, Liang Shengrong pretended to persuade her, saying: "This dice game loses too fast, and you don't have much money on you, let's play something else."

He knew the character of the original owner very well, knowing that the other party was the least aggressive, so he resorted to aggressive tactics.

Jing Aoxue was really fooled, and said with a sullen face: "I don't believe in this evil, I'll play with it!"

The third hand continued to bet, and as expected, Jing Aoxue lost again.

One hundred taels of silver, I lost everything in the blink of an eye.

Liang Shengrong won the most, and smiled, and said, "How, do you want to continue playing? If you don't have enough money, I can lend you some."

Jing Aoxue glanced at him and said, "Thank you, Brother Liang, then I'll be more respectful than obedient. You can lend me another five hundred taels."

Five hundred taels?

Liang Shengrong frowned, he didn't expect Jing Aoxue to speak loudly.

But it's okay, he has been dealing with Jing Aoxue for a few years, and now he's becoming more impatient. To solve this trouble early and get a beauty like Shen Luman is the most important.

He rubbed his hands together and said: "Well, you are my good brother, five hundred taels are five hundred taels, here, this is a silver note, for you!"

Jing Aoxue thanked her, and she simply gambled with silver notes. This time she directly pressed one hundred taels of silver, which was still small, and Liang Shengrong followed closely behind.

They gambled a lot and quickly attracted other people in the casino. They could see that Jing Aoxue had bad luck today, and he lost every single bet.

There are smart people who bet against Jing Aoxue and immediately win a lot of money.

As a result, most of the people in the casino gathered and followed Liang Shengrong to bet heavily.

This one, Jing Aoxue lost again.

But no one here will remind her that she has become the weather vane of today, whatever she bets, others will bet against it, and in the end she will always win.

Jing Aoxue lost more than a dozen games in a row, and soon lost all five hundred taels of silver.

Others were jealous and offered to lend her money to gamble when they saw that she was out of money.

Jing Aoxue declined their 'kindness', she took out a tael of silver from her purse and continued to press it down.

The steward and the dealer in the casino looked at each other, the steward nodded, and the dealer immediately shook the dice.

This time, Jing Aoxue narrowed her eyes slightly, her fingertips surging with light green light, she snapped her fingers, and a green light poured into the dealer's body.

The croupier only felt his hand sway, but he didn't take it to heart, slapped the dice cup on the table, and opened the lid.

One by one, small.



"This... this one doesn't count!"

So much so that the result was small and they all lost.

Jing Aoxue became the only winner. Although she didn't win much, she smiled and said, "Let me just say, the dice in this casino can't be big all the time, right? Next time, I will continue to press down!"

Even the manager thought it was the dealer who made a mistake, which should not happen.

But forget it, just like what Jing Aoxue said, the dice cannot always be big every time, and someone will always see the problem.

They still have to do business, so they can't make it so obvious.

The dealer wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and continued to shake the dice cup. When he was about to pat the table, he felt his hand sway strangely again.

He had a bad heart, glanced at everyone, their eyes were full of fanaticism, he thought: It's over.

He opened the dice cup tremblingly, one, two, three, small.

Jing Aoxue won again.

She won two games in a row, ignoring the screams of others, shaking her head with the silver she won: "I'm tired of playing dice, Brother Liang, let's play something else."

Liang Shengrong's face was ugly. He had won thousands of taels before, but he lost all of them before he was happy.

His heart hurts to bleed, but he has to respond to Jing Aoxue and go to other gambling tables with her to continue gambling.

People in the casino only felt that what happened just now was an accident. They firmly believed that Jing Aoxue was unlucky, and many people followed and continued to bet in the opposite direction.

But Jing Aoxue's next gambling table is to follow her to bet accordingly. Every time she bets, she is less than 12 taels of silver, and those who have no money cannot continue to call. Keep up with the money, but lose everything.

After dozens of bets, Jing Aoxue became the biggest winner today. Not only did she win back the six hundred taels she had lost before, she also won thousands of taels more.

The face of the manager of the casino turned green. He had worked in the casino for many years, and he knew very well that it was impossible to achieve such a win as Jing Aoxue simply by luck.

But he sent people to go out, and in the end, Jing Aoxue won.

This can only show that Jing Aoxue is a more powerful than the casino dealer.

He angrily wanted to accuse the other party in public, but even the croupier couldn't see her tricks, even if he said it, without evidence, he couldn't help her.

So, he could only watch Jing Aoxue finally win three thousand taels, and walked away with the silver ticket.

The manager of the casino was gloomy, he sent someone to follow Jing Aoxue, and then grabbed Liang Shengrong who wanted to sneak away.

He said ruthlessly: "What you have done has caused me such a big trouble!"

Liang Shengrong swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Although he is a rich family in the town, he cannot compete with the casino.

He knew very well that there was someone behind the casino, or a high-ranking official in the court, who he absolutely could not afford to offend.

He tried his best to get online with the casino, and after that, he brought many people over, and the casino made a lot of money.

He just got his footing, and such a big thing happened.

On the other hand, she hates Jing Aoxue. She doesn't know what the **** the other party is crazy about today, but she is so lucky and won so much money.

There are more than 2,000 taels of them, all his money, his!

He was so angry that he wanted to continue gambling, but he lost no money, even the jade pendant around his waist.

If it wasn't for Jing Aoxue saying that it was late and she was hungry, he would have continued to gamble even if he borrowed money today.

He was in a gloomy mood, and at the same time hated being in charge of being cool, so he didn't save face.

While gnashing her teeth, she thought: This will never be the case, Jing Aoxue, just wait and see!

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