The Only Pet Farmer’s Wife

Chapter 221: Jiuxiao (1)

Jing Aoxue and Jian Yulie have been here for a long time to recover from their injuries. The scars on their bodies that were deep in the bones have now disappeared, but the spiritual energy in their bodies is still depleted, and they need to continue to meditate and practice.

Jing Aoxue opened her eyes when she heard the sound, and saw the three of them supporting each other and entering the space together. Jing Aoxue hurriedly got up and went over to support Shen Luman, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Shen Luman said: "As you said, the strength of the nightmare has increased by a lot. If it hadn't appeared in time for the Nine Heavens Devouring Demon Vine and the Nine Heavens Profound Python, we'd be afraid..."

She didn't finish speaking but sighed, but Jing Aoxue understood what she meant and was terrified. Still worried and self-blaming, he said in his heart: If only she was outside.

But the reason why she slipped into the Aoki Ding space was because her own situation was not optimistic.

Now that she has just recovered a little, she put her hands on the shoulders of Shen Luman and Liu Er, and began to instill wood-type powers in them.

Liu Er wanted to refuse, but Jing Aoxue was very stubborn and said: "This is what I should do, fortunately you are all right, otherwise I will try my best to drag the nightmare to hell!"

Shen Luman comforted her: "It's all right, the high-level monks and high-level monsters are very efficient, they have successfully killed all the high-level demons, and rushed to rescue them in time. The three of us. Now they are working together to deal with the nightmare, we have a moment of respite, we can recover from the injury and go out. "

Jing Aoxue said: "Then take the medicine pill quickly, you can replenish the lost spiritual energy faster."

Shen Luman touched the back of her hand and said, "You too, let's heal together."

Jing Aoxue shook her head and said, "My condition is much better, and it's not too late to rest after an hour."

Shen Luman saw that she could not persuade her, so she stopped talking. After taking the medicinal pill that Jing Aoxue had refined before, she closed her eyes and began to absorb the abundant spiritual energy in the Qingmu Cauldron.

Jing Aoxue had lingering fears in her heart, and kept staring at her and Liuer's cheeks, until she sensed that Shen Luman and Liuer's conditions had improved significantly, she was completely relieved and walked to the side Phoenix wants to help her.

However, Phoenix's resilience is extremely strong. After a short period of time, he has recovered a lot, so he declined Jing Aoxue's kindness with a smile.

Jing Aoxue sat next to Shen Luman and continued to meditate.

In a blink of an eye, most of the day passed, Jing Aoxue opened his eyes and saw that everyone had almost recovered, and said: "Although we have been fighting against the nightmare alone for more than ten days, it has been very difficult. , but everything is almost the same as what we planned, and then we are ready to start the second step of the plan."

Actually, long before they gathered the Six Great Immortal Artifacts and summoned the Nightmare, they had already discussed the countermeasures with the Six Great Immortal Artifacts and other high-level monks.

If only the demons are summoned, the situation is fine, everyone only needs to work together to deal with her; however, if her high-level demons are also summoned along with her , it is necessary to divide the army into two ways, to deal with those high-level demons first, and to collect their corpses.

Today, more than 20 high-level demons have been killed, and only the demon is the strongest and most difficult to deal with.

many killings.

But she is the top existence in the world of immortality today. Unless the ancient gods come to the world, they alone cannot kill the nightmare.

Completely seal the nightmare, and also cultivate the peaceful years of the immortal world for thousands of years.

Nowadays, they can't kill the Nightmare, they can only gather the Seven Great Immortal Artifacts and seal the Nightmare again.

However, the Nightmare thought of this in advance, so she crushed the reincarnation stone, one of the seven immortal weapons, and fused it with her own flesh and blood, trying to solve the only problem with her. Threatening Lord of the Rings.

However, the Fairy Mirror told them that things would turn around, and they still had a chance.

That is, when Xinye came to the world of Qiankun, he sensed the existence of half a fairy between heaven and earth.

In other words, the nightmare has not completely swallowed the reincarnation stone, and there is still half of the reincarnation stone's breath, and the only hope now is to find a way to use this half of the reincarnation stone. Awaken, combine inside and outside, and seal the nightmare.

However, the Nightmare has a stronger sense of existence than the Reincarnation Stone. To communicate with the Reincarnation Stone, you must first weaken the Nightmare's strength.

So, their second plan is to act together and work together to deal with the nightmare.

Jing Aoxue and others spent a long time training in the Cyanwood Cauldron. Now that they have recovered most of them, they looked at each other and left the Cyanwood Cauldron space together.

In the ancient secret realm, the battle between high-level monks, high-level monsters, and demons is in full swing. In less than a day, there are already several The senior monk unexpectedly fell.

They were red-eyed, and countless moves fell on the nightmare, but they couldn't hurt the nightmare.

Advantages, it is also very likely that they are not opponents of Demon Nightmare.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Jing Aoxue hurried forward to use the fairy mirror to block the attack of the nightmare, and saved a high-level monster.

The high-level monster recognized her, and her eyes lit up immediately. Immediately afterwards, Shen Luman and others also attacked the nightmare.

She narrowed her eyes dangerously, and when she saw Jing Aoxue and others, a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth. Jing Aoxue had known her for a long time. Seeing her expression like this, she knew that the situation was not good. She hurriedly said, "Go back!"

She can't play any role, and the magic breath is deadly to high-level monks and high-level monsters, and there is nowhere to hide the pervasive magic breath.

Jing Aoxue wanted everyone to hide in the Aoki Ding, but the demonic aura quickly spread to her, so she lost the connection with the Aoki Ding again, and it was only with the aura barrier to resist Magic breath, but the barrier was corroded by magic breath and made a sizzling sound.

And the high-level monster that was injured just now was directly attacked by the magic breath, and screamed in pain at this moment.

The situation is not good if it continues like this, Shen Luman hurriedly said to Jing Aoxue: "Transmit the sound, let the great powers of the formation form a heavenly gangster formation as soon as possible, and let the phoenix be located in the center of the formation. Position, so it can amplify the ability of the phoenix flame, and maybe it will also have a restraining effect on the magic breath."

Jing Aoxue responded. Although she didn't know what the Heavenly Gang Earth Demon Formation was, she immediately transmitted her voice to everyone present.

When the powerful formations heard the words, their eyes suddenly lit up. The effect of the Heavenly Gang Earth Demonic Formation was to restrain the evil spirits and at the same time enhance the Heavenly Gang Yang Qi, which is exactly what they need now .

With the help of the formation, the flames burned half of the sky red, as if the sun was coming in person, making the nightmare feel the pain of being burned by the phoenix flames again, and had to avoid the formation.

Jing Aoxue and others took this opportunity to take other high-level monks and high-level monsters to hide behind the Heavenly Gang and Earthly Demon Formation.

The magic breath was forced to flee by the mobile heaven and earth formation formed by the power of the formation. Since being summoned to the ancient secret realm, the nightmare is the first time that it is so embarrassed.

She thought: I can't continue like this, this formation must be eliminated first, and several countermeasures flashed in her mind. Finally, after seeing Jing Aoxue in the formation When the figure flashed by, her eyes suddenly lit up.

The demonic smoke floating in the air turned into a huge demon again. She looked at everyone in the formation with cold eyes, and ten thin lines suddenly appeared on her forehead. It spreads all around the forehead, with the same distance between each one, and spreads all the way to the top of the head.

Amid the surprised and puzzled gazes of everyone, blood-red eyes emerged from the skin surface of the forehead, and golden-red pupils twitched in the eye sockets, looking extremely Unknown and very strange.

The nine blood-red eyes covering their foreheads seemed to be looking at each other as if they were looking at each other, making the monks hairy, and a coldness rose from the soles of their feet and spread to the whole body.

Jing Aoxue had a bad intuition, so when she saw that eye gurgling, she immediately lowered her head to avoid looking at her, and shouted to the monk beside her, "Don't Look her in the eyes."

But it was too late, everyone was looking at her for a moment, bewitched by her ability, and fell into the worst nightmare in their hearts.

lost its effect.

The Nightmare laughed proudly to the sky. Fortunately, there were still many monks and monsters who did not fall into her trap.

Jian Yulie shouted to Jing Aoxue: "I will deal with her, you will transfer these unconscious monks into the green wood cauldron."

After she finished speaking, she held a red sword and brought a group of monks to fight with the nightmare again.

Jing Aoxue transferred the monks and high-level monsters who had fallen into a nightmare and lost their ability to fight, to the Aoki Ding space.

After doing this, she stepped forward with the fairy mirror in hand and cooperated with Jian Yulie to help her resist all the attacks from the nightmare.

After Jing Aoxue thwarted the Nightmare's attack again, the Nightmare narrowed her eyes and stared at her dangerously. To be honest, among the many monks and beasts present, the Nightmare hated Jing Aoxue the most. .

It can be said that she hated Jing Aoxue to the core, and wished to get rid of her quickly.

However, she had to admit the fact that Jing Aoxue was indeed blessed by nature and the darling of the heavens. Every time, I can miraculously save myself from danger and make myself suffer a big loss.

The Nightmare thought unwillingly: Since she can't kill her, she will use other means to restrain her.

As long as Jing Aoxue can't fight with her, then she can relax a lot. You must know that although Jing Aoxue is not strong in combat, she is the best support for the cultivator.

Her Aoki Cauldron can allow monks to enter it to heal their wounds and restore their strength; her fairy mirror can block all her attacks and save lives at a critical juncture.

She couldn't last a quarter of an hour under her hands.

Thinking this way, the Nightmare put away the black and red sharp blade and quickly swung the whip to deal with Jian Yulie.

Jing Aoxue wanted to step forward to support her, but the long whip waving in the sky, like a sharp sickle, stopped her from moving.

Fatigue and pain slowed her down. Seeing that the sickle was about to cut off her head, Shen Luman and Jiuzhong Skythirsty Demon Vine appeared. The scarred Jian Yu fell to the ground, while Shen Luman used layers of barriers to block the demon's attack.

The Nightmare sneered, this is what she was waiting for, you must know that Jing Aoxue's biggest weakness is her wife and daughter, as long as she attacked Shen Luman and Liu Er, Jing Aoxue's originally not smart brain , it will be completely useless, relying on body instinct to act.

Therefore, the right hand of the nightmare turned into a sharp blade again, and easily pierced the vine in front of Shen Luman. Seeing that it was about to pierce into Shen Luman's abdomen, Jing Aoxue immediately ignored it. One, pounced on Shen Luman, the Immortal Spirit Mirror narrowly blocked the attack, making Jing Aoxue heave a sigh of relief.

She protected Shen Luman back, turned her head to look at the nightmare, her eyes were full of strong hatred.

And this is what the nightmare is waiting for. Her blood-red eyes have turned into pure black, bottomless, dark and dangerous like a dark tunnel, and she stares at Jing Aoxue.

After Jing Aoxue stared at her for a moment, the scene in front of her suddenly turned into darkness.

She was in a bad mood, but it was too late, a strange and charming voice sounded in her ears, and her head was buzzing, she couldn't control her body, like the same The beach fell towards the ground like mud, but fortunately Shen Luman noticed it and hugged her in time.

She was lying unconsciously in Shen Luman's arms, her eyes were open, but her eyes were dull, Shen Luman anxiously called her name, she didn't respond, and she lost her mind completely. combat power.

Shen Luman's anxious eyes filled with bloodshot eyes and asked, "What did you do to her?"

The nightmare trick has succeeded, and now is the time to be proud, so I don't mind telling the truth, "It's just activating the inner demon that was buried in the depths of her consciousness in the early years. "

Inner Seeds? !

Shen Luman's pupils shrank violently, and she broke out in a cold sweat on the spot.

That was the most despicable method used by the demons in ancient times, before the war between the immortals and demons began.

The monks, Protoss and Demons didn't fall out at that time, so when they got along, the monks and Protoss didn't watch out for the Demons, and the Demons secretly planted the Demons Within the consciousness of the monks and even the Protoss.

This inner demon species is not noticed by people, but it will encourage the cultivation of monks and protoss at the beginning, helping them to survive the inner demon calamity more smoothly when they advance.

So within a short period of time, many high-level monks and powerful gods appeared in the fairy world. The kind will change from the gentle manner before, and when the monks experience the calamity of the heart, they will show their hideous true faces and completely swallow the monks' consciousness.

The monks can't get rid of the demons, even the gods, they become the living dead. After the consciousness is completely swallowed, the demons will return to the body of the demons that planted them. The cultivation base of the devoured monks and the gods was used for their own use, and the monks who lost their spiritual consciousness also fell.

During those hundreds of years, the monks advanced rapidly and fell more quickly. Such an unusual thing naturally attracted the attention of the immortal world boss.

So they started to investigate, and finally found the demons in the cultivator's remaining spiritual consciousness. They realized that the demons were stalking them, so the fairyland broke out in the fairyland. The battle lasted for dozens of times Ten thousand years, and finally ended tragically with the fall of gods and demons and the collapse of the fairy world.

Even the thirteenth Demon Race, when the Nightmare came into the world, never recorded that she used the Heart Demon, so Shen Luman was unprepared for it.

I didn't expect that the Nightmare would once again use the despicable methods of the ancient Demon Race, and Jing Aoxue followed her path.

Then, the most crucial question is, when did she plant the demon seed?

If it was the first time the Qiankun Realm fought, then the situation was not bad, the heart demon didn't stay in Jing Aoxue's consciousness for a long time, and Jing Aoxue's consciousness could also forcibly strip it away .


The Nightmare saw through Shen Luman's thoughts, gave her a fatal blow, and said: "Shen Luman, let me tell you the truth, when did we first meet, the demon of the heart is the When was it planted?"

Speaking, she pinched her chin and pretended to recall, and said, "That should be the time in the mortal world, when Jing Aoxue went to build a foundation outside the cave of True Monarch Aoki, I sensed the aura of a strange monk, and I can imagine how happy I was at that time, so I planted a demon seed for her as a gift when she was going through the calamity."

"In this way, Jing Aoxue has to thank me, if I hadn't planted a demon seed in her consciousness, with Jing Aoxue's aptitude, it would not have been possible to advance so smoothly In the period of transcending the tribulation, and now I activate the demon seed, it is time for Jing Aoxue to repay me."

She narrowed her eyes, looked at Jing Aoxue, who was lying unconscious in Shen Luman's arms, and said viciously: "Just fall into the inner demon, until the consciousness is completely swallowed by the inner demon. Well, as an old friend for many years, I will send your beloved to **** to be buried with you!"

Shen Luman bit her lips out of anger, Liuer, Fenghuang and the others also heard what the nightmare said, and looked at Jing Aoxue, whose pupils were dull, with despair.

Shen Luman stood up, wrapped Jing Aoxue with vines, and sent it to Xiaoshu. Xiaoshu has been struggling to maintain the Open Heaven Seal in the rear these days, and now she has exhausted.

, it may be useful, the nightmare is here... Leave it to us for the time being!"

The Seal of the Sky fell to the ground and was sent to the depths of the ground by the vines. The nightmare saw this scene and subconsciously wanted to stop her, but Liuer, Phoenix and others blocked her way.

She sneered and said: "It's just a waste of effort, I don't believe that even the ancient gods are helpless, and the mediocre Jing Aoxue can swallow them."

Speaking, she fought with a group of monks and monsters.

It can survive, just like countless times before, and create new miracles again."

After all, she took out the medicinal pill from the storage bag around her waist and took it. After recovering her spiritual energy a little, she closed her eyes and began to recite the Sanskrit sound that can make the spiritual platform clean. In this way, Jing Aoxue's consciousness was awakened, and she helped her to defeat the terrifying inner demon.

Jing Aoxue, who was in a coma, opened her eyes and looked at the familiar and unfamiliar scene in front of her, and whispered, "Why did you return to the end times?"

Yes, she is wearing modern clothes now, walking on the road of apocalypse with the appearance of Jing Xiaoqi.

The meridians and dantian are empty, and I can't feel the slightest aura, and I can't connect with the green wood cauldron and the fairy mirror, and even the wood-type powers have disappeared.

She thought about what she was doing before, she still clearly remembered herself and a group of monks, dealing with the nightmare in the ancient secret realm, the most unforgettable picture in her memory is that she saw The right hand of the demon turned into a black-red sharp blade, pierced through the vines in front of Shen Luman, and was about to stab her in the abdomen.

Jing Aoxue's heart skipped a beat, remembering that she was at a critical juncture, leaning on the fairy mirror to block the opponent's attack.

Then, she turned her head and saw a pair of dark eyes, and she didn't remember anything after that...

Jing Aoxue pursed her lips uneasily and said in her heart: Then why is she here? It's not like he suddenly traveled back to the end of the world. Is it another heartbreaker? Her strength has soared so much that she has advanced in the ancient secret realm?

The reason why she said this is because every time she retreated and advanced, the scene of the end of the world would appear in her inner demon.

She clearly believes that after living with Shen Luman for so many years, the memories of the end times can no longer affect her. If she really wants to talk about demons, it is more likely that nightmares are.

This reminded her that the pitch-black eyes she saw before she lost consciousness belonged to the nightmare, so it is very likely that it was not the advanced inner demon, but the demon. of intrigue.

Like before, the nine blood-red eyes that suddenly appeared on the forehead of the nightmare made the monks who looked at her fall into the nightmare of the devil.

I was guessing to herself that a huge demon appeared in front of her. The terrifying demon body of the other party was very commensurate with the desolate apocalypse in front of her. The corner of her mouth raised a familiar touch. With a disgusting sneer, he said, "Jing Aoxue, at this time, you are very clever."

Jing Aoxue took a few steps back vigilantly, and said, "So you admit that this is the mind magic realm you created?"

The Nightmare was noncommittal, but took a step forward and easily caught Jing Aoxue, who wanted to escape. , and even the wood-type ability disappeared, in front of the nightmare, as weak and powerless as a real ant.

Jing Aoxue struggled hard, but couldn't break free from the opponent's palm, the Nightmare was in a good mood and said, "I prefer your appearance."

Jing Aoxue could not wait to spit at her and said, "Bah! You are not a real nightmare, you are just a fantasy, you can't kill me!"

The Nightmare narrowed her eyes dangerously and said, "Then let's try it out."

Speaking, she clenched her fists hard, but Jing Aoxue only felt severe pain all over her body, and her bones were shattered, but she was still alive, suffering from this torture soberly.

The Nightmare was very satisfied with the damage he had caused, he let go of his hand and threw Jing Aoxue to the ground, which was several floors high. , vomited blood with a wow sound, and there were fragments of his own internal organs in the blood.

The Nightmare was in high spirits, raised her foot and stepped on her hard, the ground shattered, and a half-meter-deep footprint was stepped on. Jing Aoxue was at the bottom of the pit, and her whole body was rotten.

But even so, she was still alive, reduced to a toy of a nightmare, and was abused by her wanton.

She burst out laughing and said with difficulty: "As expected, you can't kill me!"

She continued to use various means to brutally torture Jing Aoxue. Jing Aoxue was always awake. It could be said that she was sober.

She doesn't know how long it has passed, and she feels that the pain in her body is numb, and the nightmare seems to be tired of this kind of trick. into the abdomen.

Jing Aoxue only felt darkness in front of her eyes, and finally lost consciousness. When she woke up again, she found herself standing on a deserted street in the city.

She nervously checked her body, but found that all the damage caused by the nightmare on her body had disappeared, she murmured: "As expected, these are not true, it is the torture of the nightmare My own means, find a way to get out of here and return to the real world."

She walked quickly, the speed became faster and faster, and then turned into running, she ran fast on the desolate street.

The sound of rapid footsteps resounded on the empty street, attracting creatures that Jing Aoxue had never expected, zombies.

And not one, but a group of zombies, ran out of the building and ran towards her.

Jing Aoxue was taken aback, and the dense zombies ran from all directions, blocking all the way, she had no way to go to the sky, no way to go to the ground, but she couldn't even use the wood-type ability , is just the most ordinary mortal. Even if she picked up a weapon on the ground to attack the zombies, she was alone and weak, and her body gradually felt tired.

In the became a ration for hundreds of zombies.

She fell into a coma from the pain. After a long time, she woke up and found herself sitting in a car.

She hugged herself with trembling all over her body, and the way to die by being torn to pieces by zombies was no better than being tortured and devoured by a nightmare.

She can still feel the pain deep into her bones, curling herself into a ball in the cramped seat, and she doesn't know what to do.

Even if she knew that this was a fantasy created by a nightmare, she had no way to escape from this nightmare.

Her eyes were red and hot, thinking of Shen Luman and others in the real world, they made her courageous again, she took a few deep breaths, and finally regained her composure.

She looked around, the car was parked on a country road, there were no people or zombies around, because of the previous experience, she was a lot more vigilant.

After thinking for a long time, she chose to drive forward, twisted the car key carefully, the car started, she couldn't help smiling, but the next moment, she felt the car was violently hit from behind .

She looked in the rearview mirror and saw the convoy behind, cars of different brands spread out, until the corner of the country road, there were about a dozen cars, some people Leaning out of the car window, he whistled and cheered, "Boss, it's a woman!"

Another rude male voice said: "What are you waiting for? Arrest her!"

Jing Aoxue's heart skipped a beat. She had experienced the end of the world, so she naturally knew what it meant.

Jing Aoxue would rather die in the mouth of the zombies than be caught by them, she stomped on the accelerator hard, looking for a way of life.

But the convoy behind followed closely, which made Jing Aoxue give up her escape plan. She drove from the country road to the winding road in the mountains, and the car drove more and more along these circling roads. Gao, Jing Aoxue calculated the height in his heart, and at the next turn, he gave up steering, stepped on the accelerator hard, rushed out of the curve, and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

She unbuckled her seat belt, welcoming her own death so peacefully for the first time.

The pain left her unconscious until she woke up again…

Because she understands that all these painful ways of dying are illusions created by the nightmare, and she wants to use this method to make herself fall into despair, and then she will never be able to wake up again, unable to stop her actions.

Then she won't do it, she will carry it to the end and will never let the other party's tricks succeed.

After dying hundreds of times, Jing Aoxue vaguely felt something.

That external force is the source of her constant death and resurrection, which should be the hands and feet of the nightmare.

And every time I die, it is a consumption of that external force. Jing Aoxue believed that if she continued to die, she would definitely be able to defeat this external force. After all, this was her own consciousness space.

She wanted to return to the real world as soon as possible, so she accelerated the speed of death and was completely numb to the pain.

I don't know how long it has passed, she can't count how many tens of thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or more...

Slap is like a demon, but what is surprising is that this little demon has the same face as hers.

After the little black man was caught, she struggled hard in her hands, just like she was struggling in the hands of a nightmare at first.

Jing Aoxue thought of this, with a look of disgust on her face, she murmured: "If I kill you, I can go back to the real world?"

The little man understood her words, struggled fiercely, and even opened his mouth to cry, making Jing Aoxue very uncomfortable, after all, this black little man looked exactly like her.

When she made up her mind to make a dead hand, a hand fell on the back of her hand, preventing her from moving.

A pleasant voice rang in her ear, saying, "Don't kill it, it's still useful."

Jing Aoxue looked up and saw a woman about the same height as her. The woman was wearing the most common dress in the Xiuxian world. She looked about twenty-five or sixteen years old, very young and beautiful. , and it looks familiar.

But Jing Aoxue can be sure that he has never seen her before, but the moment he looked at her, he let go of his vigilance.

This is very unusual, not to mention that she suddenly appeared in her own consciousness and prevented herself from killing the trap set by the demon.

The man said: "This is not a good place to talk, let's go to the gazebo and sit down and talk, it won't delay you too long."

Jing Aoxue thought: In a place like this, where is the pavilion.

It was also stained with crystal dewdrops, as if it had just rained.

And after the other party walked dozens of steps, he raised his feet and walked up the steps, three or five steps up, it is an exquisite pavilion, in the center of the pavilion is a stone table, stone bench, table There are also steaming teapots and teacups, which look warm and quiet.

The man sat leisurely on the stone bench, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, turned his head and smiled at her: "Want a cup of hot tea?"

Jing Aoxue: "…"

She was in a very complicated mood at the moment and wanted to leave, but her intuition told her that if she left now, she would definitely regret it in the future.

So after hesitating for a while, she grabbed the black man and walked to the pavilion, sat down opposite the man, nodded, and said reservedly, "Please."

The man poured a cup of tea with a smile, pushed it in front of Jing Aoxue, and said, "You don't have to be so wary of me, I'm just a little sad."

This means that the woman in front of her is dead.

Jing Aoxue heard the words and felt sad for no reason. She lowered her head, covered the corners of her red eyes, and whispered, "I'm sorry."

The man was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said, "You are indeed a very gentle person, gentle and powerful."

Jing Aoxue was very embarrassed and said, "No."

It came true."

Jing Aoxue looked up at her, and the other party looked at her gently. After a long time, although Jing Aoxue still couldn't remember where she had seen her, she finally understood why she felt familiar. .

Because the woman in front of her looks very similar to her, or more precisely, to Liu Er.

She thought for a while and asked, "Are you, the descendant of the Jing family, my sister?"

The man raised his eyebrows in surprise, raised his hand to caress his face, then shook his head and said, "Although I am indeed a descendant of the Jing family, I follow the Jing family on Hongze Continent. It doesn't matter."

She paused and said, "There is still time now, why don't you listen to me tell you a story."

Jing Aoxue thought of Shen Luman and the others who were fighting the demon in the ancient secret realm, and glanced at the stranger who was very familiar on the opposite side.

The man looked out of the pavilion, and it was raining outside, she said: "This is a long, long time ago, of course, maybe not that long. I was born in In a world where spiritual energy is thin, there is no monk except my mother, who is a very gentle person.

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