Tsunade subconsciously prepared for the battle, and then completely saw the person coming, and relaxed again.

The nine people on the opposite side are all wearing uniform uniforms and masks. The forehead protector above their heads is the Konoha logo... It's Konoha Anbu Ninja! If it is said that clothing and equipment can be faked, then the eyes certainly can't deceive people...The leading ninja is Byakugan!

"Tsunade-sama, it's really you!" The leader ninja said a little excitedly. He didn't expect to be so lucky that he found Tsunade after entering the Uzumaki Kingdom for more than a day.

"You are..." Tsunade still looked a little suspicious.

"It's me!" The headed ninja took off the mask directly and revealed his face. This person looks like a forty-five or six-year-old. A Hyuga ninja of this age is naturally not an unknown person in Konoha.

Hyuga Pernam!

When Lu Han joined Anbu at the age of twelve, this guy was already Anbu’s squad leader, and he still is today, but the ranking is different. Currently, Hyuga Pernam, code-named Baili, is already Konoha Anbu’s first. Captain! Already have the qualifications to be Captain Anbu.

"It's you." Tsunade was completely relieved.

"Uncle Pernam." Hyuga Luo Ning cried when she saw Hyuga Pernam.

Family! When Hyuga Luo Ning joined Anbu, it was recommended by Hyuga Pernam. The relationship between the two is relatively close to the Hyuga clan.

"Luo Ning." Pernam Hyuga smiled and greeted Hyuga Luo Ning, comforting: "It's okay. This time, Naruto-sama sent Anbu, Hyuga scouts, scouts, and Jiraiya and Orochimaru to the country of the vortex. Up."

Hyuga Luo Ning cried and laughed, like weeping with joy.

"Huh?" Tsunade felt wrong and frowned slightly: "How do you know that we are in danger?"

"It's a message from Lord Orochimaru." Hyuga Pernamdo.

"How did Orochimaru know?"

"This, I don't know."

It’s totally unexplainable. Orochimaru is in Konoha Village, far away from the Uzumaki Kingdom. Could he wonder if the prophet will succeed? If Hyuga Pernam is the information obtained by Konoha Anbu's investigation, it is good to understand, but Orochimaru...

"Sister, you can't be wrong, they are not fake, trust me." Hyuga Luo Ning, who was crawling on Tsunade's back, said, then looked up at Hyuga Pernam Road, "Uncle, what did I do wrong when I was six," I was punished by the patriarch, the most serious one."

"Hmm..." Hyuga Pernan recalled what happened more than 20 years ago. If it is not particularly impressive, I can't think of it. "Yes... Oh, I remember, you and the patriarch were the young master Hiashi at the time. After you quarreled, you were reprimanded. It was not your fault. You were so angry that you set the house on fire."

"That's right, it's not that someone pretended to be." Hyuga Luo Ning immediately said to Tsunade.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

People are right, but Tsunade's face hasn't become better.

"Master Tsunade, I will escort you to Liudu..."

"no need!"

Tsunade didn't wait for Hyuga Pernam to finish speaking, but he resolutely refused, and said: "You go! This matter has nothing to do with you, the farther you go, the better!"

"This..." Hyuga Pernam looked at Tsunade incomprehensibly.

"There are too few of you. Follow me, you will die, and you won't be able to save us." Tsunade explained, shook his head, "It's useless, I don't want to drag you down."

"The enemy is strong?" Hyuga Pernam suddenly changed color, Anbu split up, and Hyuga Pernam is the strongest team, six Jōnin, two elite Jōnin, plus super elite Pernam, is it dangerous? ! !

"Very strong, and a lot of dead men." Tsunade continued, "They are just behind, they will catch up in five minutes."

Hyuga Pernam's face is a bit ugly, who is the enemy?

Tsunade can't help it. If it is Jiraiya or Orochimaru, she will not run. Any one of them can kill the opponent, but Hyuga Pernam... is too weak!

Tsunade didn't want to kill them!

And their deaths will become very meaningless, it is useless to temporarily block the enemy, Hyuga Luo Ning is locked and tracked.

Hyuga Luo Ning also reacted, and after figuring it out, he lowered his head and said nothing.

"Don't follow me." Tsunade said, and then he drank, dived into the forest and left quickly.

Hyuga Pernam didn’t think much at all. He glanced at Tsunade and gritted his teeth and waved: “Catch up!” Nine Anbu ninjas quickly crossed the river and chased Tsunade. Tsunade refused to follow, but Hyuga Pernam was leading the mission. Come to rescue Tsunade... Tsunade has no right to order him!

Although it is dangerous, Anbu Ninja will never give up missions because of danger!

After half an hour.

Tsunade encountered an ambush in the forest. It was another wave of people with more than 60 ninjas. Tsunade had discovered that there was more than one enemy that could be tracked through the smell of Hyuga Luo Ning, but in almost every wave of enemies. Someone can track it through scent.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, Tsunade led Hyuga Luo Ning to break through with all his strength.

Hyuga Pernam, who had been following, waited for the Anbu Nine to rush to the scene, join the battle, and help Tsunade clear the siege.

After a few more minutes, more than a hundred mysterious ninjas who have been chasing Tsunade since the small village also rushed to the scene to join the battle!


At this time, not only Tsunade is breaking through, but Hyuga Pernam and other Anbu ninjas are also breaking through, because the enemy seems to not want to leak the news and intends to kill everyone, but Tsunade and Hyuga Pernam are really not opponents at all!


More than a hundred kilometers away, bush forest.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru rush forward. They are still tracking Tsunade, but the tracking method is not relying on the traces left by Tsunade, but on the traces left by the hundreds of enemies who chased and killed Tsunade. Tsunade is on the run. She is so experienced. It’s easy for the ninjas to leave no traces, but since more than a hundred ninjas are hunting down, wherever they are going to take care of the traces.

A group of ninjas acted together, and the traces were very clear.


A figure flickered beside Orochimaru, and then another small figure appeared out of thin air! The former is Lu Han, and the latter is naturally Xiao Ali.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru glanced at the same time, and Jiraiya also glanced at Lu Han with a divine gaze.

"Uncle Orochimaru, Uncle Jiraiya." Xiao Ali greeted them politely. He knew the two.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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