The black-robed man suddenly appeared. Although the Cloud Shinobi ninja didn't know his true identity, it was clear that he was a guest of Cloud Shinobi Village and a terrifying powerhouse.

Orochimaru turned his head and glanced at Lu Han, without speaking.

Obviously it is not going well!

But the specific situation cannot be said in public here.

"Go outside!" Lu Han tilted his head at Orochimaru, then looked at Uchiha Mikoto who was holding the little black cat to the side. The probing hand grabbed Uchiha Mikoto's shoulder, his body shook and disappeared with Mikoto, and Orochimaru followed closely. disappear.

Outside Cloud Shinobi Village, there is a rocky mountain, and a small open space formed by a few huge rocks irregularly surrounding it.

"Cold." Mikoto hugged Lu Han's waist and whispered Lu Han's name in a low voice.

Lu Han stroked her back, whispered a few words of comfort to her, then let her go, then looked at Orochimaru and said, "Say it!"

"Before I took her out of Konoha Village, the root ninja had already started to monitor her." Orochimaru began to tell, "I observed for a long time before finding a chance to take her away, but the root leader Musashi found out...after...and... ...Finally... Hatake Tai Shuo stopped me."

"Did you beat him back?" Lu Han frowned. Orochimaru had told him a lot about Hatake Tai Shuo before. He was heartbroken. It was not because of Hatake Tai Shuo's "betrayal". After all, Lu Han was asleep for ten. For Hatake Tai Shuo in 2009, Lu Han is a dead person. It is a past tense. Hatake Tai Shuo is loyal to Isshin to maintain Kokage's Hokage. There is nothing wrong with it!

The reason for Lu Han's real heartache is because Hatake Tai Shuo has already taken a wrong path.

He is now in Konoha's position, much like the original Danzo, Sarutobi Hiruzen is still decent and great, and the shameful things that Sarutobi Hiruzen has done over the years are mostly done by Hatake Tai Shuo.

This is why he is called the "most cruel" Captain Anbu.

Orochimaru observed Lu Han's expression, his face was a little strange, and he paused before saying: "We didn't really fight, I convinced him, and he didn't chase us again in the end."

"Persuaded?" Lu Han looked surprised.

Say it by your mouth? Can you convince Captain Anbu to perform the task? !

Lu Han looked at Orochimaru up and down, and it seemed...this guy didn't seem to have mastered the ultimate secret mouth.

"I mentioned you."(Read more @

"Oh? What then?"

"I urged him to tell the reason for his allegiance to Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"what reason?"

"Get revenge for you!"

"Avenge me?!!!"


Lu Han stared at Orochimaru with wide eyes, his eyes flashed and flashed, he was thinking about Hatake Tai Shuo's loyalty to Sarutobi Hiruzen, what is the logical relationship with revenge for himself? ! !

"Sarutobi Hiruzen told him that his cooperation with Uchiha Madara is a temporary stopgap measure. Uchiha Madara is a scourge. As long as there is a suitable opportunity, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely attack Uchiha Madara, provided that he can see Uchiha Madara. I, Sarutobi Hiruzen promised Hatake Tai Shuo that he would give Hatake Tai Shuo the opportunity to kill Uchiha Madara himself! Hatake Tai Shuo believed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's promise, so he followed Sarutobi Hiruzen faithfully, and he was waiting for that opportunity!"

Lu Han's face changed as he listened.

Hatake Tai Shuo, the personal disciple who has followed Lu Han for the longest time, did not disappoint him after all! Unlike Xiao Ai and Uzumaki Kushina, the former possesses unparalleled horror talent. Even if Lu Han does not teach him, he will find his way sooner or later.

As for Uzumaki Kushina, Lu Han hadn't taught her anything at all, just some ordinary instructions and correct guidance to encourage her.

Only Hatake Tai Shuo got the true biography of Lu Han in the true sense!

Lu Han has the grace to recreate him!

It is hoped that there is no character like him in the original work. This shows that he should not have reached the shadow level in the original work, and he was probably killed in the second Ninja World War! And in this world, it is precisely because Lu Han came and Lu Han taught him that he broke the bottleneck. After breaking through the limit, his strength increased by leaps and bounds. After his strength reached the film level, the possibility of death in battle would be greatly reduced.

"As for your resurrection, Sarutobi Hiruzen must have kept it from him. He has no idea about your affairs. Sarutobi Hiruzen will probably use him to deal with you!" Orochimaru said coldly.

"Suck!" Lu Han's face changed drastically.

If all this is true!

So, Hatake Tai Shuo and Orochimaru met, Sarutobi Hiruzen will definitely be suspicious, does Hatake Tai Shuo already know the truth? If Sarutobi Hiruzen had this thought, then Hatake Tai Shuo would be in danger.

"He doesn't believe me." Orochimaru said again, "It can only be said that he is half-believing, so he returned to Konoha, he should investigate... I'm afraid he will directly question Sarutobi Hiruzen, if that's the case... he just It's over!"

Hatake Tai Shuo is very strong!

The kind of strong pervert! Konoha's comprehensive strength ranks first.

However, there is no need for others. If Sarutobi Hiruzen does it himself, Hatake Tai Shuo will definitely not be able to hold it. Of course, Hatake Tai Shuo can’t be so reckless and directly question Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Sarutobi Hiruzen can’t directly deal with him. Do it, there is no reason at all! Sarutobi Hiruzen always has concerns about doing things, he will consider the influence, he simply can't come up with a valid reason to move Hatake Tai Shuo.

Lu Han was silent, his face vacillating and thinking for a long time.

In fact, for Lu Han, the best solution now is to make his identity public! Go directly to Konoha!

Orochimaru, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Uzumaki Kushina, Hyuga Luo Ning and others have proved that Lu Han can convince the world that he is resurrected without too much explanation, and not who is disguised.

But this has a very embarrassing problem!

That is, no matter how prestigious and famous Lu Han is, he is not Hokage!

Naruto is Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally did not dare to touch the cold light who had already disclosed his identity, but he could give orders! Now the third Ninja War is still fighting! Sarutobi Hiruzen has the right to order Lu Han to perform tasks, and he can even design Lu Han to die.

Of course, Lu Han could not obey orders, but in that case, his reputation would plummet and his public identity would lose its meaning.

Lu Han thought for a long time, then raised his head and asked, "Where is Jiraiya?"

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