Lu Han did not see the golden light and the drops that should be obtained when killing the enemy target. This shows that Sarutobi Hiruzen was not killed immediately. Although at that critical moment, he lost the ability to protect himself, but the monkey demon He rushed out to block the Jinghong Peerless attack for him!

Jinghong Peerless did not hit Sarutobi Hiruzen. However, the group attack after the thunderball broke out will definitely hit him!

Even if he was not killed directly, he would be seriously injured and dying!

The lightning burst only lasted for a second, and then the light began to weaken, and disappeared after a breath. Sarutobi Hiruzen was in a scorched earth. He was already lying on the ground, motionless, his hands and feet were burnt black, but he was not dead yet. ...Because the Saruto was lying on him, protecting his torso...

The clothes on the monkey demon's body have been turned to ashes, and the hair on his body is burnt, and it seems to have become a black ape. He is injured, but he does not seem to worry about his life. This guy is indeed too hard to kill, Jinghong·peerless The power of does not kill it in seconds.

Everything happened too fast!

At this moment, only a small part of the Konoha Shinobi standing in the distance reacted and hurriedly approached to rescue, and Namikaze Minato had just opened his eyes for less than two seconds. He still could not move, he was not good at Sage Mode. If you move directly, the physical energy, mental energy, and natural energy will be out of balance, and the consequences of backlash will be very serious.

Lu Han moved!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Sarutobi Hiruzen. The Ape Demon went crazy and tried to stop Lu Han. Lu Han couldn't lose the power of Chakra's blessing body art, thousands of sword per second, the limit broke out, and only three attacks would go crazy. The monkey demon flew out.

Namikaze Minato moved!

The golden lightning flashes!

"No... to..." In fact, Namikaze Minato's speech speed is extremely fast, but he is faster, and before he finishes speaking, he rushes directly to Lu Han. Lu Han almost cut Sarutobi Hiruzen. Broken, but was forced back by the explosive Big Ball Rasengan.

Namikaze Minato is crazy too!

Because Lu Han had already shown the determination to kill Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato worked desperately for this. After stopping Lu Han's attack, he directly used innumerable golden light and carried various attacks to bomb Lu Han back and forth. At the same time, a ghostly figure approached the seriously injured Sarutobi Hiruzen, grabbing Sarutobi Hiruzen and fleeing quickly.

It's Musashi!

The leader of Konoha Anbu root organization!

"Wind Style·Flower Rain Cutting Technique!"

The lotus is in full bloom! Countless wind blades are flying around!

Sarutobi Hiruzen was also in the attack range, but he was taken away by Musashi.

Namikaze Minato reacted extremely quickly. At the same time that the horrible aura appeared, he threw Flying Thunder God Kumo into the distance. He turned into golden lightning and avoided the attack, but he could no longer delay Lu Han's footsteps.

Lu Han directly terminated the Flower Rain Cutting Technique and threw Flying Thunder God Kunai with his ultimate strength.

Huh!(Read more @

Flying Thunder God Kunai Setsuna catches up with Musashi and Sarutobi Hiruzen, Lu Han appears, and the waterfall Sword Rain!

While Musashi looked shocked, he twisted his body and threw Sarutobi Hiruzen out of Lu Han's attack range. Sarutobi Hiruzen, who was seriously injured and dying, suddenly flew out like a cannonball, but also avoided Lu Han's fatal attack.


The blood is violent!


Musashi screamed.

Although he threw Sarutobi Hiruzen out, he himself had no chance to avoid Lu Han's attack. He was hit by the waterfall sword rain, and his right arm was chopped and exploded into blood...

Lu Han didn't even look at him, and chased Sarutobi Hiruzen again!

The golden lightning can't catch up with Lu Han! Because the Flying Thunder God thrown by Namikaze Minato is as fast as the Flying Thunder God from Lu Han! Even if Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Technique surpasses Lu Han, but the "coordinates" cannot catch up with Lu Han, it is useless.

King Kong wishful stick flashes to catch up with Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Lu Han chased Sarutobi Hiruzen, and was once again blocked by the Sarutobi, but this time, he only blocked Setsuna, because in its transformation state, although its defense power was stronger, its control power became worse, and it was Lu Han flew out with a single blow!

But it was this Setsuna's block that made Namikaze Minato chase Lu Han behind.

"Spiral flashing super round dance roar three styles!"

The strongest attack again!

In fact, Namikaze Minato knows very well that he is not the opponent of the person in front of him at all. He did not want to defeat Lu Han. He went crazy and just wanted to hold Lu Han. It only takes a little time.

At this moment, all Konoha Shinobi in this neighborhood moved! They are all rushing over frantically to save Sarutobi Hiruzen!

But the battlefield area is very large, they were all on the edge of the battlefield before, even if it is a strong shadow rank, it will take a certain amount of time to rush over.

Lu Han is crazy too!

Can't kill Sarutobi Hiruzen after all this?

No way! Absolutely not!

Because of the fact that the Flying Thunder God has nothing to do, it is difficult for Lu Han to knock out Namikaze Minato. Namikaze Minato will instantly come back every time. No matter how strong Lu Han is, the possibility is too low.

A waterfall of sword rain surrounds Lu Han, blocking all the attacks of Namikaze Minato.

At the same time, Lu Han used Chakra in his body to the limit. While using the strange power of the physical technique, he forcibly launched another technique-Lightning Style Chakra Mode!

Lightning shines! Lightning Style armor now!

this moment! The monkey demon rushed back! Grab Sarutobi Hiruzen and run wildly.

this moment! Namikaze Minato is still attacking frantically, and the big move is not over yet.

this moment! Many of Konoha's movie-class powerhouses are about to meet Sarutobi Hiruzen, maybe two or three seconds will be enough!

this moment! Utatane Koharu finally returned from the Tomb of Heroes and appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

this moment! Lu Han ignored Namikaze Minato's attack!

With Lightning Style armor and body activation, it is hard to resist Namikaze Minato's violent attack, and the extreme waterfall sword rain forcibly breaks through! Lu Han broke the surrounding attack of Namikaze Minato in an instant, resisted how many attacks he didn't know, and went out and approached Sarutobi Hiruzen!

One second!

Lu Han caught up with the monkey demon, his feet shook, and the dance of the bones and the early fern started!

Countless huge bone spurs sprang out, and Sarutobi Hiruzen jumped up to avoid him, but he couldn't adjust his body shape in the air, and the old force had just left before the new force, Lu Han flashed to his side...

"Master Hanguang! Don't!!!" Utatane Koharu screamed hysterically when he finally realized what had happened.


The sword light passed Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Splashing blood!

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