Among the crowd gathered on the inside and the outside, Namikaze Minato maintained a crawling posture, turning his ears to Sarutobi Hiruzen's mouth. Sarutobi Hiruzen's life has disappeared, and the busy medical ninjas around have stopped, and they can feel that Sarutobi Hiruzen's life is gone.

The shock sounded. At first, a ninja with the super-elite Jōnin screamed, and then everyone seemed to be... Namikaze Minato couldn’t hear it, because his mind was buzzing and his consciousness was a little confused. Actually, Sarutobi Hiruzen is not too old, in his fifties, he has enough energy, and his strength has not regressed.

But he just died like that.

Namikaze Minato couldn't understand, because he didn't die in the hands of a powerful "enemy", but in the hands of the most famous legendary powerhouse in Konoha's history. What is the grudge between them? Why do you want to do it so terribly? Namikaze Minato didn't know, he was almost unable to think.

The hysterical yelling, the manic yelling, the crying that couldn't tell what he was talking about.

There are too many sounds around, constantly affecting Namikaze Minato's thoughts.

He raised his hand tremblingly, and gently stroked Sarutobi Hiruzen's wide open eyes, causing Sarutobi Hiruzen to close his eyes. He slowly stood up again. There were already senior ninjas who took off his cloak and slowly put them on Sarutobi Hiruzen's body. , To cover up the corpse.

Utatane Koharu was on the sidelines, her body was trembling, uncontrollable, her eyes were full of blood, and tears fell like rain. No one is more complicated than her at the moment, sad and contradictory, even if she is accustomed to death, even if she Wisdom is superb, but at this moment, she can't tell right from wrong, and can't tell the enemy from us.

"What did Naruto-sama say?" Utatane Koharu asked in a whimper, in a very low voice.

Namikaze Minato heard it. Sarutobi Hiruzen’s last words were heard by him alone. Utatane Koharu knew that it was very important information. It might be about the choice of the next generation of Naruto. As a powerful ninja standing on top of the ninja world, Sarutobi Hiruzen has a keen and precise grasp of his own life and death. He knows that he cannot be saved, so he will inevitably give an explanation.

"He said..." Namikaze Minato let out a faint voice, and instead squeezed Flying Thunder God's hand subconsciously, the joints turned white.

"Say what?" Utatane Koharu glanced at him.

Namikaze Minato was still staring at Sarutobi Hiruzen's corpse, his throat moved, and tears had already flowed across his cheeks.

"He said... Fourth Hokage..."

"I understand."

"You do not understand."

Namikaze Minato suddenly turned his head to look at Utatane Koharu, suddenly becoming extremely emotional.

"What?" Utatane Koharu froze for a moment, "Isn't it you?" Sarutobi Hiruzen told Namikaze Minato Fourth Hokage, obviously indicating that Namikaze Minato will succeed Namikaze Minato. This is also the most reasonable arrangement. Before that, the Konoha high-level There is consensus on this.(Read more @

"He said..." Namikaze Minato looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen's body again with a hoarse and trembling voice, "Four Hokage...cold light!"

"Huh?!!!" Utatane Koharu was shocked, and tears filled his eyes again.

Fourth Hokage cold light...

Fourth Hokage cold light!

Fourth Hokage cold light! ! !

At the last moment before his death, Sarutobi Hiruzen chose to let go of all his personal grievances with Hanguang. No one knows his mental journey before dying, what he thought and what he recalled, but this is his decision!

He knew that after his death, Konoha would inevitably be precarious. His cooperation with Uchiha Madara would also end because of his death. The disadvantage of Konoha in the Ninja Wars would be further expanded. Namikaze Minato did not have the ability to turn the tide. He There is only strength, but he has no experience in managing Shinobu Village and controlling the overall situation. No one can guarantee that Namikaze Minato will be able to save Konoha.

Only one person has this ability!

That is the king of the era who has been in charge of Konoha for nearly three years, and if he had not died suddenly, he would have put down the most tragic Second Ninja War, the greatest legendary ninja in Konoha's history-Hanguang!

But he was the culprit who killed Sarutobi Hiruzen!

"I don't agree!" Mitokado Homura, who was standing next to Utatane Koharu, said suddenly, and he heard the conversation between the two.

"I disagree!"

"I disagree!"

"No! I don't agree!"

There were many ninjas around, all of whom were the closest to Sarutobi Hiruzen. They heard the Konoha high-level ninja who heard Utatane Koharu and Namikaze Minato talking. They couldn’t accept it, even if it was Sarutobi Hiruzen’s deathbed...

Except for these people, Konoha and other ninjas didn't hear or knew about it. They couldn't hear it. The surroundings were too noisy. I don't know how many ninjas fell to the ground and wept bitterly.

"It shouldn't be like this..." Namikaze Minato murmured, opening his eyes.


Lu Han is still standing in the original position, holding the sword and staring, Hatake Tai Shuo has ran to him, standing behind him, his eyes are complicated, he is a person with clear grievances, and he will not be moved by Sarutobi Hiruzen's death. What, but the reaction of the people around Konoha Shinobi touched his heart.

"Meow!" Youying cat appeared on Lu Han's shoulder out of thin air, and his big round eyes looked left and right and glanced around. The purple fluff on his body had exploded, and it felt danger.

The noise on Sarutobi Hiruzen's side suddenly became much quieter, and then it quickly turned into silence and silence!

In a rush, a large group of ninjas turned around to look at Lu Han, and more and more eyes fell on Lu Han. They were a pair of complicated eyes, suspicious and complicated, numb and confused, grief and hatred...

call! call! call! call! call! call! call! call! ...

I don’t know who moved first. Countless figures sprang out from the crowd, and then almost all the ninjas moved. Thousands of figures jumped to the right of Lu Han dozens of meters away and to the left of Lu Han. On the side, he rushed to Lu Han and stopped...These Konoha Shinobi were extremely fast, and there was no Genin among them. The weakest was Chūnin, and the proportion of Jōnin was extremely high.

They surrounded Lu Han and formed a big circle, but no one dared to do it first.

Because they are not qualified!

If you want to do it, unless Namikaze Minato is launched or Utatane Koharu orders it, everything will detonate.

Lu Han scanned the surroundings, shook the sword in his hand, and spoke in a low voice.

"Master Koharu, do you want to fight?"

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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