
Beigong Qianyin answered.

The duo went offline.

Return to the rental room.

Mu Chen opened his cabinet and took out a white coat and a half-face mask from it.

The half-face mask can only cover the lower half of his face, and there is also a pair of sunglasses, which he specially got for himself as a hacker.

I didn't expect to use it now.

Sunglasses don't need to be worn, after all, it's not for other hackers.

Draped in a white coat, Mu Chen wore a mask on his face and turned his head to look at Little Lori.

"Qianyin, if you are bored, you can play with the computer, there is a spare mobile phone at home, in the computer desk, you can use it."

"If a stranger knocks on the door, remember to open the door and release the skill to poison him! Brother, I have no friends, say it is my friend's, don't believe it, the neighbor comes, it is also a practice!

Speaking of the last sentence, Mu Chen couldn't help but laugh.

Now Beigong Qianyin's physical fitness has exceeded that of a full-level human being.

If there is any one who does not have long eyes.

It can only be considered his bad luck.


Beigong Qianyin chicken pecked at the rice and nodded the little head melon.

She is not a fool, she is very smart compared to other children of the same age.

So there is no need for Mu Chen to worry at all.

After giving her a touching head to kill, Mu Chen left.


It comes to nine thirty p.m

. The old neighborhood serves as a suburb of the city, so it is not as bustling as the city center.

Generally, at this time of day, you can't see a single pedestrian on the road at all!

But today is different.

I saw two young men walking at the left and right ends of the street.

The young man on the street on the left, about twenty years old, dressed decently, even the watch he wore on his wrist was worth a lot, and he looked like a rich boy.

The young man on the street on the right, who looked to be about twenty-five years old, was wearing a cheap coat, scratching his butt with his right hand and picking his nose with his left hand, as if he regarded everything around him as nothing and did not care about his image.

Xue Qianfeng glanced at the young man on the right side, his brows furrowed.

"Could it be someone like me?"

Today while he was surfing the Internet, he launched a pioneer website.

They said that as soon as they arrived at ten o'clock at night, someone would invite them to be the first mover.

Although I don't know if it's true, Xue Qianfeng is still willing to come over.

In fact, his identity is not ordinary.

It's the son of the Xue family in Xinghuo City, of course, just a former son!

A year ago, when his parents had an accident, his second uncle seized his family's property, and he was swept away, and he could only rely on the savings left by his parents to survive.

He wants to take away his home property, but compared to Old Youzi, Xue Qianfeng is just a child who has just stepped into society.

Under such pressure, he felt confused about his life, so he planned to come and see the situation according to the information on the website.

The other side....

Gu Chuan also glanced at Xue Qianfeng.

After thinking about it, he withdrew his hands, stopped, and shouted at Xue Qianfeng: "Dare to ask Your Excellency, but a Daoist?!" "


Xue Qianfeng was stunned, but also stopped, clasping his hands into fists: "The world is desperate?

Gu Chuan was stunned, and subconsciously answered: "I feel that I agree!"

Xue Qianfeng: "First human?

Gu Chuan: "The former comes first!"

Xue Qianfeng: "Awakening transcendent?

Gu Chuan: "Chrysanthemums are not guaranteed!" "


Xue Qianfeng was stunned, the first two questions corresponded to the first two questions on the website, and the other party's answers were correct.

But why is the third question so strange?

Chrysanthemums are not guaranteed?

He remembers that there doesn't seem to be this option, right?

In the distance, a car drove slowly, and a little girl in the car made an innocent voice.

"Oh! Mommy! Take a look! It's two big fools! "


the car leaves.

Xue Qianfeng

: "..." Gu Chuan: "..."Dog

day! This is worse than killing Lao Tzu! Fooled by a child?


So embarrassing!

The two were silent and walked towards the target location at the same time.

After what happened just now, the relationship between the two of them was somewhat delicate.

After twenty minutes, they finally arrived at the target location.

The two involuntarily walked together, looking at the abandoned warehouse in front of them.

The sky is gloomy, and the dim street lights flicker and go out.

The crow stopped above the street lamp and made a "rattling" sound, and there was nothing around it.

The atmosphere is eerie and oppressive.

Xue Qianfeng didn't dare to breathe, but he only felt that his heart was beating hard!

The cold wind is biting, giving people a very unsteady feeling.

"Are we going in?"

Xue Qianfeng swallowed his saliva, I don't know why, he was very flustered.

"It should be."

Gu Chuan nodded expressionlessly.

Taking a deep breath, Xue Qianfeng forced himself to calm down, stretched out his hand tremblingly, and pointed to the warehouse in front.

"You said there will be ghosts in this."

Gu Chuan: "A female ghost?" I like it. Xue

Qianfeng: "..." The

terrifying atmosphere that had just risen a little disappeared instantly.

Xue Qianfeng turned his head to look at Gu Chuan, although he couldn't see the other party's face clearly because of the dim light, he opened his mouth and didn't know how to open his mouth for a while.

What the hell did this buddy go through?

He wouldn't know that the main reason why Gu Chuan was desperate for life was because of women!

Not bad!

It's women!

In the past year, he has gone on blind dates three hundred times, but each time, he was fiercely rejected!

This hit his self-esteem hard.

After all, more than 300 blind dates, not one failed, his mentality, completely collapsed, and he felt hopeless about the future!

Let's just say that a certain thirty-year-old fat woman didn't look at him, what is he not good at?

Gu Chuan was puzzled.

Taking a step, Gu Chuan entered the abandoned warehouse.

Xue Qianfeng followed.

The warehouse did not have a door, and after the two entered, they looked at the light source in front of them at the same time.

I saw that in front of me, a man wearing a white coat and a mask was sitting behind a table, and on the table, there was a red candle.

The atmosphere was strange, Xue Qianfeng stared at the figure in front of him, and quietly said to Gu Chuan.

"Be careful."


Gu Chuan nodded heavily: "I understand, this weather is draped in a coat, it is estimated that this person has a serious disease in the head!" "

It's not cold, what are you doing in a coat?"

I see it's a disease in your brain!

Xue Qianfeng was a little crazy.

What kind of brain circuit is this guy next to him? Is it time to say this?

On the other side, Mu Chen saw the two people in front of him and said indifferently: "Come and sit when you come." Hearing

the voice, Xue Qianfeng let out a long breath.

Normal male voice, should not be a ghost.

Vigilantly taking a step, Xue Qianfeng walked towards Mu Chen, followed by Gu Chuan.

Seeing the two coming, Mu Chen also began to organize the language, and only then did he slowly speak.

"I don't know about you..." In

the middle of speaking, Mu Chen suddenly froze and stared at Gu Chuan in front of him on the left.

Xue Qianfeng was a little surprised.

Why didn't the person in front of him talk about it?

Following Mu Chen's line of sight, he turned his head to look.

In the next second, he froze in place.

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