Doomsday Thunder Tribulation: It has a super-wide range attack, causing 2.8 times damage to all targets, and additionally causing 1.8 times lightning damage. Every time a target is killed, its own defense will increase by 1%, which can be superimposed to 100%, and lasts for 5 minutes. If the target is not dead, it will be 100% paralyzed for 5 seconds, and the skill cooldown time is 1 hour.


After seeing the introduction of this forbidden spell, Su Cheng exclaimed that it was amazing.

The damage is useless to him, but the additional effect is also very powerful, especially it can increase the defense, which has already caused paralysis to the target.

"Ding! Congratulations on your success in learning the forbidden spell [Doomsday Thunder Tribulation].

Su Cheng learned it directly. It makes no sense not to learn such a skill, and it is impossible to sell it.

Moreover, there is no level requirement for forbidden spells, even players at level 1 can learn them.

"Tsk tsk, I have extracted a book of forbidden spells. If Supreme Master Dong knows that it was extracted from the Tianli Stone that exploded from his body, he will probably vomit blood with anger, right? Haha!"

Su Cheng thought excitedly.

But this is also the credit of Meng Xiaomiao. If it were someone else to draw, even if Su Cheng came by himself, there is a high probability that they would not be able to draw.

Su Cheng once again saw the invincible luck of Meng Xiaomiao.

"Amazing, thank you very much!"

Su Cheng looked at the cute little meow and said gratefully.

"It's a small thing, just because my brother is happy."

Seeing Su Cheng happy, Meng Xiaomiao was also very happy.

"Well, from now on, don't go out alone, go with Xiyan Xiyue and the others. I will create a big guild later, and you can join my guild."

Su Cheng continued.

"Actually, I'm afraid to trouble them, so I don't look for them often."

The cute little meow replied in 09.

"Don't worry, don't think like this, it's too late for them to like you.

Su Cheng patted her on the shoulder in fear and said.

Who wouldn't like such a girl of luck next to her?

"Oh well."

Seeing Su Cheng like this, Meng Xiaomiao could only nod in agreement.

After being separated from Meng Xiaomiao, Su Cheng can finally do what he thought about before.

At this time, he has come to a conscription area in the main city. That's right, he wants to join the army in the main city and become a soldier.

First, you can go to the battlefield to kill enemies and accumulate military merits.

Second, Su Cheng was wondering if killing other aliens would increase the talent experience faster.

Killing thieves before, the talent experience is obviously much higher, which is one of the reasons why Su Cheng decided to join the army in the main city.

Joining the main city army will be chosen in the middle and late stages of the player, because at that time the level has been upgraded very slowly, and the player naturally has more time to do other things. There is no need to be like this now. The only thing you can do is to increase the level as soon as possible .

And when the time comes, the equipment is not bad.

Therefore, in addition to brushing the copy, players can also do other tasks, or activities and so on.

The main city legion is the only place for players to obtain military merit. After joining, they can follow the main city legion to kill enemies on the battlefield and obtain military merit.

And military merit reaches a certain value, you can get a military rank, the military rank can increase the player's strength, and the military rank is in the main city, which is also a status symbol.

Now it's okay for Su Cheng to join in advance. Naturally, his most important thing is not to gain military merit now, but to see if he can gain talent experience by killing enemies on the battlefield?

If there is, it is naturally the best. Then he can upgrade his talent to level 5 on the battlefield. How much will his attack speed per second be?

Is it 50,000 times per second, or is it still ten times, and the next level reaches 100,000 times per second? Or higher?

For Su Cheng, it is natural to sell more and more.

It can be said that Su Cheng is the first to join the main city legion in the current server.

For the main city soldiers, they all like players joining the main city army, because if the original main city soldiers go to the battlefield, once they die, they will really die.

But the players are different, they can be resurrected after death, which is great as cannon fodder.

Therefore, after each player joins the main city army, he is equivalent to an ordinary soldier because he does not have any military rank, and soldiers are naturally used as cannon fodder.

At that time, the NPC generals in the legion like to let the players rush to the front. Anyway, they can be resurrected after death, so there is no concern.

Soon, Su Cheng successfully joined the army of the main city and was assigned to the ninth army of the main city!

Not long after, Su Cheng followed the soldiers in the main city and was sent to a frontier location to expand the territory of the main city.

In the team, there is only one player, Su Cheng, and it will not attract attention. If there are more players, they will definitely be specially arranged, and then they have to charge forward.

After that, Su Cheng was assigned to the Ninth Army in the main city, under the 10,000-man Legion.

Each army in the main city has many legions of ten thousand people under its command, and each army controls a huge number of soldiers.

"Brothers, whoever first steps into this city will be rewarded with a thousand military merits and a thousand gold!"

At this time, a commander said coldly to Su Cheng and other soldiers.

"Kill! Kill!"

When the other soldiers heard it, they all let out deafening shouts of killing.

Su Cheng doesn't care about a thousand military achievements and a thousand gold, he wants to start as soon as possible now, and then see if he has talent and experience for killing aliens.

"Brothers! Kill!"

Finally, following the commander's low growl, Su Cheng rushed out with the surrounding soldiers.

After rushing for a few minutes, Su Cheng finally saw the figure of the foreign race. The front was extremely tragic, and there were corpses everywhere.

Lightning storm!

After reaching a certain distance, Su Cheng directly casts his skills towards the alien camp.

These alien soldiers were not weak, they actually had more than 20,000 HP, Su Cheng needed to use three skills to kill them.

But it's not a big problem for Su Cheng.


Rain of Fire!

"Ding! Kill foreign soldiers and get 1 point of military merit!"

"Ding! Kill foreign soldiers, and the talent (unlimited attack speed) will gain 20 experience points!"

After seeing the prompt, Su Cheng's face showed surprise. He really has talent and experience, and it's not low. A foreign soldier can get 20 points.

This is much more than brushing ordinary monsters. When leveling, an ordinary monster has 3 points of talent experience.

After gaining talent and experience, Su Cheng's spirit was greatly shaken, and he directly rushed into the group of alien soldiers.

"Ding! Kill foreign soldiers and get 1 point of military merit!"

"Ding! Kill alien soldiers, talent (unlimited attack speed, gain 20 experience points!"

With the continuous increase in talent and experience, Su Cheng's military merits are also increasing. Although killing a foreign soldier is only 1 point of military merit, the accumulation is also fast.

These alien soldiers are naturally much stronger than the three major guild players that Su Cheng killed before. If they are equally weak, a group of soldiers will have a lot of skills in seconds, which will be even more exciting.

The army of the main city was a soldier, and seeing Su Cheng's fierceness, he couldn't help but gasp, and he directly killed a bloody path by himself.

"Stop him! Don't let him enter the city!"

A foreign general said angrily.

As he roared, a large number of foreign soldiers rushed to Su Cheng, trying to stop him from continuing to kill.

"Human! You are looking for death!"

A corporal leader from a foreign race yelled angrily, showing murderous intent.

A clan corps leader actually has 200,000 HP, the strength of this kind of alien race is really not low.

But Su Cheng went straight to the front.


The large-scale group skills can not only deal with this corporal leader, but also deal with other foreign soldiers around him.

Lightning storm!


After more than a dozen rounds in succession, Su Cheng killed hundreds of foreign soldiers, and the foreign corps leader's blood volume was less than 100,000.

Su Cheng has to admit that these foreign soldiers and this corporal leader are really strong, and he has to use recovery potions constantly, otherwise it might not be able to keep encouraging them all.

lower level.


Su Cheng let out a low shout!




With a scream, the alien corporal was finally killed by Su Cheng.

At the same time, when the alien corporal died, a piece of equipment, gold equipment, fell out of his body.

"Ding! Kill the alien corporal and get 300 military points!"

"Ding! Kill the alien corporal, and the talent (unlimited attack speed) will get 1000 experience points!"

Killing aliens, although there is no character experience, but equipment can still be obtained, of course, the army soldier 743 in the main city has none, and can't see what exploded.

"Brothers! Kill!"

Picking up the piece of gold equipment, Su Cheng didn't forget to give a loud shout, calling out to the soldiers of the other main city legions around to charge and kill together.

Seeing that Su Cheng was so fierce that even the captain of the alien corps died at his hands, the legionnaires were extremely excited and immediately followed Su Cheng to continue fighting.

"Ding! Kill foreign soldiers and get 1 point of military merit!"

"Ding! Kill foreign soldiers, and the talent (unlimited speed) will gain 20 experience points!"



Before he knew it, Su Cheng had already killed more than 5,000 foreign soldiers, and gained more than 100,000 talent experience in total. He was getting closer and closer to upgrading his talent again.

Five thousand foreign soldiers may seem like a lot, but in this huge battlefield, it is only a small part, and the entire battlefield Su Cheng is only an area.

Moreover, in the alien city, soldiers continued to come out and join the battlefield.

"Kill a few thousand more, and the talent can be upgraded."

Seeing that his talent and experience were still several hundred thousand short, Su Cheng's face was full of anticipation.


Not long after, another corps leader from another race died in the hands of Su Cheng, but Su Cheng didn't stop and continued to kill.



A total of 10,000 alien soldiers, this record is definitely better than Su Cheng's previous killing of tens of thousands of players.

Of the hundreds of thousands of aliens, Su Cheng killed one-tenth of them alone. If calculated according to the original military achievements of the main city, killing 10,000 aliens, even ordinary alien soldiers, would be enough to advance several levels of military rank.

But players are different, and it is much more difficult to increase the rank than local soldiers.

Su Cheng has now killed 10,000 foreign soldiers, and only has 10,000 points of military merit, and he is only a three-star corporal to upgrade his rank.

Just in case!

twelve thousand!

"Ding! Congratulations on raising your talent level to LV5."

【Seek full order support @!!!】.

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