Hang up Li Wei’s phone.

Zhao Xu cursed secretly in his heart.

“Chen Minde, since you dare to come to my trouble, then don’t blame me for being soft on you, Minde Trading Group, I think I will change my name.”

According to Zhao Xu’s preliminary understanding.

The Minde Trading Group, controlled by Chen Minde, is not a large trading group.

But the scope of business involved is not small, and the business channels are not bad.

If he can get the civil and German trade, then Zhao Xu also has the frontier to enter new fields.

After all, the security side is still in its infancy.

It will take a long time to reach the stage of full profitability.

Therefore, Zhao Xu must go hand in hand and develop in many aspects.

When I think about it.

Zhao Xu thought of Enron, a university teacher.

“Sister Ran didn’t just happen to be looking for a new job, this Minde trade just involves international commerce and trade, if you can get the Minde trade and then hand it over to Sister Ran to take care of, this doesn’t happen to belong to the professional counterpart.”

Of course, this is just a plan in Zhao Xu’s heart, as for how to operate specifically, he has to wait for Li Wei to send the information before making a decision.

But Zhao Xu made up his mind.

Regardless of whether they can win the Minde trade, Chen Minde’s family will never let it go so easily.

Zhao Xu was clear.

Even if he let Chen Minde go.

Chen Minde will not necessarily let himself go.

Wang Long drove quickly to the lakeside star.

It didn’t take long.

Li Wei took Li Ke and several people to appear outside the suite.

When Wu Xiaorong saw Li Wei and the others coming, she knew that there must be something serious.

She said to Zhao Xu: “Brother Xu, I will go to the bedroom to read the book, so I won’t disturb you.” ”

Zhao Xu nodded: “Go, I’ll call you when something happens.” ”

After waiting for Wu Xiaorong to enter the room.

Zhao Xu, Li Wei, and Li Ke came to the study next to them.

Close the door.

Li Wei took out a thick file bag and placed it in front of Zhao Xu.

“Brother Xu, this is all about the operating income and expenditure of Minde Trading over the years, as well as the dirty things Chen Minde has done over the years.”

Zhao Xu nodded.

I opened the file bag and looked at it roughly.

After watching for a while, Zhao Xu smiled: “I can’t see it, Chen Minde still has a few brushes, and the profitability of Minde Trade is still very good.” ”

Li Wei nodded.

“According to the information we investigated, Chen Minde Trading, he is the largest shareholder, accounting for 70% of the shares.”

“The main business of Minde Trading is to do import and export trade, and the scope of business involved is quite wide.”

What Li Wei said, Zhao Xu also saw from the information he provided.

Li Wei continued: “However, Chen Minde can operate a small company to a company with total assets of hundreds of millions of dollars in a few years, and his ability is one aspect, and he has also used a lot of means and done a lot of dirty things to achieve today’s achievements.

“And some dirty things are enough for him to eat national food for decades.”

“Yes?” Seeing Li Wei say this, Zhao Xu’s brows furrowed: “Why is it not mentioned in these documents.” ”

“Yes.” Li Wei got up, opened the folder that Zhao Xu had not had time to open in front of him, and took out a few materials and placed them in front of Zhao Xu.

“Boss, these things are all dirty things that Chen Minde has done over the years, you see this transaction, the total transaction volume has reached 500 million, and Chen Minde started and made his fortune by relying on the profits of this transaction.”

Zhao Xu looked at this transaction and frowned: “Could it be said that this transaction was done privately by Chen Minde?” Is it WF? ”

“That’s right.” Li Wei nodded: “The goods they traded this time are controlled by the state, and Minde Trade has transported this batch of goods from Southeast Asia to China for sale without any approval, which is a serious act of walking, and this transaction alone is enough for Chen Minde to squat for a few years.” ”

“Boss, and these…”

Li Wei opened the information and pointed it to Zhao Xu one by one.

Chen Minde has done a lot of dirty things over the years.

“Chen Minde is really a ruthless character.” After reading it, Zhao Xu sighed: “If you give him a little time, their Chen family’s industry will definitely go to a higher level.” ”

“This is true, we cannot ignore Chen Minde’s personal ability.” Li Wei also agreed: “Of course, Chen Minde has not only done a lot of dirty things over the years, but also very unruly in his private life. ”

Li Wei instructed Li Ke: “Li Ke, show the boss the video you collected from the Internet.” ”

“Okay!” Li Ke nodded.

Then open the computer and click on a folder with several small videos.

Li Ke clicked on one of the small videos, and the screen played Chen Minde and a woman entangled in a certain room.

Moreover, some of the videos in the folder are role-playing, and some are some things he does by force.

“I can’t see it, this Chen Minde is still quite good at playing, and he has played all kinds of tricks.” Zhao Xu smiled and gave Li Ke a thumbs up: “Li Ke, I really can’t see that your information collection ability is so powerful, even these things can be found.” ”

Li Ke smiled: “Boss, as long as there is a place with the Internet, it is where we haunt, and we can turn it out for him for any clue.” ”

“By the way, is there anything from Chen Qiuhua.” Zhao Xu asked Li Wei next to him.

Seeing Zhao Xu say this, Li Wei smiled: “Boss, Chen Qiuhua’s things are even more, moreover, this guy is playing new tricks, which is much more powerful than his old son Chen Minde.” ”

After speaking, Li Wei gave Li Ke a look.

Li Ke smiled wickedly, and then clicked on a folder.

Zhao Xu looked, good guy, dozens of videos are placed inside.

When Zhao Xu watched these video contents, he was also amazed by Chen Qiuhua.

“Damn, this Chen Qiuhua looks Sven, it’s really crazy in private, what 3X, 4X, group X these things are having fun, even non-black girls don’t let go, it’s really a good taste.”

“Boss, what’s next?” After Zhao Xu finished reading the information, Li Wei asked.

Zhao Xu pondered for a while and ordered Li Wei.

“Prepare a few more copies of these materials, tomorrow I will take people to the Minde Group, I want to meet this Chen Minde.”

As soon as Li Wei heard this, he knew what Zhao Xu was going to do.

Nodded and ordered: “Okay boss, I’ll go down and arrange preparations.” ”

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