“That old woman Chiyo.”

Luo Sha was furious, and now nearly half of the Sand Shinobi camp was taken away by Chiyo to fight against Yun Shinobu, ready to break through.

Chiyo is using this method to force Luo Sha, so that Luo Sha can only retreat with Shinobu, but Chiyo herself did not expect that she underestimated Luo Sha.

Even if Chiyo took a part of the Shinobu, Luo Sha still had no intention of leaving, and he led the remaining Shinobu and took the initiative to find the door to deal with the Mist Shinobu.

“I definitely want to prove my strength.”

Luo Sha’s expression was gloomy.

This kind of operation that drops IQ, Luo Sha can do it, in fact, it is not only his brain stupid, but also because Chiyo puts too much pressure on him.

Now he has become the acting wind shadow, but his power in this wind shadow is not so great, and the power given by the elder group is too much.

So Luo Sha wanted to prove himself in his heart, since everyone was afraid of Mist Shinobu and was afraid of Uchiha Liufeng, then let him defeat it.

Luo Sha wants to step on the stepping stone of Uchiha Liufeng to become the strongest wind shadow.

However, Luo Sha did not meet Liufeng because Liufeng did not make a move at all, and Luo Sha met Uchiha Mikoto.

“You deal with the other Mist Shinobi, he will leave it to me to dispose of.”

Mikoto ordered to Kirito behind her.

The new wind shadow of Sand Shinobi Village, I don’t know what the strength is, but it should not be comparable to the three generations of Hokage.


From the beginning, Mikoto gave Rasa respect, using Susanoo to come, and the complete Susanoo made Rasha, who was in a mood to kill, directly dumbfounded.

“What is this?”

Luo Sha saw Susanoo for the first time, the terrifying body shape, the evil Chakra, directly shocked Luo Sha.

After seeing it, Mist Shinobu directly avoided it from afar, so as not to be affected.

“No matter how many times I see it, I am shocked.” Loquat Juzo looked at the fully fledged Susano, as if he were looking at a god.

For them, the complete Susanoo is completely worthy of the power of God.

“Are those Shinobi all idiots? Now do not disperse, isn’t this looking for death. Orochimaru said with a sneer.

“I must have been scared stupid, and if I faced Susano, I would also be scared stupid.”

Loquat Juzo could understand it, and he must have been scared stupid.

Indeed, the sand ninja who followed Rasa were all some uninformed sand ninja, and they were completely frightened and stupid when they saw Susanoo for the first time.

Motionless, they seem to be living targets, but in the face of such a live target, Mikoto will not show mercy.


Luo Sha roared loudly, even if he was stupid at this time, Luo Sha knew that this was not a force that he could fight against at all.

Mikoto controlled Susano, had already drawn her knife, and then slashed it straight down.

It was late, and it was too late when Luo Sha shouted out, and those sand ninja who followed Luo Sha were killed and injured countless in an instant.

Luo Sha had some strength, and was not hacked to death by a knife, and used the magnetic sand gold to block for a moment, and then escaped.

However, his placer gold was as fragile as paper, and it was directly shattered by a slight touch of Susano’s sword.

Mikoto’s target is mainly Rasha, and those Shinobi are only incidental, just attacking those Shinobi once, Mikoto puts the main target on Rasha.

The other Sand Shinobi don’t need Mikoto’s hand, naturally there will be Mist Shinobu to deal with, as long as Mikoto can solve Rasha.

Targeted by Mikoto, Luo Sha really can’t escape, and even if Susano’s attack dodged a few times, Luo Sha was still hit hard.

It’s just that the heavy damage did not die, because Mikoto deliberately left Raisha alive, but immediately Loquat Juzo caught Rasha.

The rest of the Shinobu were also solved and fled in panic, fortunately, Chiyo’s mother-in-law had already left with someone, otherwise Shinobu didn’t know how much he would lose.

“Damn idiot Luo Sha, he deserves to die.”

After Chiyo fled back with those sand ninja of Rasha, he couldn’t help but scold after knowing the situation.

“Sister, let’s hurry up now.”

Hai Laozang smiled bitterly, Yun Shinobu was still chasing them tightly, if Yun Shinobu was dragged down, then Sand Shinobu would not be able to leave.

“What about Rasha?”

Chiyo was a little hesitant, after all, Luo Sha is still the wind shadow, and the agent wind shadow is also the wind shadow, you can’t ignore Luo Sha, although you have an opinion about Luo Sha, but you can’t watch Luo Sha die.

“I can’t manage so much for the time being, and staying in Sand Shinobu will only lose a lot.”

In the end, Chiyo decided to leave Raisha alone for the time being, if he could escape, it was his luck, and if he died, it was his bad life.

However, it is estimated that Chiyo could not have imagined that Luo Sha was caught now.

This is Liufeng’s order, it is best to catch alive against Onoki and Luo Sha, there is no value in dying, but it is worth living alive.

It’s just that Onoki has already fled, only Luo Sha, a fool, did not run and was caught.

Sand Shinobu fled, and Yan Shinobu fled, but Mist Shinobu didn’t chase after them, and went back directly, even Yun Shinobu didn’t pay much attention to them.

However, Yun Shinobu directly attacked Konoha Village, repelling Iwa Shinobu and Sand Shinobu, and Yun Shinobu’s ultimate target was Konoha Village.

Because he was not ready to fight Yunnin, Konoha Village suffered a loss for the time being.

In the Mist Ninja camp, Liufeng looked at Luo Sha with interest.

“Damn, I actually let Onoki run away, if only I caught Onoki.”

Kushina was a little dissatisfied, she and Mikoto went out with Mist Shinobu separately, Mikoto caught Kazekage, but she didn’t kill even a Iwa Shinobu.

That’s right, Jiu Xinnai didn’t solve a single rock ninja, it’s not that Jiu Xinnai’s ability is weak, but Jiu Xinnai didn’t meet a rock ninja at all.

Before Mist Shinobu could kill it, Iwa Shinobu had already run away, and even Yun Shinobu couldn’t stop Iwa Shinobu.

“Don’t be upset.” Mikoto smiled and comforted Jiu Shinnai.

“I didn’t expect that I actually lost in the hands of a woman.” Luo Sha had a shameful expression.

This time, he had planned to defeat Uchiha Rukaede, but Uchiha Rukaze did not meet, but was defeated by a woman.

“Why, don’t you look down on women?”

Jiu Xinnai was not polite, and directly kicked out, kicking Luo Sha’s guy out, causing Luo Sha to spew out a mouthful of blood, and almost fainted.

“Liufeng, you shouldn’t have an opinion if I beat him up, right?” Jiu Xinnai asked towards Liufeng.

“Just don’t beat him to death, if you beat him to death, it’s not worth much.” Of course, Liufeng has no opinion, but he still reminds Jiu Xinnai, lest Jiu Xinnai be killed if he is too heavy.

“Don’t worry, I will leave him with a small life, and I will definitely not beat him to death.” Jiu Xinnai nodded towards Liufeng, she was still very measured, since Liufeng said not to let him die, then spare his life.

Next, Jiu Xinnai shot unceremoniously, and his fist rained down on Luo Sha’s body, especially constantly greeting Luo Sha’s face.

In fact, Luo Sha is also unlucky, originally Jiu Xinnai was not happy, but Luo Sha also offended Jiu Xinnai, and he didn’t beat anyone.


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