Rukaede asked Uchiha to arrange for the Uzumaki clan, and then went home first with the sleeping Uzumaki Shinna first.

There was no rest for nearly a day and a night, and after Jiu Xinnai knew that it was safe, she fell asleep while walking, so Liufeng had to hold her.

“Liufeng .”

Just after returning home, Liu Kaede found that Mikoto was actually here.

“What the hell have you been doing these days? God is mysterious, and so is my father. Mikoto asked slightly resentfully towards Rukaede.

Mikoto appeared at Rukaede’s house to clean up, well, she often did such things.

“Who is this little girl?”

Turning her gaze slightly, Mikoto looked at Jiu Xinnai who was being held by Liufeng, although her tone was very calm, but Liufeng could still hear a trace of dissatisfaction.

“It’s complicated, but you can tell by looking at her hair that she’s from the Uzumaki family.”

Liu Feng first came to his room and put Jiu Xinnai down, and then when Liu Feng was about to go to talk to Mikoto in detail, Jiu Xinnai grabbed Liu Feng and did not let go.

“It’s pretty tight.”

Liufeng was a little helpless, and now Jiu Xinnai was like a dying person grasping a life-saving straw, grabbing him deadly.

At this time, Mikoto also followed to Liufeng room, she still had many questions at this time, and Liufeng had not made it clear to her before.

It was really impossible to break free from Jiu Xinnai’s grip on his hand, Liufeng simply gave up, and if he forcibly broke free, he might hurt Jiu Xinnai.

Uzumaki Kai handed over his daughter to himself, he couldn’t let her get hurt, not to mention looking at her cute appearance, Liufeng was embarrassed to hurt her.

“Before I went out with Uncle Yun, it was actually for the Vortex clan, and the Vortex clan was in danger of extinction, if it weren’t for me, I would probably die now, so I went to save the Whirlpool clan.”

Rukaede said to Mikoto, who wanted to know.

“So that’s the case, no wonder you don’t take me with you.”

Mikoto also knows why he didn’t take her with him, and it must be dangerous to save the Uzumaki clan.


On the other side, the Hokage Building in Konoha Village is breaking out into a quarrel.

“Naruto-sama, should you give an explanation to our Uzumaki clan about this.” Uzumaki asked angrily towards the ape flying sun.

Just now, Uzumaki Kei had asked Uchiha Yun to let Uchiha Yun control the captured Root Organization ninja and say everything that should not be said.

“Don’t worry, Uzumaki Patriarch, based on this person’s testimony alone, it is impossible to prove that it was Tuanzo who dealt with the Uzumaki clan, and the Uzumaki clan is an ally of Konoha Village, and Danzo will definitely not do anything to attack the allies.”

After taking a puff of his cigarette, Sarutobi said towards Uzumaki.

“I think it may be that some people are sowing discord and hoping that the Vortex Patriarch can distinguish right from wrong.”

When Sarutobi Slash spoke, he also glanced at Uchiha Yun, with a bit of fierceness in his eyes.

You must know that the current ape flying sun chop, but not the old man in the future, at this time in the prime of the ape flying sun chop still has a bit of forbearance.

The sharp look in his eyes made Uchiha Yun’s scalp feel numb, but he was not afraid.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper at most scare him with his eyes, it is absolutely impossible to really do it, if Ape Flying Sun Chopper really strikes at him, it is equivalent to declaring war with Uchiha.

Now that the major ninja village martial arts factions have raised their heads, the ninja world has been calm for too long, as long as they are not stupid, they can see that the second ninja world war is already on the verge of breaking out.

At this time, there is a conflict with Uchiha, isn’t that going to make Konoha Village perish.

“Naruto-sama, do you think I don’t have the ability to discern?”

Uzumaki Kai was already getting angrier.

Just as he was about to get angry, Uchiha Yun suddenly signaled to him, and it was absolutely not good to get angry with Sarutobi in Konoha Village.

“Patriarch Vortex, I know that you are in a bad mood now, so let this person in your hand be handed over to me, and I will definitely investigate it clearly.”

Sarutobi assured as he slashed towards Uzumaki.

“Also, since the Uzumaki clan has suffered a catastrophe, how about living in Konoha Village in the future? We, the Konoha Village, definitely treat the Uzumaki clan as our own and absolutely help. ”

Uzumaki Kai was angry, he was sure that if he handed over this human certificate in his hand to Ape Flying Sun Slash, this matter would definitely end up in the end.

“I agreed instead of the Uzumaki Patriarch, and the Uzumaki Patriarch still doesn’t thank Naruto-sama.”

Uchiha Yun said when Uzumaki Kai was about to get angry, suppressing the anger in Uzumaki Qi’s heart.

In the end, Uzumaki Kai chose to give Uchiha a face, and he also knew that even if he continued to make trouble, there was no point.

After that, he left the Hokage Building with Uchiha Yun.

“Patriarch Uzumaki, you were a little irrational before, the third generation of Hokage has clearly shown his intention to keep Danzo, if you continue to make trouble, in the end, the Uzumaki clan will not be able to stay in Konoha Village.”

Uchiha Yun said towards Uzumaki Kai.

At this time, Uzumaki Kai wanted to say hard about leaving Konoha, but thinking about the current situation of the Uzumaki family, it was too dangerous to leave Konoha.

“Now the Uzumaki Patriarch should first find a way to gain a foothold in Konoha Village, and don’t think about revenge for the time being.”

This is Uchiha Yun’s advice to Uzumaki Qi, how can the current Uzumaki clan be able to fight through Tuanzang.

“I understand, Konoha has changed too.”

Uzumaki Kai couldn’t help but say with a grudge, in fact, it was delusional to let Ape Flying Sun help him decide.

Although their Uzumaki clan and Konoha village are allies, they are always outsiders, how can outsiders be comparable to their own.

Even if he expected it when he was looking for the ape flying sun, he was still a little cold at the moment.

“Elder Yun, I still have to go to a place, Elder Yun, you go back first, my clan please take care of it.”

Uzumaki Kai asked Uchiha Yun, and then Uzumaki Kai walked in one direction.

Uchiha Yun frowned as he looked at Uzumaki Kai’s back, that direction was exactly where the Senju clan was.


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers

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