After defeating a large tube of wood Kaguya projection, Liufeng couldn’t wait to challenge the second one, this time much faster than before, and it didn’t take long to seal the big tube wood Kaguya projection.

[Ding, you defeat the Datuki Kaguya projection and get: 500,000 points, immortal body, eighty god air strikes! ] 】

[Ding, you defeat the Otsuki Kaguya projection and get: 500,000 points, Huangquan Birasaka, Expansion Seeking Dao Jade, Immortal Body (get cards)! ] 】

[Ding, you defeat the Otsuki Kaguya Projection, get: 500,000 points, kill the ashes, the undead body (get the card), and the eighty god air strike (get the card)! ] 】

[Ding, you defeat the Kaguya projection of Otsuki and get: 500,000 points, Immortal Body (get card), Huangquan Hirazaka (get card)! ] 】

Defeating Otsuki Kaguya four times in a row, the abilities on Otsuki Kaguya’s body have been exhausted by Liufeng Kaguya.

[Immortal Body (Acquisition Card)]: After use, you can obtain the immortal body of Kaguya Otsuki, which can be given to others.

[Eighty God Air Strike (Acquisition Card)]: After using it, you can learn the 80 God Air Strike, which can be given to others.

【Huangquan Hirasaka (Acquisition Card)】: After using it, you can learn Huangquan Hirasaka and give it to others.

“The acquisition cards of the three immortal bodies can be used by Mikoto, Kushina and Tsunade.” Liufeng put away the acquisition card.

At this time, Liufeng found that as long as it was an ability that burst out, Liufeng himself had it, and he would burst out the ability acquisition card, which could be given to others to use.

This ability acquisition card can also be exchanged, but the points required for exchange are slightly higher, after all, direct exchange can only be used by Liufeng himself, and the exchange ability acquisition card can be used by others as well.

Leaving the system space, Rukaede called Mikoto, Tsunade, and Kushina over.

“What is it?” Jiu Xinnai took the Immortal Body Acquisition Card and asked Liufeng about it.

“This is so familiar.”

After Mikoto saw this thing, she felt very familiar, and then thought of the Sharingan Advanced Card that Liu Kaede had given herself, which was similar to this thing.

“The Immortal Body Ability Acquisition Card, after using it, you can get the Undead Body of Kaguya Otsuki, which can be restored no matter what damage it takes, and it comes with the ability to live forever.”

Liufeng introduced them to Jiu Xinnai.

“Really fake, who is Kaguya Otsuki? How have I not heard. ”

Tsunade was a little skeptical, this thing can really obtain an immortal body?

“How to use it?” Jiu Xinnai did not have too much doubt, but asked Liu Feng to tell her how to use it.

“I have to help you use it.” Rukaede took the card and chose to use it on Kushinna, and then gave it to Mikoto and Tsunade as well.


The chakra on the three of them, Jiu Shinna, Mikoto, and Tsunade, couldn’t stop skyrocketing, and this change surprised Rukaede.

“Also incidentally increased Chakra’s ability?”

I really didn’t know before, but after thinking about it, Liufeng probably could understand that the special physique of this immortal body was similar to that of the perfect immortal body, but it should be more advanced.

The strength of the three of them has improved a lot, if before Jiu Shinai and Tsunade both entered the super shadow level with half a foot, then now it is a proper super shadow level.

“It’s actually changed so much?”

Jiu Xinnai clenched his fists in disbelief, feeling that the cells of his whole body were full of endless vitality.

“I didn’t believe it before, but now I do.” Tsunade was a little unconvinced before, but now she felt the change, and she believed it.

“There are also two ability acquisition cards here, the three of you will draw lots to decide who you belong.”

Ryukede took out the Eighty God Air Strike and Huangquan Birazaka Ability Acquisition Card, and it is not good to give it to anyone, so let’s draw lots and rely on luck to decide where to belong.

Then the result of the draw is that Kushina gets the Yachigami Air Strike, and Mikoto gets Hirasaka Huangizumi, and Tsunade squats in the corner to close himself.

“The draw shouldn’t be considered a gamble, right? It seems that you are really out of luck. ”

Liufeng looked at Tsunade with a strange expression.

“Wait, Jiu Xinnai, you won’t want to experiment with the Eighty God Air Strike here.”

Suddenly feeling the chakra erupting from Jiu Xinnai’s body, Liufeng immediately pressed Jiu Xinnai’s shoulder.

If you experiment here, I am afraid that the entire Uchiha family’s clan land will be demolished by Jiu Xinnai.

The Eighty God Air Strike used by Jiu Xinnai is definitely not as powerful as Datuki Kaguya, but it will definitely be very terrifying, after all, this is one of the strongest physical techniques in the Hokage world.

If it is really compared, I am afraid that only the eighth gate of the eight dunjia can be compared with the eighty god air strike.

“I’ll find a place to experiment.”

Jiu Xinnai still couldn’t resist the idea of using the eighty god air strikes he had just obtained.

“Then I’ll take you to a place where no one is.”

Mikoto said to Kushinna, and then Mikoto opened a dark spatial passage.

Huangquan Birasaka, the ultimate time and space ninjutsu, except for the consumption of Chakra, there are no other shortcomings.

Mikoto then dragged Kushina into the spatial passage, leaving Ryukaze and Tsunade in the house.

Tsunade looked directly at Ryuke at this time, making Ryuke’s scalp numb, and helplessly spread his hands towards Tsunade.

“Tsunade, it’s a matter of your luck.”

“I know, but I’m unwilling.” Tsunade said depressedly.

“Forget it, for your pitiful sake, I’ll get you one with great mercy.” Liufeng finally reluctantly exchanged one.

Mu Dun Blood followed the limit to obtain the card, spending 200,000 points, which is not too expensive for Liufeng who is now rich in assets.

“After using this, you can get Mu Duan.”

“What, get Mu Duan?”

Hearing that he could obtain Mu Duan, Tsunade’s expression was particularly excited, and he looked at Rukaze with wide eyes.

“Well, what you get is only the Mu Dun Blood Succession Limit, but the relevant Mu Dun Ninjutsu needs to be learned slowly by yourself.”

If it includes various wooden ninjutsu, this point costs more than 200,000 points.

“This is simple, as long as you can obtain the Mu Dun Blood Succession Limit, it is not simple to learn Mu Dun Ninjutsu.” Tsunade doesn’t think it’s a problem.

Indeed, it was not difficult for Tsunade, because Tsunade possessed Mudun Ninjutsu, and he could not master the Mudun Blood Succession Limit before, so he could not learn.

“Thank you Liufeng.”

“With our relationship, do you still need to say thank you to me? Tsunade, when did you see the outside world. Liufeng waved his hand and said.

After all, in Liufeng’s impression, Tsunade was super thick-skinned, after all, he had not opened his mouth to ask himself to borrow money before.

Tsunade was excited to learn Mudun ninjutsu, and Liufeng told Tsunade that if there was anything that would not, he could come and ask Liufeng after all, Liufeng had already learned Mudun ninjutsu.

I learned Liufeng but rarely used it, and now there are not many people who know that Liufeng can be woody, mainly because Liufeng rarely does it now.

The battle is also in the system and the projection battle, no one else knows that Liufeng will be Mudun, if the people of Konoha Village know that Liufeng will Mudun, I don’t know what kind of mood it will be.

Thinking about this, sealing the Datumu Kaguya projection five times in a row, even if Liufeng will return to his full strength at the end of each challenge, there is still a sense of mental exhaustion, so Liufeng needs to rest.


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