Border of the Land of Fire, Konoha Camp Command.

Ape Fei Ri frowned, and his brows had not loosened since the bad news came one by one.

Tsunade returned to the battlefield, but brought him bad news, Uchiha Rukaede actually asked him to go in person.

I thought that Tsunade would be able to get the little ghost by going, but I didn’t expect that the little ghost to be so difficult.

And after Tsunade came back, he actually questioned him again if Ichigo was released by them, it is estimated that it must be what Uchiha Rukaede and Tsunade said.

Although he denied Tsunade’s questioning, it can be seen that Tsunade does not believe him and doubts him.

“Danzo, you are here, the matter of the Konoha camp is temporarily handed over to you, I will return to Konoha Village first.”

Seeing Tuan Zang walking into the headquarters, Sarutobi immediately explained the task to him.

“At this time, what are you doing back in Konoha?”

The only remaining eye of Tuan Zang stared at the ape flying sun, and not long ago Tuan Zang lost one of his eyes in battle.

“Deal with Uchiha Rukae’s affairs, the matter of the battlefield is left to you.”

Sarutobi didn’t want to say more, or there was no time to waste, the situation was urgent for Konoha.

The offensive on Yunnin’s side is very strong, and the most important thing is that no one can block Yunnin’s offensive, and it is necessary to let Uchiha move.

There is also the Vortex clan, the tailed beast is too difficult to deal with, only with the help of the Vortex clan’s sealing technique.

Although Ape Flying Sun Slash has attracted some of the Vortex tribesmen, the Vortex people he has attracted are not strong.

Sarutobi then returned to Konoha Village as quickly as he could, and instructed Kiki Shuo Shigeru to defend them, and if the Sanshinobi Village stormed, then retreat.

After the dust servants rushed back to Konoha Village, Sarutobi did not rest and went directly to the Uchiha clan.

“Young Lord, the ape flying sun is coming.”

Uchiha reported to Rukaede, who was instructing the clansmen ninjutsu on the training ground.

“Oh, is it so fast.”

Liufeng nodded, and then went to the hall, where Uchiha Cang and Uchiha Yun were also here.

“The third generation of Hokage-sama is not on the battlefield, what is it doing back in Konoha at this time? Could it be that the third generation of Hokage-sama was greedy for life and afraid of death, and returned to Konoha to take refuge? ”

Sarutobi Hinata’s face immediately became ugly, and he turned his head to look at Uchiha Rukaede, who walked into the living room.

“Ryukede must not be rude to Hokage.”

Uchiha said lightly and heavily, and then there was no follow-up.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi said in a deep voice: “Liufeng, I know that you are very resentful because of the misunderstanding of the consultant of the group, but right now that Konoha is alive and dead, as a member of Konoha Village, do you want to defeat or even destroy Konoha?” ”

“Hehe, okay, don’t say this kind of thing, I hear too much.”

Liufeng sneered, and then waved his hand impatiently.

“Five billion taels, send five billion taels first, and then hand over two percent of Konoha Village’s income to me, and I will bring someone to help.”

What is called the lion opening its mouth, this is called the lion opening its mouth, and after Liu Feng finished speaking, the face of the ape flying sun chop turned black.

“Five billion taels of Konoha Village can’t take it, and two percent of the income is even more impossible.”

“Since it is impossible, then the three generations of Hokage-sama should leave, so as not to waste time here, after all, if you waste one more second, there will be one more danger on the battlefield, send off guests.”

Liufeng said as he stood up and walked outside.

If you don’t promise, is it time for you not to promise?

“Wait a minute.” Ape Flying Sun Chopper immediately stopped Liufeng .

“Konoha Village really can’t get money, and now in the war period, Konoha Village doesn’t have enough materials.”

“I know Konoha Village can’t take it, but the Sarutobi clan took it, right? The Shimura clan can get it, right? At this time, it is the time to test Naruto-sama’s loyalty to Konoha Village, and it should not be too much to sacrifice the interests of the Sarutobi clan to save Konoha, right? ”

Liufeng turned his head and stared at the ape flying sun.

The ape flying family has been rich over the years, and with the care of the ape flying sun, the development speed of the ape flying family over the years can be called divine speed.

There is also the Shimura clan, and Tuanzang conducts some taboo research, all relying on the financial support of the Shimura clan.

Although these two clans are low-key, they are definitely the two richest families in Konoha Village.

Ape Flying Sun Chop with hesitation on his face, really sacrificing the interests of the Ape Flying Clan, of course Ape Flying Sun Chopper is not happy, people are close to their own people.

“I can give you five billion taels, but two percent of Konoha Village’s income is definitely not good.”

Although he didn’t want to sacrifice the interests of the Ape Flying Clan, in the heart of the Ape Flying Sun, the status of Konoha Village was still faintly higher.

Five billion taels can be given to Liufeng , but in the future, two percent of Konoha Village’s income will also be given to him, that is absolutely not okay, that money is definitely bigger than five billion taels.

Moreover, the income of Konoha Village should be used to develop Konoha Village, and even two percent cannot be divided among Uchiha Rukaze.

“Third generation Hokage-sama, to put it mildly, you are not qualified to talk about conditions at all.”

Liufeng opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and looked at the ape flying sun chop faintly, and the terrifying sense of oppression made the ape flying sun chop feel suffocated.

Looking at the kaleidoscope pattern in Uchiha Liujiao’s eyes, Ape Feiri cut his scalp numbly, kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, the legendary kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes he really opened.

Ape Fei Ri had a shocked expression, which made Liufeng very satisfied.

In the past, Liufeng didn’t want to expose the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, mainly because he didn’t want to be targeted and cause too much trouble.

But now that he and the ape flying sun chop have torn their faces, naturally there is no need to hide the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and even show that the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye can also deter the ape flying sun chop.

“Liufeng actually opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.”

Uchiha Yun was also shocked beyond belief, but he didn’t expect that Liufeng still had such power hidden.

“Okay, I promise you, but I hope you can lead the Uchiha clan to deal with Yunnin.”

“Of course it’s fine, but the Uchiha clan alone definitely won’t work, I need other ninjas.”

Liufeng looked at the ape flying sun slash lightly, he couldn’t take Uchiha desperately, you must know that Liufeng could only command half of Uchiha’s clan.

With these people wanting to block Yun Ren, Yu Zhibo would definitely suffer heavy losses, which was unacceptable to Liufeng .

“Good.” Ape Flying Sun nodded somewhat indifferently.

Ape flying sun chopping attitude, Liu Feng no longer cares, the situation between the two sides is already like water and fire.


PS: Zero point on the shelf, ask for support, ask for flowers, the shelf is absolutely explosive!!!

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