“That S-class task, is it something I can complete now?”

Liufeng looked at the S-class task and asked Xiao Meng, what strength is he only now? Also worthy to save the Vortex clan?

“Can the time limit of this S-class mission be removed? I’ll do it later when my strength improves. Liu Feng asked Xiao Meng.

Whether it is a hundred thousand points or the vortex immortal body and the King Kong blockade, it is what Liufeng wants to get, but this task Liufeng really has no strength to do now.

“No, Liufeng do you know why this task has a time limit?” Xiao Meng first shook his head at Liufeng and then asked.

“Shouldn’t it be that the Vortex clan will be wiped out within ten days?”

Liu Feng asked speculatively.

“That’s right, you answered correctly, after ten days, the Vortex clan will be extinct, and this task will naturally cease to exist.”

“Okay, I see.”

Liufeng left the system space, the simplest of the three tasks is to become a middle ninja, but the task reward is not high

“Is this task done or not?”

Completing this task will not only earn 100,000 points, but also get the Vortex Immortal Body and the King Kong Blockade that can limit the tailed beast.

The whirlpool immortal body should also be an immortal body, perhaps not as good as the perfect immortal body, but it can definitely make his chakra skyrocket.

As a member of the Uchiha family, Ryukede’s Chakras are probably three to four times more than ordinary ninjas.

But the Senju and Uzumaki clan, Chakra is more than ten times or even dozens of times that of ordinary ninjas.

The number of Chakras determines the combat endurance, and the immortal body is definitely good for his Sharingan.

Even if it is not as effective as the original cell, it can definitely slow down the side effects of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and be of great use to him in the future.

Excessive use of the kaleidoscope chakra eye can lead to blindness, and transplantation of cells between the original Hokage Senjutsu can restore pupil strength and prevent excessive blindness.

Liu Feng estimated that the whirlpool immortal body should also have this effect, even if the effect is not as good as the effect of transplanting the cells between the thousand hand pillars, but it can definitely greatly reduce the side effects.

“The temptation was too great, and I decided to do it.”

In the end, Liufeng made up his mind, rich and dangerous, since his strength was not enough, he could use other methods, after thinking for a long time, Liufeng already had a plan.

If the plan is successful, it should be fine to save most of the Vortex clan, and it doesn’t matter whether saving the Vortex clan will lead to a change in the plot.

Everything has changed since the arrival of him, a person who does not belong to this world.

Besides, is the plot not the plot important to him? For him, this is a real world, and what he wants to ensure is that he is doing well, and what future changes have to do with him.

There are still ten days left, and it is not particularly urgent now, Liufeng went to the ninja school first, although he graduated, but today he will go to school again.

“Liufeng you are too slow.”

Mikoto was waiting at the gate of the Uchiha family and had been waiting for Rukaede for a while.

“It’s that you are too anxious, and I didn’t go to the ninja school today on purpose, and I am not in a hurry about class classification.”

Ryukede was not in a hurry at all, walked to Mikoto’s side, and took Mikoto’s hand and walked slowly to the ninja school.

After being held by Liufeng ‘s hand, Mikoto’s little face turned red and she lowered her head silently, but did not pull her hand out.

It wasn’t until she entered the ninja school that Mikoto pulled out her hand, and if she was seen by her classmates, she would be too shy.

“Liufeng, you actually came so late.”

As soon as I entered the classroom, I heard the sound of the rope tree, and Liufeng and the rope tree were students in the same class.

I remember when I first entered the school, Rope Tree challenged him, but he refused.

Rope Tree is a Senju clan, and Rukaede is a Uchiha clan, but the relationship between the two of them is not so bad, and even Ropetree can be called one of the few friends of Rukaze in the ninja school.

“What’s the use of coming so early like you, it’s not to wait yet.” Rukaede and Mikoto sat down and said.

“Liufeng, who do you think your leader Shinobu is? I’d rather be in the same class as you. ”

Rope Tree moved a stool to sit on Liufeng with some chatter, which made Liufeng a little annoyed, and now Liufeng is still thinking about how to complete that S-class task.

“It’s unlikely that I’m in the same class as you, and my leader should be someone from our family.”

Liufeng didn’t think that he could be assigned to the same class as the rope tree, and if there was no change in the rope tree’s leader, it would definitely be the big snake pill.

And he can’t give it to the big snake pill, because the big snake pill represents the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, and the relationship between Uchiha and the three generations of Hokage is very stiff.

After that, the class began, and sure enough, the lead teacher of the rope tree was Orochimaru, and the leading teacher of Ryuke was Uchiha Yun.

Well, Uchiha Yun is Mikoto’s father, the elite Shinobu of the Uchiha family, and the third elder of the Uchiha family.

“Why is Uncle Yun (father) you?”

Rukaede and Mikoto asked at the same time.

“Haha, why can’t it be me.” Uchiha smiled.

“You are the third elder of the Uchiha family, it is not reasonable to think about being the leading teacher.” Liufeng couldn’t help but say.

“I, the third elder, don’t have much power, and I don’t have much business, just have time to teach you, and you graduate to become a ninja, so let others take me without worry.”

Uchiha Yun patted Liufeng on the shoulder and said.

He became the third elder that was to replace his father’s class, he was still too young, at least compared to the other elders, he was too young, and his qualifications were not enough, so he did not have much power, but he was quite idle, so he had time to be the leading teacher.

However, he will come to be the leading teacher to take care of Liufeng, and he has always remembered that Liufeng’s father saved his life.

“Since Uncle Yun has become the leader of the team, it seems that my task will be easier to complete.” Liu Feng said silently in his heart.

Just trying to persuade Uncle Yun to cooperate was not a simple matter, and Liufeng had some distress on his face.


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers

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