“He wounded Naruto-sama, do it.”

The surrounding ninjas, after seeing Sarutobi Ri slashing injured, all formed seals and prepared to make a move against Liujie.

“Stop it all.”

Sarutobi Slash stood up with the King Kong Ruyi stick turned into an ape demon, and made the Konoha ninja who was about to do it stop with a loud shout.

Although he also wants to do it in his heart, but the overall situation is important, can he beat Uchiha Liufeng with his hands? Even if they can win the fight, then Konoha will definitely be beaten half-crippled, and then Sand Shinobu, Iwa Shinobu, and Yu Shinobu will pick up the bargain.

Looking at the fact that it only caused damage, and there were no casualties, Ape Fei Ri was relieved, if someone really died in the hands of Uchiha Liufeng, he would not believe it even if he wanted to let Uchiha Liufeng go like this.

“Liufeng, you are also angry now, you can stop it.”

Sarutobi clenched his injured fist and looked at Uchiha Ryukede inside Susano.

“Let Tuan Zang roll over to me, this matter can’t be easily calculated.”

Liufeng said coldly, what does your ape flying sun have to do with Shimura Danzo.

The yin and yang strange qi deliberately targeted me, this time I let you Tuan Zang never forget the lesson of this time in this life.

“Uchiha Rukaede, you shot at the same village, shot at the Hokage, Konoha Village can’t accommodate you.” Tuan Zang looked at Liufeng in embarrassment.

Just now, Liufeng’s sword was slashed towards Tuanzo, and Tuanzo fought to the death to avoid Susano’s sword.

Looking at Uchiha Ryukaede, who still refuses to reveal this matter, Sarutobi is angry in his heart, I have already relented, I even let go of the face of the Hokage, what do you want?

“Uchiha Rukaede, are you still a ninja from Konoha Village? Just because of the contradiction in the spat, did you strike at the ninja of the same village and on Naruto? ”

Zi Lai couldn’t see it, and stood up and questioned Liufeng.

Looking at Zilaiya who ran out, Orochimaru frowned, now things can’t be inserted at all, why cause trouble.

“Oh, are you saying I’m wrong?”

“Do you still think you’re right?”

Jiraiya also felt that Uchiha Liufeng was simply incorrigible.

“Zilaiye, I taught you a truth, the strong will never make mistakes. Even if it is wrong, as long as I think it is right, it is right, this is my will, whoever dares to disobey will die. ”

At this moment, Liufeng aura climbed to the extreme, with a surrendering domineering, and at the same time an icy killing intent.

“I always talk with my fists, and if I want to prove me wrong, then beat me with my fists.”

The concept in Liufeng’s heart is the law of the jungle, don’t make any sense if you are weak, no matter how reasonable you are, you are wrong, even if you kill me, I will not complain, only blame myself for being inferior.

Since he turned his face with Ape Fei Ri, Liufeng seemed to have let go, or maybe his strength released his nature.

“Danzo, today you either bow your head to me and admit your mistake, or I will ask these ninjas from Konoha Village to accompany you to the burial.”

Liufeng had no scruples about his words, and the attitude of the surrounding Konoha ninjas, Liufeng did not scruple.

Even if he offended everyone in Konoha Village, there were few ninjas in Konoha Village who had a good impression of Uchiha.

“It’s so arrogant.”

“He thought he could challenge our entire Konoha village on his own.”

“The Uchiha clan is arrogant and should be expelled from Konoha Village.”

“Uchiha Rukaede, is this really the case?”

Ape Fei Ri held the King Kong Ruyi Rod tightly and stared at Liufeng deadly.

“I have already given you a choice, if you still want me to give in, don’t be ignorant of the evil, I am kind enough to give you alms, if you are not willing to ask for it, then I will send you to meet the six immortals.”

The powerful Liufeng will not budge, either Tuanzo aisle and apologize softly, or kill him to see if Konoha Village can stop him.

“Want the old man to bow his head, just rely on you little ghost?”

Tuanzo stared at Liufeng angrily, and it was absolutely impossible to bow his head to the little devil of Uchiha Liufeng.

“Hehe, since you don’t want to save Konoha, then I can’t help it, after you die, go to Shimura Danzo to settle the account, I don’t want to kill you, but Danzo doesn’t give you a chance to live.”

The decisive Liufeng will not waste time, the two swords slash towards the surrounding ninjas, and can cut the sword qi of a small mountain with one sword, killing these ordinary ninjas is like killing ants.

“It’s crazy, even if Danzo offends him, what does this have to do with those ordinary ninjas.”

Jiraiya looked at Uchiha Liufeng angrily and unwillingly, with hatred in his eyes.

“The law of the jungle? This is the power of the Uchiha family. ”

Orochimaru looked at Susano, a slight flash of obsession in his eyes, he also yearned for strength, originally thought that he was a genius, and he was also disdainful of those blood succession ninjas.

But now he saw absolute power, the power that was undaunting in the face of the entire Konoha.

Originally, Orochimaru was defeated by Uchiha’s kaleidoscope Sharingan, so he had the ultimate desire for Sharingan, but now after seeing the power of Ryuke, Orochimaru began to yearn for the power of Sharingan.

“Stop me.”

Sarutobi roared angrily, and Uchiha flowed these two swords, killing and injuring at least dozens of Konoha ninjas.

The main thing is that if Uchiha Ryukede really causes death and injury, then it will have to be declared that Uchiha Ryuke has become a rebel.

Although Uchiha Ryukede has touched the bottom line of the Sarutobi Sun Slash, at this time, the Ape Flying Sun Chopper cannot make Uchiha Ryukaze a traitor.

Liufeng won’t pay attention to the roar of the ape flying sun, do you say stop it?

Suddenly, Liufeng’s pupils shrank slightly, and then the sword blade that was cut down with his right hand stopped, but his left hand still chopped down.

More than a dozen ninjas were killed in an instant.

“Why did you stop? I thought you killed me too.” ”

Tsunade stood there in a low voice, Susano’s sword suspended above her head, but Tsunade didn’t seem to notice it, or rather didn’t care.

“Tsunade, I treat you as a friend, I hope you don’t get in my way, otherwise, even if it is you, I will do the same.”

Liufeng said lightly.

“Why is this, why are you still engaged in internal strife at the moment, why?”

At this time, Tsunade was crying, and to be honest, it was the first time that Rukaede had seen Tsunade’s side.

“Why? Yes, I don’t know why some fools came to provoke me, knowing that I don’t have a good temper, why? ”

Liufeng also wanted to complete the task in his heart, but what did Tuan Zang mean by this stupid yin and yang weirdness? Deliberately provoking his emotions?

Others may endure it, but Liufeng won’t endure it, I’m so strong, why endure?

“Uchiha Liufeng, you are extremely evil.”

Sarutobi looked at the Konoha ninja who died at the hands of Uchiha Rukaede, and the anger in his eyes was completely unbearable.

“Think about it, in fact, for you, there is still room for maneuver, once you make a move, then I really have no choice but to kill you.”

Looking at the ape flying sun slash who couldn’t help but make a move, Liufeng said in a deep voice.


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