“Young Lord, after the end of this war, I am afraid that we will become the focus of the ape flying sun.”

Uchiha said worriedly to Rukaede, he was worried about the future.

Now let the ape flying sun chop completely fall down, and almost break with Konoha village, and when the war is over, the ape flying sun chop will definitely deal with them.

“What are you worried about, even if you don’t do this, the Uchiha family is still a thorn in their eyes.”

Liufeng waved his hand indifferently, in fact, Liufeng had already thought about the future.

He has two choices, one is to turn the ape flying sun, and then become the new Hokage of Konoha Village, which is a more difficult choice.

It is easy to solve the Sarutobi Slash, but it is not easy to become Hokage to control Konoha Village, after all, Uchiha himself and the major families of Konoha Village have conflicts.

Even civilian ninjas did not treat the Uchiha clansmen, including those ordinary civilians, and did not have a good impression of the Uchiha clan.

In this case, solving the ape flying sun slash may not be able to become a Hokage, but will be the same enemy of Konoha.

And the second choice is to defect to Konoha Village and leave Konoha Village with his clansmen, and this world is not without a place except Konoha Village.

Leaving Konoha Village, he could still take his clan to live well.

“Ye, if I choose to defect in the future, will you follow me?”

Rukaede raised his head and asked towards Uchihano.

“Since following the Young Lord, my life has been given to the Young Lord, and no matter what the Young Lord does, I will follow.”

“Okay, I see.”

Ryukede did not doubt their loyalty, just now he and the Uchiha clan arrived as soon as possible and began to confront the Konoha ninja.

“Don’t call me Young Master in the future.”

“Yes, Lord Liufeng.”

Uchiha stood respectfully behind Rukaede.

At the same time, Tsunade left from Sarutobi with a frosty face.

She went to question the ape flying sun slash, whether the Thousand Hands clan was killed by the ape flying sun slash as Liufeng said.

The result was naturally a denial answer, and she told her that it was just a means for Uchiha Liuke to sow discord.

But Tsunade is not a fool, although Sarutobi is her teacher, but Tsunade is not Sarutobi Hinata, she believes whatever she says.

What’s more, Tsunade had doubts in his heart, but he just didn’t ask it.

This time I asked, but I only got an answer that there will be casualties when I carry out the mission, and the death of the Thousand Hands tribe is the interception of the enemy family when performing the mission.

But Tsunade didn’t believe this answer, and left Sarutobi with a frosty face.

Leaving Sarutobi Hinata, Tsunade found Rukaede.

“I didn’t expect you to come to see me again, it’s a bit of a surprise.” Rukaede looked at Tsunade gently.

Don’t look at Liufeng so domineering, ruthless, and murderous before, but in fact, he is usually relatively gentle.

“I want to know if what you said about the demise of the Senju clan is related to the ape flying sun slash and Shimura Danzo is true?”

“Is it true that you should have the answer in your heart, in fact, I don’t have any evidence, but the demise of the Thousand Hands Clan is indeed a little abnormal, isn’t it.”

Ryukede looked directly at Tsunade and said.

The Senju clan suffered a lot of losses during the first Ninja World War, but after that it was still the number one clan in the ninja world, when Senju was still alive, and Uchiha was suppressed by the Senju clan.

But after the death of Senju and the ascension of the three generations of Hokage, it didn’t take long for the Senju clan to decline, and now there are only two people left.

If there were another problem with the rope tree, then the entire Senju clan would be left with only Tsunade himself.

“I see.”

Tsunade’s face was full of complexity, and he turned and left from Rukaede.

Even if you guess it, what about it, now go to her good teacher Ape Flying Sun and turn her face? At first, Tsunade did have this impulse, but in the end it was pressed down by Tsunade.

Konoha Village has reached the most critical moment, her personality is different from Liufeng and it is impossible to make a big trouble at this time.

The Konoha Village established by her grandfather, this is the brainchild of her grandfather’s thousand hand pillars, she can’t watch the collapse of Konoha Village, and let’s talk about it after the war is over.


Three days later, everyone in the Shimura clan was taken to the battlefield, including those who did not become ninjas, and the property of the Shimura clan was plundered by the Uchiha clan ordered by Rukaede.

Anyway, he was going to be extinguished, and he laughed at the property.

“In the future, you will be under my command, and those who disobey will die.”

Liufeng looked at the clansmen of the Shimura clan lightly, and the murderous aura displayed on his body proved that Liufeng was not joking.

“Uchihano, let them be the vanguard to attack Shinobu, and those who retreat die.”

Turning his head to Uchiha and ordering, Ryukede left.

“What are you going to do, you are asking us to send to death.”

“We want to see Naruto-sama, you are plotting to kill us.”

“Where is Lord Tuanzang, Lord Tuanzang save us.”

A sound of ghosts crying wolves came into Liufeng’s ears, but Liufeng didn’t pay half a attention, he wouldn’t be merciful.

A few hours later, Uchiha returned .

“Lord Liufeng, the Shimura clan is dead, and those who escaped were also killed by me.”

Uchiha reported the results of the battle to Liufeng and at the same time hesitated, as if he had something to say.

“Say whatever you want.”

“Yes, Lord Rukaede, I think we should get rid of all threats, and it is better to solve the rest of Shimura Danzo together.”

Speaking of which, the Shimura clan is not afraid at all, Shimura Danzo is the biggest threat, he is the soul of the Shimura clan.

“Tuanzang can die, but not now, it is still useful for Tuanzang to stay.”

To put it mildly, Tuan Zang is a role of a-stirring stick, this kind of person has no point in killing, and it is useful to live.

After all, Konoha always needs a few moths, and as the cradle of geniuses, it would be terrifying without moths.

For the sake of future planning, Tuan Zang can’t die yet, and his usefulness is quite great.

Since Liu Feng said so, Uchiha Hano didn’t say anything about Tuan Zang’s threat, in fact, Tuan Zang didn’t have any threat, and it was just an easy thing for Liu Feng to kill him.

Although Tuanzang has shadow-level strength, it is the weakest among shadow-level, and even the future Tuanzang is vulnerable in front of Liufeng.

“Next, it’s time to find a way to help Konoha Village win the war.”

Liufeng glanced at his system task, Eternal Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, let him work hard.

The next day, Rukaede left Camp Konoha alone and headed towards the Shinobi Camp.

That’s right, what Liu Feng wants to do is to single out the entire Sand Ninja Army, not that Liu Feng swells, but that Sand Shinobu can’t help him at all.

With the Uzumaki Immortal Body, Ryukede is not afraid of using the kaleidoscope Sharingan to cause blindness, and who can hurt him when he has been using Susano?

As for consuming his pupil power? After exhausting Liufeng can use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave, but the next day he killed again, I don’t know how long Shinobu can hold out under his attack.

It is estimated that if you hold on for a week, Sand Shinobu will be killed by Liufeng .


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