Department of Mystery,

It is a rarer being than the self-awakened

The transcendent beings who have awakened on their own are under the current sixteen-guard system, although there is no one in a thousand

But counting those old guys, plus there are seven people who don’t say anything

However, the mysterious department… In the more than ten years since Wen Chengye entered the Sixteen Guards, he really hadn’t heard of anyone being a mysterious department.

“By the way, Captain, the boy just said as he was leaving, let you pay attention to a strange thing.”


“In the middle of the tip of that multi-purposeed nose, under the sarcoma

There was a red fly-like pattern, and he said it felt a bit like the one on the crow’s tongue before. ”

Wen Chengye’s pupils narrowed, and he immediately got up and came to the front of Duomu

He plucked away the members of the spirit-hunting team who were gathered around the multi-eyed man with a look of adoration

Then he pulled out the sword he was carrying behind him and gently provoked the sarcoma that was hunched over the skull of Dome.

Sure enough,

A crouching red fly pattern appears in the multi-purpose nose stem!

This boy, even in the case of such a fierce battle, could still notice such details covered by sarcoma!

Wen Chengye didn’t know that this was the first time he had been shocked by Shi Wuyi today.

He looked closely, only to see that the red fly’s logo had become dimmed, and he could not feel the slightest fluctuation of spiritual power on it

But in the instant that his gaze fell on the pattern,

Wen Chengye’s heart suddenly gave birth to a strange and extremely strange feeling.

It was as if he had heard the whispers of a demon and tempted him to devour everything!


Endless hunger!

Wen Chengye was shocked in his heart, and was preparing to mobilize extraordinary forces to forcibly suppress this strange feeling

But he found that the throbbing had disappeared, as if it was just his delusion.

“Obey orders!”

Wen Chengye stood up straight, looking extremely serious.

“Leave the two of them to contact the field team that came right away, and contact the World Headquarters, send more manpower, and send the multi-purpose corpses to the technology development team, and the others, return to the team!”

With that, he hurried away.

He was going to hurry back to Headquarters to report to Headquarters on the incident that had taken place today

The frequent passage loopholes exist only in the legendary multi-eyed, eerie animal patterns, and the super powerful newcomer who is suspected of being mysterious.

All these extremely unlikely events are concentrated in this short period of one month

The days of Kaihara City… It’s going to change!



The young girl in overalls said with a professional smile, and then her expression froze.

She saw a white-haired teenager walk in through the door of the convenience store, although his eyes were obscured by an eye patch

But the handsome face that appeared below like a knife still made her heart beat faster.

“Eh, what about your boss?” How did you change people? ”

Shi WuXian was a little surprised, he had originally thought of coming over to buy some food to replenish the energy he had just lost in the battle

But unexpectedly found that the owner of the convenience store was missing, the boss he had known for a long time

It has always been the way of cutting and searching, and where you can not spend money, you will never spend money

It is a rare thing that a cashier was suddenly invited to come today and he was gone.

“I, I don’t know.”

The girl looked at Shi Wu like a flower idiot, and she wanted to pull down the silent blindfold to see what kind of face was hidden underneath.

Without saying a word, after a while, he bought food and put it on the ledger

When I was about to check out, I suddenly smelled the aroma of Oden cooking

He looked sideways, but was surprised to see that the Oden grid, which had always been empty, was now full of fragrant food.


The corners of his mouth slowly drew up, in that special six-eyed perspective

He saw a trace of red spiritual power impressively attached to the edge of some Oden grid.

That spiritual power is extremely faint and very weak, if it were not for the fact that he was attracted by the smell and took the initiative to look at it, he would not even be able to find it at all.

“Bring me two turnips.”

“Good, good!”

Walk out of the convenience store with the sweets and oden you bought, and look around

After noticing anything out of the ordinary, he walked in the direction of his home.


Wenxiang Road.

In a dark room, a middle-aged convenience store owner with glasses is sitting at a table

He was constantly grabbing the food on the table with both hands and shoving it into his mouth

The strange thing was that even though he had now eaten twenty servings of food, his stomach had not swelled in the slightest.

“Your ‘child’ is dead, are you still in the mood to eat here, don’t you feel bad?”

A woman’s voice came from the shadows in the corner, and although it was an ordinary word, it carried a charm that seemed to be innate.

After the middle-aged man finished eating the rest of the food like a windswept cloud, he grabbed the tablecloth and wiped the residue at will.

“I didn’t expect that the boy to be able to awaken to become an extraordinary, but this is a bit troublesome.”

“The little guy you said earlier that smells very tempting?”


The man nodded, his mouth slightly open, and a morbid craving for food appeared in the eyes under the lenses.

“I’ve never seen anything as delicious as he is, and if I can eat him, what if I don’t have a “child”!

I’m even willing to trade all my “kids” for a bite! ”


The woman covered her mouth and smiled, fortunately only the two of them were there at the moment

Otherwise, if other men heard this laughter, I am afraid that even their own souls will be hooked.

“Is there anything in the world that only gives you one bite?” The time you eat, you don’t even have to eat the soup together. ”

The woman twisted her posture and changed to a comfortable sitting position, but inadvertently made her hot curves more prominent.

“Listening to you say this, I also want to taste that little guy.”


A fork was inserted into the wall on the side of the woman’s head the moment she had just finished speaking.

“I advise you not to hit me on the idea of food!”

The middle-aged man’s face showed a touch of tyrannical cruelty.

“Giggling ~ how did you get contaminated with the temper of that guy Ange, I’m different from you, I’m done, don’t you still have to eat~”

The woman completely ignored the steel fork that was still trembling on the side of the handle, which was still the same natural feminine posture as before.

The man snorted coldly, thought about it, and then continued

“There was something wrong with the boy, he seemed to be able to foresee the future, and the message coming back from my ‘child’ showed,” he said

“He can accurately predict the target and angle of each attack, and respond in advance, and seems to be able to track the presence of spiritual power.”

At that convenience store, I won’t go back for the time being, although the boy’s ability is not very good

But in case he found out and reported it to the old guys of the Sixteenth Guard, things would be in trouble. ”

The middle-aged man paused, looked into the corner and continued

“Raiki, don’t try to beat him up, his eyes, I always think it’s a little weird.”

The charm in the woman’s voice suddenly disappeared, and the tone became incomparably cold

“Just take care of yourself, don’t cross the line, Gratt!”

Her eyes, hidden in the night, flashed a blood-red glow!

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