Shi Bu stood in front of a red phone booth in the park

After observing the surroundings with six eyes to confirm the existence of any living people or spirits in this place

He calmly continued to study the skill he had just unlocked.

All of Gojo’s spell abilities are based on the characteristics of his six eyes, allowing the holder to perform delicate spell manipulations.

This newly unlocked “Cang” is no exception.

If the previously possessed ability, the “Stop Force,” is a harmless, neutral, passive means of defense

Then “Cang” is a negative, active attack method with extremely strong attack power.

Moreover, it also requires less spell power, so it is also the most commonly used attack method of Gojo Goku in the original world.

“Cang” is an advanced technique that strengthens the Infinite Limit Technique

Also advanced are “He” and “Chi”

However, the latter two are not yet at full of integration, and they cannot be unlocked for the time being.

When the eyes moved slightly, the pale blue six eyes flowed with brilliance

The spell power in his own body surged, under the precise control of the Six Eyes

It flows along with the Lower Limit Technique possessed in the body, and is supplemented with reinforcement

Then, without saying a word, he raised his right hand and pointed to a tree not far away


When the tree is untouched, it suddenly breaks in two from the middle!

But this time the rupture is different from the previous unspoken blows

A blow is a force from the outside, from the outside to the inside to exert force on the trunk, so that it breaks,

And this time, this is at the same time as the spell is unleashed without a word

Suddenly in the middle of the trunk appeared a space that seemed to absorb objects, like a small black hole

At the moment of its appearance, an extremely strong attraction force suddenly appeared

All objects in the range are absorbed and compressed to the middle point, and then disappear in an instant

If anyone is watching, he will find that at the moment when the “fly” appears, he will find it

A large piece of the tree trunk was lost directly out of thin air!

This is the skill that is unlocked without words, the Shun Transformation Technique – “Cang”!

It doesn’t matter if you just spend a lot of effort after locating a place

The “cang” can be released at that marked place, and the distance of that place can be infinitely attracted and compressed

All objects near that point will be attracted by the huge compression force that erupts in an instant!

It’s an invisible and powerful attraction.


With the time without saying a word the fingers move again

The two trash cans in the park, which were several meters apart, suddenly collided with each other as if they were being pulled by something.

Absolute gravity!

Shi Wuyi showed a faint smile, after having “Cang” this time, his fighting style would be qualitatively improved

Although before, he had directly crushed the multiple eyes

But in the end, it is still up to itself to engrave the “power of stopping” that no object can approach.

Then, through the analysis of the multi-purpose spiritual power of the six eyes, it was determined that it had no ability to hurt itself, and then it was taken as the object of the first test.

Although in the original world, Gojo Goku’s ability is a ceiling-level existence

But in the extraordinary world in which he did not say that he was in, he did not know whether there would be a super existence that he could not resist

With a little more strength, your safety will be guaranteed by one more point.

Now that the “Cang” is unlocked, it goes without saying that in some cases, you can choose not to engage in melee combat, but to take a safer long-range combat.

Moreover, the Cang, which represents absolute gravity, can develop more effects after becoming proficient in itself

For example, after you can achieve accurate orientation of the fly, you can compress the distance or space from the starting point to the end point

That is to say, the original distance of twenty meters can be compressed to zero, so that you can instantly appear behind the enemy

Even, this orientation can be used not only for things, but also for others or yourself

For example, an enemy who has escaped to tens of meters away can be pulled back in an instant

You can also teleport yourself to a place tens of kilometers away in ten seconds.

This not only makes your speed even higher, but also makes your fighting style more diversified!

“However, even with the blessing of the six eyes, the exact orientation and gravitational force of the “Cang” are still difficult to control.”

Shi Wuyan looked at the garbage cans on the ground that had been knocked into countless small pieces, and smiled helplessly, he had only wanted to slightly control them to collide, but he did not expect that the gravitational force was released too much.

“Abilities involving atomic levels and material space are really difficult, and it seems that this evening will be practiced for a long time.”

Before the words could be heard, the silent figure disappeared from the spot and appeared at the end of the park path

One of the derivative uses of “苍” is teleportation!

In the place where he had just disappeared without a word, the red phone booth suddenly glowed a faint red.

After a breath, a slightly hunched guy walked out of the phone booth

He walked slowly to the side of the recliner and sat down, quietly looking at the exercise not far in front of him.

“The power is very strong, the control is very good, the speed is very fast, no, this speed is not pure physical speed, this is … The power of space?”

Looking at the silent flickering figure in front of him, a trace of surprise and admiration flashed in the slightly cloudy eyes of the Yankee.

“Xiao Wen told me that there was a little guy from the mysterious department, and I thought he was mistaken… Alas, old man.”

Half an hour later, without saying a word, he flashed back to the recliner

He didn’t care about the sudden extra guys in front of him, and just sat down on the recliner

While screaming in his mouth and dying, he took a can of drinks from the food bag he brought and drank it.

The man opened his squinting eyes and looked calmly ahead

“Young man, you don’t seem surprised that I’m here.”

His voice was old and steady, like the surface of a lake that was not alarmed.

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