Shi WuXian did not pay attention to what was happening above the stands

In front of him, a member of the monitoring team was reading to them about the test.

“The test starts right away, whether you’re a spell department, an instrument department, or an auxiliary department, it’s the same way of testing.”

As soon as the words fell, the crowd was in an uproar.

“Is there even someone from the auxiliary department who comes to participate in the combat test?” What did he think? ”

“Was it thinking of adding a buff to the Chaos Spirit?” Hahaha! ”


The staff of the inspection team frowned

His voice swept through the crowd like an invisible wave

The crowd that had just been noisy was suddenly dumbfounded.

“The entire test site is divided into four zones ABCD, four zones tested simultaneously, and each area can only go in one person at a time.”

“There will be cameras around you that will film your battle as a record.”

“This test is just a simple entry test, and the Chaos Spirit arranged for you is also a relatively simple “Level 4 Disaster” iron rhinoceros.”

“Even if you can’t beat it, don’t be afraid, and use your own abilities as much as possible


It doesn’t matter if you’re injured, we have the best medical staff on standby and will never put your lives in danger. ”

“Behind you, in that stand, are the captains, vice-captains and members of the various combat teams that you are about to enter, and they will observe your performance throughout this time.”

“So it doesn’t matter if you haven’t played, as long as you can show your courage and ability, then you may be directly selected by the captains.”

“Now, the test begins, please enter the corresponding test field with the name of the person who reads the name next, and the rest of the personnel are ready to enter!”

Because the order in which the test is taken is sorted according to the time when the person was present

And because he and Lu Chengqi went to sit in the “red box” for sightseeing, it was not said when they were the last to enter, and at this moment, they were naturally ranked as the last to participate in the test.

Without saying a word or hurry, he walked slowly to the stand on the side of the entrance to the passage

Sit down for a long time, then take a piece of sugar from your pocket and throw it in your mouth.

Just when he was watching around because of boredom,

However, he unexpectedly found an acquaintance at the very edge of the right stand, Jiang Yi’er.

Shi Wuyi said hello to Jiang Yi’er and saw Jiang Yi’er look over.

“Sugar, delicious!”

Shi WuXian shook the sugar paper in his hand, and Jiang Yi’er on the other side saw it and was very happy in his heart

She recognized that it was the same sugar that she had made with her own ability after drinking milk tea yesterday.

She was about to wave her hand in response, but suddenly a mournful voice sounded around her.

“You know that guy?”

Zhou Mingxiu, the captain of the reserve fourth team, walked up to Jiang Yi’er

The face was a little unkind and looked in the direction that was not said at the time.


Jiang Yi’er’s head lowered, and his voice responded weakly.

“It seems that things are really clustered, and people who know waste are waste.”

Zhou Mingxiu laughed strangely, and suddenly leaned down and whispered to Jiang Yi’er

“But if you beg me, then I can arrange for you to go out with you the next time the Chaos Spirit appears.”

Haven’t you always wanted to participate in disaster eradication operations? As long as you beg me, then everything is easy to say. ”

Jiang Yi’er’s body trembled a little, she was very afraid of him, not because of what Zhou Mingxiu had done to him

Although Jiang Yi’er’s posture and appearance belong to the top existence of the sixteen guards

But because there are strict rules inside the Sixteen Guards

Plus her relationship with Lu Chengqi is not bad

Therefore, Zhou Mingxiu did not have the courage at all, and there were only two or three times of verbal difficulties like this

Maybe he just made a move, and he would be found by Lu Chengqi or someone from the supervision team to arrest him

Thrown to the Thirteenth Guard, the madmen of the prison squad

Those people were not afraid of anyone in the whole sixteen guards

Even those who face the Inspectors dare to stare twice, which belongs to the type of horizontal walking in the sixteenth guard.

The reason why Jiang Yi’er is afraid of him is because Jiang Yi’er is a very inferior and timid person, and he has thought that he is not good enough from childhood to adulthood

Even if he became the only extraordinary person among a thousand people, he was also a very talented “one-time knocker”

But because the awakening department is the auxiliary department, she still thinks that she is very weak

Because of this personality, she has not been less bullied since she was a child.

It was hard to summon up the courage to apply to join the combat team from the internal affairs team

However, because of her cute appearance, she was harassed by Zhou Mingxiu and did not allow her to participate in the disaster incident

Jiang Yi’er became more inferior, and this inferiority overflowed and became quiet and gentle.

Yes, Jiang Yi’er is a very gentle person, even someone like Zhou Mingxiu is difficult for her

She was not allowed to participate in the battle she was supposed to take part in as a reserve combatant, and she did not tell the time to say nothing

Because at that time, Shi Bu Yan was still just an ordinary person, even if Shi Wu said that the fight was no matter how bad

It is also impossible to win a battle against an extraordinary person as an ordinary person.

So she chose to take on her own silently and go to Haiyuan University every day to take classes in a daze.

Even in this situation, Jiang Yi’er did not run away, but his body trembled

With tears in her eyes, she squeezed her hand tightly, then bit her lip and whispered a word.


If it is usual, she may choose to leave directly

But now, Shi Bu Yan was looking at her from the other side

Jiang Yi’er did not want Shi Buyan to discover his own situation

A person who is not so good at the time, once he perceives that something is wrong with him, will definitely do something out of the ordinary.

It was a test of entry for Shimo, and she didn’t want Shibuyan to make any mistakes in something so important.

Shi Bu Yan had already been very good to her, and she should not cause trouble for Shi Mu again.

Just suddenly,

Jiang Yi’er heard the whistling wind blowing in his ears

It was mixed with her familiar candy aroma.


The next moment, a crisp slap sounded throughout the training ground!

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