Time is not to say after the meeting

He went alone to the office of the captain of the interior team

Originally, Lu Chengqi wanted to come with him

However, he was dragged to the training by He Persuasion.

“White-haired boy, what are you here for?”

Chai An of the eight-character Hu is still that untrimmed look

Leaning back in a chair with a cigarette in his mouth.

“Adjust the registration level, I am now level two.”

Shi WuXian said with a strange look in his eyes, every time he saw Chai An,

You will feel that the green hat he wears on his head is particularly attractive.

“Your boy is not coming to me for fun, don’t make trouble, I’m busy.”

Chai An glanced at it without saying a word, and then continued to play with the plane battle with his mobile phone

Without saying a word, he was not in a hurry, looking at Chai An who was surrounded by smoke in front of him, and the corners of his mouth showed a playful smile

“Uncle, shall we make a bet?”

“What uncle, called Captain Chai!”

That being said, Chai An’s eyes began to glow

The word gamble can be described as poking his heart

He put the phone down, lay down on the table, and looked at it without saying a word

“What to bet?”

“Bet if someone will notify you right away and ask you to go through the formalities for me.”


Chai An didn’t even listen to what the bet was

The quick opening should come down

As if he didn’t regret it when he was afraid

As for losing… Cut, how could he Chai An possibly lose?!

This boy has just entered the sixteenth guard

The registration level is still only level four

How is it possible to jump directly to the second level at once?

Time to say that this boy has lost!

He even began to calculate the next

How much oil he was going to pluck out of this boy.

I didn’t think about it, just a few seconds passed

The phone on his desk began to ring

Chai An had a bad feeling in his heart and picked up the phone

His expression gradually changed from doubt, to incomprehension, and finally to shock.

A moment later,

He didn’t look angry when he didn’t say a word

“You win, come with me.”

He walked with his back to the door without a word

At the moment, though the face was loose and crumbling,

But his heart was terrified!

He had just received a call from the General Investigation Team

The phone told him very clearly

It goes without saying that the registration level has now become level two

Let him complete the formalities as soon as possible.

“This, this, this is so special that it’s outrageous!”

Chai Ann couldn’t believe it

The promotion model of the sixteenth guard has always been step-by-step

Shi Buyan had just joined the Sixteenth Guard, although the strength was very strong

But you still have to follow the rules

Start by passing the three-level examination

Then there is the quasi-second level, and finally it can be promoted to the second level

Who just jumped up like this?!

But the phone on the other side of the general investigator team said,

Now is a very special time

Special cases should be handled specially

Shi Wuyi wiped out a quasi-first-level chaos spirit last night

Because of the emergency, there is no assessment staff to accompany

However, the deputy captain of the second team of the hunting spirit, He Shujiu, was present at the time

Can be seen as an appraiser

She was extremely satisfied with her unspoken performance

And Shi Bu Yan served as the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting First Team

If his registration level has remained at level four

Inevitably something inappropriate

Therefore, this disaster incident was directly counted as the content of the assessment that was not said at the time

And after the report of the on-site personnel and the assessment of the general adjustment team,

I think Shi Buyan performed very well in this incident

Therefore, it passed the promotion assessment

And because the chaotic spirit he destroyed was quasi-first-level, higher than second-level

So I also opened the next promotion assessment

As long as the time is not said to destroy a quasi-first-level chaos spirit alone, it is not said

Then you can continue to be promoted to become a quasi-first-level extraordinary.

Chai An, who listened to the call, was still shocked

This is something that has never happened in the Sixteen Guards!

Who is this person who is not special at this time?

How the Sixteen Guards had never broken the rules to him

It’s like it doesn’t exist!

Chai An scolded and grinned in his heart

He even began to speculate when he did not say anything about the relationship between the admiral and the general that he did not know

Otherwise there is no way to explain it!

But he was only thinking in his heart and did not dare to say it

He knew that the boy behind him did things completely depending on the mood, and was a person who did not like to follow the rules

In case of a fight with yourself, your old bones can’t stand the toss.

Chai An felt some envy in his heart

Shi Wuyi now suddenly became a second-level transcendent

That’s a monthly salary of 30w treatment!

Think about myself bitterly staying at the fourth level for three years before being promoted to the third level

Not to mention the promotion in the back

As a result, this boy has only been here for a few days

Just jump from level four to level two!

Special jump three levels in a row!

It’s really more people than people, angry people!


Chai An thought of something again, and the corners of his mouth flicked

“Egg! Fall into this kid’s trap and owe him a bet! ”

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