The silent figure flashed

Disappear from the air

The dust cleared before the building that had been blasted out of a big hole by itself

Looking at the revealed figure, the look of silence changed slightly, “When I don’t say anything, my body hurts so much~”

The blond head of Lu Chengqi appeared in front of his eyes and her left hand covered her chest

The right hand hangs low in front of you and walks without saying a word.

However, it did not take two steps

Her figure rippled like a wave of water and turned into a purple-black hair color Jiang Yi’er

Red eyes

Chu Chu looked pitifully at Shi without speaking, “Shi Shi did not speak, I am so uncomfortable, hug me.” ”

The next moment

The pitiful look on her face disappeared

The whole person’s temperament becomes seductive

“Without saying a word, looking at me like this, can you still lay down the magic hand?”

There was a hint of loss in her tone

Although the voice is the same as Jiang Yi’er’s, the tone and content are completely different

Jiang Yi’er, who appeared in front of Shi Wuyi’s eyes, was the teacher who Cai Qi had transformed into a priest in charge of lust

Changing looks can be said to be a fairly basic skill for her as long as she knows the other person’s information

Not only can you make your appearance and body shape exactly the same, but you can also learn the noise and demeanor

Over the years

No one had ever been able to see through her moves until they didn’t say a word when they met her. Although she had already been seen through by Shi Wuyi when she turned into a carambola peach before

But she was silent after the investigation was outdated

Knowing that Lu Chengqi and Jiang Yi’er were girls who Shi Buyan had known since childhood, she did not believe that Shi Wuyan was facing these two faces so familiar

You can still do it! It can be said that this is a clear psychological tactic. She shook her body

Walk in front of the silent body in the process

The other party has not moved

A smile appeared on Lai’s face

When it was time to strike at the time without saying a word

But suddenly I heard the man in front of me let out a sigh,

“You guys play tactics, are your hearts so dirty?”


A cracking sound of hunting sounded the next moment

Lai Qi felt a sharp pain coming from her abdomen, which was a knee blow that was unspoken!

“How come?!”

Raiki was hit hard

The abdomen suddenly sunk

The whole person flew out uncontrollably! At the same time, her figure instantly changed back to her original form


A mouthful of blood spat out of her mouth, “Don’t say a word!” ”

She gasped angrily in her heart

This man didn’t even hesitate a little when he struck! Even heavier than the previous blow!

This place can’t be left anymore! You must flee quickly!


The next moment

She suddenly felt her back hit something and suddenly stopped


The voice that frightened her again came from behind her ear, “You don’t deserve to be like them.” ”

At this moment, he teleported behind Lai Qi’s body and crossed his hands around Lai Qi’s neck

Lock throat!


Raiki’s voice was unusually terrified and her body trembled uncontrollably

The next moment

Shi Wuyi’s hands that held Lai Qi’s head forcefully only listened to a click

Cai Qi’s neck was tilted to the side.

Shi Wuyi looked at the body of Cai Qi on the ground but did not move to leave

He found that Cai Qi’s neck had been broken by himself

However, there was still a faint red wave of spiritual power on her corpse, and it seemed that there was still a trick.


The next moment,

Raiki’s body disappeared

It turned into a thick wisp of black smoke

Escape into the distance at breakneck speed! Without saying a word, he didn’t catch up

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth


The middle finger of his left index finger is erected, and the remaining three fingers are interlocked to form a handprint and open in a low voice.


Earthquake time

A tiny point of origin suddenly appeared in front of the black gas that had been about to flee to the other side of the river

In the instant it appears

An extremely strong attraction force suddenly erupted into black qi to dodge

Immediately it was inhaled into it

The sound was like a firework boom, the origin disappeared, and the black qi disappeared without him! Under the unspoken six-eyed perspective

That red spiritual power wave was also completely annihilated at this moment!


The look of silence suddenly moved

He heard the message from his inner system.

“Detected that the host has mastered the Reversal Technique Primer and has reached the new skill unlock condition.”

“Unlock a new skill: Magic Reversal – Spell “He”!”

Inside the nest.

“Thank you, thank you! If it weren’t for you, my arm would have been ruined!” ”

Inside an empty room

One team member folds his hands

He kept thanking Jiang Yi’er and was a little afraid from time to time

Looking at the closed door in front of him, when the flock of white-sided butterflies flew over, there were too many of them

For a moment, he didn’t hold back and prepared to kill a few backhand to relieve the pressure of being chased, but he just raised his hand

It was still too late to be searched by Lu Chengqi

The next moment,

Then he saw a wisp of white scales drifting down from the butterfly’s wings and landing on his raised arm,

The moment he touched the skin, his arm festered directly and the pain of drilling his heart came from it


The man was horrified

Seeing that the festering range was expanding the sword light flash

The corroded skin on his arm was directly shaved off! Then the man’s eyelids rolled over

He passed out in pain and then woke up

Discover that they have come to a safe place

The wound on his left arm had actually stopped the bleeding and was even slowly recovering visible to the naked eye

One question below

Only to learn that he was in a coma

Jiang Yi’er stuffed a candy in his mouth that could restore qi and blood

That’s why his injuries get better so quickly

The man first looked at Jiang Yi’er in disbelief, and then thanked him in succession

When I first heard about it

He had thought that just a little recovery would not work so well!

Jiang Yi’er waved his small hand with some confusion

“Compared with him, I’m almost far away~”


He persuaded the wine to suddenly put his finger to his mouth and signaled everyone to chatter

Enhanced hearing from the Fauna system

Let her faintly hear a strange voice approaching. When the crowd heard this, they immediately became alarmed

Look around. Suddenly, He persuaded Jiujiu’s look to change as she pulled Jiang Yi’er in front of her, “Flash away!” ”

The next moment

A pair of huge black jaws broke through the ground!

A huge exhausted man with a length of five meters appeared in front of everyone, “Captain Xiao, how are you doing?” ”

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