Inside the nest

Xiao Yueqing and the others followed the trail of the exhausted son for half a day, but they still did not find Dong Chengzhou’s shadow

Before you know it

The group had already come to the huge open space where the mountain was located, “Captain, did not see Dong Chengzhou?” ”

The team member spoke

“Or shall we look elsewhere?”

Lu Chengqi waved his hand

She took out the blue spell flute

“Now that we’ve come here, we’re going to destroy it.”

Her eyes looked at the huge cocoon mountain not far away, revealing a firm color.

“Is that really something that man can destroy?”

The team members were a little unconvinced

Before, they had felt that the cocoon mountain was huge on the platform, and now they came to the clearing

Cocoon Mountain is just around the corner

It made him feel as if he were facing a real mountain

Not to mention that above the cocoon mountain there are countless white-rimmed butterflies flying around it

“If you’re afraid, you can stay here. The long sword in Xiao Yueqing’s hand gently waved and came to Lu Chengqi’s side.”

“Oh, it’s hard for Big Beauty Xiao to agree with us.”

He persuaded the wine to smile and squint and took a step forward

He and Xiao Yueqing and Lu Chengqi stood side by side.

“Me, I’ll go too!”

Jiang Yi’er is also a step forward

However, it was the eyes of the three women who looked back at the same time and were scared back by half a step.

“Yi’er, you are an auxiliary department, you don’t have any combat ability, just stay here with peace of mind.”

Lu Chengqi opened his mouth softly

She and Jiang Yi’er met when they were in junior high school

He treated this cute girl as if she were his own sister.


Jiang Yi’er could only open his mouth weakly. Whew


Above them came a strange sound the next moment

The sound of breaking the air suddenly sounded

Several black shadows shot out at everyone! A flash of sword light Xiao Yueqing instantly came to Jiang Yi’er’s body

Use the long sword in your hand to bounce away the black shadow that suddenly attacked! The crowd looked on

I saw a few pieces of black fish scales larger than a palm deeply inserted into the ground and trembling at the moment.

“Thank you.”

Jiang Yi’er looked at the fish scales with some fear

“I said that with me you are safe. Xiao Yueqing’s tone was still so cold. ”

He Xunjiu next to him looked up and his eyes flashed and he whispered

“Fire bomb!”

Then a flame flew out of her palm

Straight towards the mid-air where the attack was launched. The flames hit the target at the same time

It also instantly lit up this dark space. The next moment everyone couldn’t help but take a breath of cool air only to see it on top of their heads

It’s a huge black goldfish! It has a pair of red sarcomas on its forehead

The fins on its body take on a slightly transparent dark red color at the moment it floats in mid-air

The fins swing gently

It’s like wandering in water.

“Level 1 Chaos Spirit!”

Someone in the Spirit Hunting Team exclaimed, “That’s the multi-eyed of a mature body!” ”

Lu Chengqi’s expression was serious

Her eyes fell on the goldfish, in the Yanqiu Mountain incident

The head that Shi Wuyan met was a second-level multi-eyed man who had told her

Once the multi-eye reaches maturity, it will grow into a first-degree disaster and the multi-eye in front of the eyes will grow

The spiritual power fluctuations that emanate from it

It is impressive that it has reached the stage of maturity! For multi-eye

When you are just born or a third level, you will not release any spiritual power

You can only rely on physical means to attack to the second level

It is possible to release red rays from sarcoma that can rob human souls

After reaching the first level of maturity, it has one more skill

That is, you can use the scales covering your body as an attack to shoot them out

Attack your opponent like an arrow.


I saw that the red sarcoma on the multi-eyed stem began to appear with a red glow, and the black scales on the body also began to stand up

Lu Cheng’s face changed, and she knew that this was a precursor to Domu’s imminent attack

Once hit by the red ray fired from its sarcoma, the whole person will be directly sucked out of the soul

Become a zombie-like living dead! And even if you dodge the red ray

Once hit by those black scales they were just flesh and blood

The same would be uncomfortable but if at such times

Everyone scattered to avoid multi-purpose attacks, so inside this unfamiliar underground lair

Single-handed team members can easily be swallowed by multiple eyes one by one!

“Don’t run around, all come closer to me!”

Lu Chengqi immediately made a decision, and then opened her mouth urgently, and she looked solemn

Place the flute in your hand in your mouth

The melodious sound of the flute instantly resounded in this empty underground.

“Spell Fifty-Six, Ten Thousand Runes Swinging Demon Array!”

The next moment

With her as the center

Above the ground, a pale blue aperture suddenly appeared above the circle of the aperture

Out of thin air, countless yellow rune paper runes were carved on top of the intricate black spell marks

A thin layer of blue appeared between the rune papers, enclosing everyone present

It’s like a protective cover. Almost at the same moment

The multi-eyed black fish scales and red rays suddenly struck countless attacks on the shield in an instant

The crackling sound is continuous

But this seemingly thin protective cover did not move at all! The crowd’s originally worried look suddenly relaxed

With a touch of gratitude and admiration in his eyes, he looked at Lu Chengqi standing in the center

They know

If it wasn’t Lu Chengqi

At this moment, under such a dense attack, I certainly can’t be as safe and sound as I am now!

Seeing that the two attacks launched by themselves at the same time failed to work, a trace of discoloration flashed in the eyes of the multi-eyed,

A cloud of black mist spat out of its mouth

Instantly fill the entire space

And its figure began to gradually disappear into it

This is the second skill after entering the mature body

Dome also used it in the table world against Natsu Lotte not only to obscure its body

And once hidden in it

Its breath fluctuations will also disappear. Therefore, the sixteen guards did not leave the clues from the scene until a long time later

I found that it had appeared in the table world.


At this moment, He persuaded the wine to emit a cold hum, “Want to escape?!” ”

The light blue transcendent power surged into the flesh and blood

Her arm disappeared

The wings begin to turn red from transparent

The whole person’s body changed its form in an instant,

A red fire phoenix with a faint flame appeared in front of everyone’s eyes

How to persuade the wine at this moment

Enter the state of complete body!

“Red Lotus!”

A low moan came from her mouth


The red feathers on his body fell off spontaneously like sharp arrows that fell off the strings

In an instant, he inserted himself into the open space under the eyes of the multi-eyed

The next moment,

The red color above the feathers is abrupt!

Then a huge column of flames soared into the sky! In an instant, the black fog above the air was washed away

Envelop the huge body of Dome!

A terrible roar suddenly emanated from the mouth of many eyes and it kept churning its body in the air,

It seems to be extremely painful

The crowd was stunned

This was the first time they had seen He Shujiu’s full physical state

The scorching wave of air rising around her made everyone a little afraid to get close to her, and she didn’t expect that it was only He Shujiu, who was a second-class person

Now that he was able to launch such a shocking move, Xia Lotte’s increase after entering the full body was four times, why did he persuade the increase of wine to be even higher than that of Xia Lotte?! They haven’t waited for a reaction

Then I saw a flash of blue shadow in front of me

Xiao Yueqing, who had long ice blue hair, had already walked up to everyone and her right hand glowed blue

Extending over the sword in her hand,


The black sword suddenly turned into a blue sword! She looked up at the many eyes that roared in pain in the air

The boots are a little on the ground

A puff of dust was stirred, and her whole person rose into the air in an instant

“Moonlight Shine!”

A cold voice emanated from her thin lips and everyone looked up

Only to see the black sky above

At this moment, it was as if countless starlight dots had appeared floating towards the multi-eyed huge body at the same time

The long sword in Xiao Yueqing’s hand slashed forward in front of him

The semi-circular sword qi formed by the Dao Slash suddenly appeared like a crescent moon and slashed straight towards the multiple eyes! The next moment,

Just listen to one sound

The sarcoma on Dome’s body was directly split in half! And the sword qi has not stopped

Keep going

Finally, a deep wound that landed on the huge body of the many eyes suddenly appeared

Blood flowed from its body like a spring in an instant! Dome let out a hiss of extreme pain

No longer able to control the fall from the air

Fell heavily to the ground, causing a tremor in the ground! Everyone was shocked by Xiao Yueqing, the leader of the Spirit Hunting Team

It is really the absolute strength of the gymnastic department!

At this time

The light of the Ten Thousand Spells Demon Array disappeared

Everyone stared blankly at the multi-eyed man in front of him, who had almost gone to half a life

Its body was full of burnt marks and the deep bone sword wound that made their hearts terrified

Xiao Yueqing, Lu Chengqi, He Persuasion WineIs this the true strength of the Sixteen Guards Hunting Spirit Captain?! Just for a moment

He directly seriously injured the first-level chaos spirit in front of him! Clap Snap… In the darkness

Suddenly, there was a sound of applause

The crowd looked puzzled

Only to see a familiar figure with short blond hair coming out of the darkness behind the multi-purpose.

“Xia Lotte! You’re not dead?! ”

“He persuasion’s pupils shrank suddenly!”

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