At the beginning,

Raiki’s doppelgänger is killed without saying a word, and she informs Gratt of the incident.

Grat, although not reported to the Hotlis class, was dismissive of the time.

But at the strong request of Raiki, the two made a decision,

It is to first let their subordinate Dong Chengzhou arrest some members of the spirit hunting team, so that they can be quiet when the time comes.

Take them as hostages, let the time not be silent,

For as the priest of the old priesthood who was in charge of lust,

Lai Qi can not only seduce people’s innermost desires, but also easily see the emotions in the eyes of others.

So even if they are well hidden, Lai Qi can still see that they are in the spirit hunting team,

The four girls all had a special affection for Shi Wu.

But they didn’t expect that they would directly beat Dong Chengzhou and turn around and escape. So they summoned Duomu out and ate the useless Dong Chengzhou,

And then sent out Xia Lotte,

The evil thoughts in the latter’s own heart are extremely heavy, and Laiqi only guides them slightly.

He didn’t even use his own powers. Let Xia Lotte fall into it directly.

But just when their plan was about to succeed, the time arrived without a word,

Killing many eyes first, and then killing Xia Lotte, can be described as vigorous.

But this also made Gratt realize that the strength of the time is not simple, so next,

And they started a second plan.

That is, Grat, who had never spoken to the time, attacked Raiqi first, watching the battle.

Look for the flaws that are unspoken in the battle, and then launch a fatal blow at that moment, or look for opportunities,

Seize the people of the Spirit Hunting Team who are not far away, as a means of coercion,

But I didn’t think about it,

Shi Buyan not only did not show the slightest flaw in the battle with Grat, but even the girls did not have the slightest intention of coming forward.

Let Lackey’s plan go bankrupt again.

And then the most unbelievable thing happened to her,

Shi Wuyan used the powerful power she had never seen in the Battle of the North River, directly breaking the power bone cage of Gratt as a gluttonous priest,

And then Gratt was blown straight up.

Even forced him into the “first dark” form, that is, the current pure chaotic spirit state, in the old days,

Similar to the multi-order white-edged butterfly,

They themselves are just ordinary chaotic spirits, they are infused with spiritual power,

After forcibly increasing the strength to become like this, this kind of chaos spirit is called “experimental product” by them, among which the powerful and excellent chaos spirit

It is called “child”.

And like the believers of the old days,

Then they are just ordinary human beings or transcendents, and they use their own evil thoughts,

That is, the black qi emitted from the body is used as a guide to lure out the evil thoughts that human beings themselves originally carry, and then the evil thoughts are transformed into spiritual power.

This is called “evolutionary”, once it becomes “evolutionary”,

His physical endurance and other aspects of strength will be greatly improved, now in the table world,

The human beings who caused the crime were the believers of the old days, ordinary people can be like this, and so can the extraordinary.

For example, Dong Chengzhou, Zhu Feiwen, Xia Lotian, these are the best of the “evolutionists”,

Their bodies will even tend to the form of chaotic spirits as the evil thoughts and spiritual power in their bodies increase.

Although in the short term,

The extraordinary power and spiritual power in the body will clash with each other, but once it is stabilized,

Then the strength will be improved again.

And now Gratt is in this “early dark” form,

It is a variation form that can only be used after reaching the special level chaos spirit, and this form will not be like Dong Chengzhou and Zhu Feiwen.

Although he possesses the body of a chaotic spirit, his face is still human, under the “first dark” form,

The whole person will completely change into the form of a chaotic spirit, abandoning all the characteristics of human beings, and at the same time,

The sanity and emotion of being a human being will also disappear,

Instinctively manipulated by inner desires and evil thoughts. Until one of the two sides dies!

And Grat’s entry into the “initial darkness” form at this moment not only means that Shi Wuyan has forced him into a desperate situation.

It also means that the plan that Leitch and Gratt had previously made failed again in this instant.

She couldn’t have executed the plan with a chaotic spirit who had fallen into a state of complete madness and had no mind.

So, now she,

There is only one choice! now

The crowd was still looking at the huge fly in front of them with horror, and suddenly there was a throbbing in their hearts.

Look sideways,

Only to see that the demonic lust priest Lai Qi, all over his body emitted a burst of black qi,

At this moment, the black chain that was originally suspended behind her suddenly made a rattling sound,

Spontaneously, her entire body was wrapped around in a circle, and the chains shrank tighter and tighter.

The red glow that flashed like breathing on it was getting faster and faster, and after a few seconds,

Raiki’s body disappeared in place,

In its place was a huge black python as thick as a body! Its pair of vertical pupils without any emotion look without saying a word,

The scarlet snake Nobuko swallowed silently at the moment, and Lai Qi was at this moment,

It has also entered the “first dark” state! Since there is no way to implement the plan,

Then go straight to the strongest form of the frontal battle! In Raiki’s view,

That’s all,

Only when there is a glimmer of possibility to overcome is not spoken! At this moment,

Looking at the two chaotic spirits in front of them that emitted an endless terrifying aura, the powerful sense of oppression even made them feel,

When his body faced them, he couldn’t help but tremble,

Even desperate to turn around and run away!

It is an instinctive shock from the superior to the inferior! They finally understood,

Why has there always been a rumor about the special grade, the so-called special grade, one-handed can kill the first level!


They still have teammates around them, they can share some of the pressure, but in front of them, the white-haired teenager,

As the object of direct oppression by the momentum of the two-headed Grade Chaos Spirit, how much pressure should he face at this moment?!

“Time is silent!”

Lu Chengqi opened his mouth loudly, and turned his head to look at it without saying a word,

Lu Cheng’s eyes showed a hint of worry, “You must win!” ”

Without saying a word, first a shyness,

Then a good-looking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, “Don’t worry, I’m invincible.” ”

Just nine words,

The tone is indifferent but like a thousand pounds,

Word by word struck in the hearts of all!

After saying that, he walked towards the two priests who had entered the initial dark form. The pace is steady and powerful.


A sound of wings was heard,

Gratt’s figure instantly disappeared into place, there was not even any dust on the ground, and his speed was faster and lighter than before!

Without a word, his eyes flickered,

The figure also disappeared in place at the same time, teleporting!

The next moment,

A large pit suddenly appeared in the previous location, and everyone was shocked.

I didn’t expect that the foot of the fly, which was as thin as a bamboo pole, had such great power! When the time is not silent, just stand still,

Only to feel a sudden gust of fishy wind behind him, he did not have to look back,

Just through the 360 perspective of the six eyes,

A stout snake’s tail was sweeping towards the back of his head with a strong wind! The power on it is extremely strong,

As if photographed,

Then his head will absolutely explode like a watermelon! The distance at this moment has become extremely close,

When I saw it, I didn’t say a word and I lowered my body,

The black and red serpent’s tail suddenly flew over his head,

The strong wind even blew his broken hair into a flutter. However, when it is not said that it is not just to dodge it,

He stretched out his hands with lightning speed and grasped the snake’s tail,

And then the footsteps slammed on the ground,

An extremely powerful force erupted between his hands, and the next moment,

The giant snake that Lai Qi transformed into was directly pulled by Shi Wuyi and flew up, and she suddenly bent her body to bite Shi without saying a word,

But the python’s body is really too long,

They are not now on the vast ground, but on a clearing deep in the ground, and the body of the python has just risen,

He was directly thrown into the wall on the side of the whip without saying a word! Suddenly the ground shook,

Dust has fallen faintly overhead! Syllable!

A cloud of transparent mucus suddenly spat out and flew rapidly towards the unspoken position, which was the digestive juice contained in the mouthpiece after Glatt turned into a fly, which was strongly corrosive,

At this moment, the timing of the spit out is extremely accurate, just when the time is not to say that it has just come off,

The old force has not gone, and the new force has not been born, and the extremely short gap period has not been born! If it is sprayed,

Flesh and blood will instantly turn into a pool of liquid! When not to say a slight frown,

Although his body surface is engraved with the power of the lower limit, even if he does not hide, it will not happen,

But this digestive juice is really disgusting. Let the time be completely unacceptable,

Not even to the point of stopping yourself!


When the lips move slightly, the next moment,

A powerful repulsive force was generated in front of him,

Pushing the viscous digestive juice that was about to hit the body directly back, Gratt did not react at all,

The blob of liquid landed on one of his feet, and the next moment,

The sound of nourishment sounded,

Gratt’s second leg on the left turned into a pool of liquid! Although this digestive juice is what it spits out,

But it does not corrode in the body, but after contact with air,

will produce strong corrosiveness,

So even if it touches itself, it will be corroded immediately!

Gratt let out a cry of pain, and madness flashed in his eyes,

Flutter your wings and fly towards the speed of the time! And at the moment,

Raiki’s head, which had been slammed into the wall, was also raised at the same time, spitting out snake letters, like a sharp arrow shot at Shi without saying a word.

Don’t say anything, don’t hide,

Stand where you are and put your left hand up.


The next moment, absolute gravity is generated!

The space between the Grade Chaos Spirits instantly shrunk, and the two huge heads slammed into each other!

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