“That mountain was really destroyed…”

“I thought that kind of huge thing couldn’t disappear at all…”

“This disaster in Kaiwon City is finally over…”

The crowd murmured in a low voice,

They still haven’t eased up at the moment, “It’s over? ”

One of the team members said with a hollow look in his eyes, “It’s over.” ”

Lu Chengqi slowly let out a breath,

The eyebrows that had been tight were finally released at this moment. Whew~

In a quiet underground space,

Suddenly there was a loud exhaling sound, and the hearts they had been hanging in the air since entering the nest,

Now I can finally let go of it safely. Even until now,

They all feel that what happened today is somewhat unreal, from the very beginning of the large-scale crime incident,

Then to the fourth-level chaotic spirit that covers the sky, and then the first-level chaotic spirit appears,

And they were sent out,

As the top combat power of the Sixteenth Guard, the Spirit Hunting Team originally thought to find the source of this incident,

Then it was an exceptionally easy thing to unplug as much as possible, but I did not expect that after entering the nest,

Countless accidents followed! Dong Chengzhou with a human face and scorpion body, Xia Lotian whose strength soared, many eyes that entered the mature body, white-sided butterflies that overwhelmed the earth, and cocoon mountains that soared into the dome,

Even the two priests of the Old Day Division even appeared at the end, and they were all top Chaos Spirits who had stepped into the ranks of the special ranks! They once thought that they would definitely die here, but they did not expect that when they were in a crisis of life and death,

The young man who had just become the vice-captain of the Spirit Hunting Team came down like a god.

Easily save them from fire and water, and also destroy two special level chaos spirits,

And destroyed the huge cocoon mountain that was previously thought impossible to destroy. The strongest man in the Spirit Hunting Team,


Even the top sixteen in the entire Sixteen Guards can be regarded as the best! Xiao Yueqing looked at the time in front of him without saying a word,

Heterochromatic flashes in the eyes,

She glanced at her onion-like left hand, with a silver ring on her finger,

It bears the logo of Z6.

It is almost exactly the same as the ring engraved with Z7 that Shi Wuxian carried, but the numbers are different,


Xiao Yueqing was just before he said anything,

In recent years, the sixth self-awakened supernatural person of the Sixteenth Guard, since the awakening, has shown excellent talent, and is called a genius girl by all the Sixteenth Guards, and has only joined the Spirit Hunting Team for less than three months.

Become the captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, in addition to performing tasks and training,

She never communicates with other people senselessly, but she is not ignorant of the world.

On the contrary, his sensitivity to things is extremely amazing, and as the captain of the Spirit Hunting Team,

She also knows things that other people don’t know,

That is, although the Spirit Hunting Team is the strongest combat force known as the Sixteen Guards in front of everyone,

But in reality,

The strongest of the sixteen guards is not the three captains of the Hunting Spirit, but someone else!

As the supreme commander of the Sixteenth Guard and the captain of the First Guard General Adjustment Team, it goes without saying that

Just Elder Lin and the captain of the prison team,

Xiao Yueqing was sure that he was definitely not their opponent,

And the intelligence team captain Luo Ruxuan, who occasionally appeared at the headquarters,

Xiao Yueqing could feel a hidden and extremely deep strong aura in her body, at least on the same level as herself!

And…… As the strongest person in the Spirit Hunting Team, the only time she saw the General,

The other party also said a very strange thing,

“Xiao Yueqing, the combat team has not been the captain for a long time, I hope… You are the person. ”

At that time, Xiao Yueqing was very puzzled, the combat team did not have a captain?

Isn’t she the captain of the Spirit Hunting Team?

And Lu Chengqi them… Wait a minute…… Is it to say… Xiao Yueqing only felt a little sad at that time,

A very astonishing thought arose in my heart,

That is, the seven combat teams that now occupy the third to ninth guards of the sixteen guards, and are divided into the spirit hunting team and the reserve team.

In fact, they were not seven at the beginning, but only a team! Xiao Yueqing even said this thought,

But the other party just said lightly,

“Try hard, and when you reach the special level, you will know.”

Xiao Yueqing’s gaze froze,

Other words

As long as one of the combat teams becomes a special rank,

Then he will most likely become the captain of the seven clans! When I think about it,

Xiao Yueqing’s unspoken gaze became hot when he looked at it, relying on the strength of only one person,

When it comes to eliminating the two special rank teachers of the old division, it is not said that although the registration rank is now only the second level,

But after this battle,

No one dares to say that his true strength has not reached the special level! So will he become the captain of all the combat teams? Xiao Yueqing’s thin lips tightened,

This is not the anger of being unwilling or robbed of a position, but a kind of recognition and pleasure from the bottom of the heart!

After the end of this mission,

Be sure to train harder, a hundred times harder than before! Even if you can’t catch up with him,

At least you can’t let yourself see his back! At this moment,

Xiao Yueqing’s hand was clenched tightly,

The gaze fell far away on the back of the unspoken time, but

At the moment she did not find out,

Lu Chengqi beside her, He Xunjiu and even Jiang Yi’er all had the same firm look in their looks as her. Ah sneeze!

Shi Buyan, who was being watched by the women, suddenly felt that his nose was a little itchy, and he couldn’t help but sneeze,

He muttered strangely,

“It wouldn’t be a cold… No, it shouldn’t…”


His pupils shrank slightly,

Then walk towards the place where the Cocoon Mountain stood before, in the perspective of the six eyes,

Only to see under the wreckage of the Chaos Spirit,

There seemed to be something faintly flashing red, and the breath of the Chaos Spirit?!


Without saying a word, he came to the wreckage pile,

He looked slightly shaken, and released a small fly to suck away all the wreckage in front of him,

The next moment,

Only to see a crystal-like transparent cocoon appear in front of Shi Wuyi, and even through its thin shell can see the white-rimmed butterfly curled up inside, and under this cocoon,

There’s also a piece of parchment,

Shi WuXian reached out and pulled out the paper and found that it was not complete.

Just a fragment about the size of a palm, with torn marks on the edges, after a moment of observation,

I found that there was no writing written on it, and there was no other strange place, not even a trace of energy fluctuations,


A torn piece of parchment appeared in the underground lair of the Chaos Spirits and remained under its own attack.

The incident itself reveals a strange atmosphere. thereupon

Shi Bu put it away and put it in his pants pocket, “Shi Wu Yan, let’s go~”

Lu Chengqi’s voice came, and he looked back without saying a word,

Only to see Lu Chengqi standing in front of everyone, jumping and waving to himself,

As if afraid that he wouldn’t be able to see, “Okay, here.” ”

Shi replied without a word,

Immediately released a small fly,

Destroy the cocoon that is as transparent as a crystal, and look around,

After finding that there was no more red spiritual power fluctuation, he took a step,

Walk in the direction of the landing. Lu Cheng came without saying a word when he saw it,

She first looked back at the people behind her, and then her beautiful eyes turned rapidly.

Then suddenly there was a loud cry and then fell to the ground. Time does not say a step,

Directly came to Lu Chengqi’s body and held out his hand,

Holding Lu Chengqi up, “What’s wrong?” ”

“It may be that I consumed too much extraordinary power when I was just fighting, and now I feel a little dizzy…”

Lu Chengqi closed his eyes, reached out and gently covered his forehead, and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, which seemed to be a little uncomfortable.

“Sister, eat sugar!” Just eat the candy,” Jiang Yi’er ran up with a worried face,

Spread out his tender little hands and lean into Lu Chengqi’s body,

“There are all those who restore mental strength and qi and blood, which one do you eat?”

Lu Chengqi shook his head slightly,

The breath said weakly,

“It’s okay, I just don’t have any physical strength, I can’t walk, and I’ll just rest for two hours…”

“Ahh… So what to do? ”

Jiang Yi’er was a little overwhelmed,

But not far away, He Xunjiu looked strange, and Lu Chengqi didn’t have the strength?!

Are you kidding

The last second was still alive and kicking around,

And she didn’t contribute much just now.

Just be there and watch with them without saying a word! How to come without saying a word,

Suddenly something went wrong?!

Shi WuXian looked at Lu Chengqi lying in the crook of his arm, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but evoke a smile.

Under the Six Eyes,

All the energy flow and trajectory are invisible, and he naturally sees it.

At this moment, although the extraordinary power in Lu Chengqi’s body had consumed a little, the remaining amount was still abundant.

Not at all to the point of excessive consumption and lack of strength. But he also did not expose Lu Chengqi in front of everyone,

Although this girl is bold and outgoing,

But if you lose face in front of everyone, you will still be embarrassed.

“Then you can rest in peace.”

Speaking, when not saying a little sideways,

Then he directly carried Lu Chengqi on his back, feeling the softness coming from behind him,

Even if it is not said at the time, it is a little uncomfortable, after all, the eyes see the same thing,

What the body feels is another thing,

He gently lifted up Tolu Chengqi’s body, making the latter can’t help but let out a sigh,

Without saying a word, he immediately coughed twice, “Let’s go.” ”

??? The crowd was stunned,

It was the first time I had seen their road captain and a man have had such a skin kiss!

It really makes them have all kinds of grooves to spit out quickly, but hindered by the strong strength of the time,

And can only hold it in the stomach,

It’s a really uncomfortable feeling. And at this moment, He persuaded wine,

Looking at Lu Chengqi’s eyes, who was lying on Shi Wuyi’s back, a hint of cunning suddenly flashed,

Her pupils widened violently,

Finally understood why Lu Chengqi had to do this!

This little girl wants to open ah!

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