“Elder Lin, Captain Luo, how did you get here?”

Lu Chengqi said without changing his face,

In my heart, I was a little shy about what I just looked like, “Are there any casualties?” ”

Elder Lin frowned and asked in a deep voice.

“Except for one member of the team who suffered a slight arm injury, there were no casualties among the members of the Spirit Hunting Team.”

Lu Chengqi replied.

Elder Lin’s originally tight frown was loosened at this moment,

When he looked at them, he did not say that they did not seem to be harmed, and a hint of relief flashed imperceptibly in his cloudy eyes.

Lu Chengqi was preparing to report on the whole thing this time. suddenly

She saw that behind Elder Lin and Luo Ruxuan, an extremely tall woman stepped out.

It was even higher than Xiao Yueqing, who was one meter seven and five.

“Si Yu!”

Xiao Yueqing’s face froze,

First Lu Chengqi took a step and said the woman’s name, she was not long ago,

The one that Xiao Yueqing had in mind,

Captain of the Sixteen Guards Thirteenth Guard Prison Squad Si Yu! If Luo Ruxuan has been staying in the table world,

If she would appear in the inner world occasionally, at least Xiao Yueqing had seen her a few times.

But this captain of the Siyu,

Xiao Yueqing had only seen her once since he joined the Sixteenth Guard! She actually came?!

“Captain Xiao ~ hello ~ ”

Si Yu also recognized Xiao Yueqing, she stepped out of the line, one hand forked at her waist,

Smiling and groaning, she glanced at the people of the Spirit Hunting Team in front of her, and then came directly in the direction of the unspoken time,

When he was about to approach the other side, he stopped,

And then he said with a smile,

“You are the first time you met when you first became the deputy captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, I am Si Yu, the captain of the prison team.”

“Hello, Captain Division.”

Shi WuXian responded with the same polite opening. All the people present at this moment,

Almost all of them met the captain of the prison team, Si Yu, for the first time.

Their eyes moved back and forth between Shi Wuyan and Si Yu’s body, revealing a strange feeling in their looks.

The woman in front of her has an extremely long purple hair, even beyond the knee position,

She wears a black suit and pants plus black over-the-knee boots, which makes her already gorgeous posture appear more tall and charming.

Even higher than many of the male spirit hunting team members present, they just stood in front of them when they were one meter and nine meters tall.

Still slightly lowered, and between her eyebrows,

And with a purple blindfold,

It feels very similar to the time when I put the black blindfold on now! Special!

Do these strong people like to wear eye masks?!

How they feel with their blindfolds is clearer than I can see with my eyes open! I’ll go back and buy an eye mask to bring with me.

See if it will become so strong too!

Many members of the Sixteenth Guard looked at the two people wearing blindfolds and couldn’t help but complain in their hearts.

Without saying a word, he looked slightly shaken,

Although he is also more concerned about the matter of eye masks,

After all, he wears an eye patch to reduce the consumption of his mental strength by the six eyes, and there are six eyes.

With an eye mask, you can see very clearly,

The Si Yu in front of her could not have such a characteristic as his, so what was she wearing an eye mask for?

But this thing,

It is not that he cares most about it, he cares more about another point,

It was he who saw that on Si Yu’s forehead, there was a red animal pattern engraved – a snake!

The form is very similar to the animal pattern he saw in the old priests, except that when he saw it,

There was no such eerie demonic whisper in the heart, and there was no fluctuation of spiritual power coming from it.

And, more importantly,

Time is not said under the perspective of the six eyes,

Being able to see through the outward and direct essence of the woman in front of him, he found that what was circulating in the woman’s body at this moment,

Not only the extraordinary power of blue,

There was also the aura of spiritual power representing the Chaos Spirit! Is this really the captain of the prison team of the Sixteenth Guard?

Shi did not say a frown slightly, just wanted to speak,

But he saw that Si Yu suddenly approached him,

He buried his head in his neck and took a deep breath, then retreated to Elder Lin’s side.

Facing the time without speaking, a squeal came out of his mouth,

“The smell of your body is very fragrant.”

The crowd did not know what Si Yu’s sudden words meant,

But the time is not to say that it is known,

What Si Yu was talking about was the special spell breath on his body! She can tell!


If she is really a chaotic spirit, when she smells this breath,

It shouldn’t be as natural as it is now.

After all, even the former priest of the old division, Lai Qi, could not hold on when he did not say anything in the face.

“All right, that’s it.”

Elder Lin’s slightly dissatisfied voice suddenly sounded, interrupting the thoughts that were not spoken at the time,

“Even if you know a little bit about the weight, you didn’t go deep into this cave and picked up a life to come back.”

“But since we are here, there will be no problem, and we will completely wipe out these dirty old fellow exterminators!”


Elder Lin led the sixteen guards of the crowd towards the front, and Si Yu followed closely behind.

The people of the Spirit Hunting Team who gave way to the road,

At this moment, the look invariably became strange.

Didn’t they know that Shi Wei had single-handedly closed the whole thing?


Luo Ruxuan walked over to Shi Shu’s side and stopped,

“Vice Captain Shi, you fought Sex Priest Raiki on the North River, and we already know that although you won that battle, you didn’t know that it was just her summer split.

Oh, by the way, forgot to introduce myself, I’m Luo Ruxuan, the captain of the Sixteenth Guard Twelfth Guard Intelligence Team. ”

Then, Luo Ruxuan pushed his glasses and continued,

“Moreover, according to the intelligence, there have been first-level chaos spirits above the ground, that is to say, in this nest, there is a great probability that there are two old priests who are special level chaos spirits.”

Shi WuXian nodded, “Yeah, I know.” ”


Luo Ruxuan sneered,

“You’re afraid you’ve never even seen it!”

He Xunjiu on the side was preparing to explain, but was interrupted again by Luo Ruxuan,

“Vice Captain Shi, although you, as the vice captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, are bent on eliminating disasters and saving the team members, I admire your courage, but you should not act alone without reporting to the headquarters!”

“Fortunately, you made a wise choice and did not continue to go deep inside the nest.”

Otherwise, once you run into those two teachers, you will have no hope of survival

“Next, you will stay here, and it is up to us to wipe out all these evil spirits!”

Having said that,

She then moved her steps towards Elder Lin in front of them. The people of the Spirit Hunting Team looked at each other,


Elder Lin They didn’t know about it! They want to tell the truth about things.

But looking at Elder Lin’s angry look, he didn’t dare to touch this moldy head at all, but he didn’t blame Elder Lin for not believing it.

After all, even they who witnessed the whole process of all this,

And until now I was still in a trance of disbelief.

“Are we going to keep up?”

Lu Chengqi asked, nodding his head without saying a word, he was also a little helpless at the moment,

“Keep up, there’s no danger anyway.”

Lu Chengqi suddenly burst out laughing,

“You said that if Elder Lin found out that all the Chaos Spirits had been completely solved by you, would it be Ren’s expression?”

Shi WuXian gently knocked on her head, causing Lu Chengqi to let out a soft hum.

Not much time,

At the front of the team, Elder Lin and Luo Ruxuan’s looks became more and more strange, they came this time to support the members of the Spirit Hunting Team who were trapped in the nest, but along the way,

Not only was not even a hint of danger detected, but above the ground and above the walls,

There are also countless remains of white-rimmed butterflies,

“Have they actually fought?”

Luo Ruxuan’s heart was a little surprised,

According to the wreckage of the white-sided butterfly she saw on the way, at least there were hundreds of them,

Even the lowest-level fourth-level Chaos Spirit would be under the advantage of numbers,

It becomes extremely difficult to cope with,

But at the beginning of the confluence of the two teams,

She saw that there was a little wound on the right hand of all but one member of the Spirit Hunting Team.

The rest of the crew basically didn’t look like they were damaged, so she thought that the people of the Spirit Hunting Team had just gone deep into the nest and realized the danger.

He went straight back to the same way, and there was no battle at all.

But now it seems that this is not the case! suddenly

Her pupils suddenly shrank,

At this moment, they have come to the clearing where the Cocoon Mountain stood before,

As far as the eye can see, is the huge body of the many eyes,

On its body there are burn marks, and there is a huge sword wound,

However, as the captain of the intelligence team, Luo Ruxuan’s judgment of the Chaos Spirit’s injury was extremely accurate, and she could see it at a glance.

The previous injuries, although serious, were not fatal.

What really puts many eyes into death is,

Two huge depressions on its back and side!

It seems that someone hit the body of the multi-purpose with extremely strong force, directly shattering all the organs in its body!

The next moment,

She saw another scene that frightened her again, that is, not far from the body of the multi-eyed,

There was a human half head, and she knew that person.

It was Xia Lotte, the former vice captain of the Spirit Hunting Team, but at the moment,

She noticed that Charlotte’s pupils had turned a strange red, “He became an evolutionary.” ”

Si Yu’s voice suddenly sounded beside Luo Ruxuan,

Looking at Xia Lotian, who only had half of his head left, with a strange look, “His previous registration level was level two, and his strength level was quasi-level r. Luo Ruxuan’s face was a little shocked.”

This means that the people of the spirit hunting team have not only gone deep into the cave,

And he also killed a first-level Chaos Spirit and a first-level Evolver!

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