Table world, Xingwen Road.

Shi Bu Yan was constantly carrying out the familiar operation of black flash, only to see that with his punches again and again,

Black lightning haunts the fist,

The subtle tremors that constantly occur in the tremor space!

Originally, black flash, a move that requires a high degree of accuracy, if it is placed on other people’s bodies,

It may take a long, long time to get used to the first shot, but for those with six eyes,

But it is not so difficult, after all, a major feature of the six eyes,

It is to allow the holder to perform delicate spell operations, so it is as difficult for others as a move to ascend to the sky.

In the body of the unspoken,

But it seems to have a silky feeling like a fish. In the original world,

Although Black Flash is an extremely destructive critical strike move,

But the highest combo record is rare not held by Gojo Goku of the Battle Power Ceiling.

That’s not because Gojo Goku can’t strike continuously.

But because the mantra power and physical strength of the Gojo Enlightenment itself are extremely strong, there are hardly any magicians or mantra spirits.

It is enough to maintain combat effectiveness after eating Gojo Goichi Black Flash, therefore,

There was no need for Gojo Goku to use continuous black flashes at all. Like that classic line,

“I didn’t use any force, and you fell.”

After a few moments,

Stop practicing without saying a word,

Feelings have only just been mastered,

It became a very proficient new skill, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth,

But the next moment,

His brow rose slightly, and although the black flash was basically mastered,

But the newly unlocked reversal technique is intermediate and wants to become proficient,

It was a more troublesome thing for him, in the original world,

The reversal technique of Gojo Goku was learned only when he was on the verge of death, but Shi Wuyan would not be foolish to follow it.

In case one is not careful, the reversal technique is not practiced well,

On the contrary, he directly cried out for his life, which was simply putting the cart before the horse.

Without saying a word, I suddenly had a thought,

He can go to Lu Chengqi or Lin Lao,

Let them help find a master of poison, and then release toxins to themselves continuously,

And Shi Yi is constantly using the reversal technique to repair himself, which can not only greatly increase the proficiency speed of the skill.

It can also add the characteristics and manifestations of those toxins to the defense determination system of the power of stopping.

This will close the last loophole in the power of cessation – no defense!

It’s the best of both worlds!

However, it is not unsure whether they know any drug masters, if the other party’s strength is not strong enough,

Then it can’t have the effect of exercising at all, and just when he was thinking about this problem, he suddenly heard a knock on the door,

After opening the door,

Only to see that it was Lu Chengqi with blond hair,

“Without saying a word, why did you secretly stay at home king?”

Listening to the slightly rapid breathing sound due to the training of the black flash, Lu Chengqi’s expression became narrow,

Her eyes were fixed on the computer not far away.

“Are you secretly reading any learning materials at home?”

The corners of his mouth twitched silently,

Gave the girl in front of her a brain breakdown,

“What are you thinking about every day, and what are you looking for me for?”

Lu Chengqi covered his forehead and pouted.

“Go to the Sixteenth Guard Headquarters.”

And then she spread her hands out.

Draw a big circle in front of you,

“This time you have made such a great contribution, the headquarters will definitely give you a big reward.”

“This time almost all the captains will be there, oh, you go to clean up the handsome, let’s go!”

Lu Chengqi had a thick smile on his face,

It’s more fun than giving yourself a recognition meeting.

“Too lazy to clean up, that’s it.”

Without saying a word, he walked out the door and closed the door.

“Well, that’s okay.”

Lu Chengqi’s voice suddenly lowered,

“Anyway, no matter what, you are the most master~”

After a few moments,

The two men came to the headquarters of the Sixteenth Guard and walked toward the first conference room.

All the way up,

Lu Chengqi only listened to countless whispers, “Sleeper, don’t say anything!” I’ve seen the living! ”

“I heard that he killed two Super-Grade Chaos Spirits, is that true?!”

“What’s more, I heard that a mountain full of chaotic spirits was destroyed!”

Lu Chengqi listened,

The little face is held high,

A look of great pride. But the next moment,

Her gaze suddenly became cold again, “Wow, it’s really handsome to say nothing!!!” ”

“I’d love to go up and take a picture with him!”

“The appearance is high, the strength is strong, I don’t know if his physical strength is good or not~”

Lu Chengqi heard this,

I couldn’t help but stare at the girl who was talking, and when I saw the other party, I immediately shut up and didn’t speak.

She turned her head satisfactorily, her nose humming softly, revealing a triumphant expression.

Witnessing the whole process without saying a word, looking at this look of landing into a strange look, I couldn’t help but smile bitterly. Not much time,

The two walked into the first conference room, or the office of the last time, everyone had arrived, just waiting for the time without saying a word, the only difference was that

This time, He Shujiu, who was the vice captain of the second team of the Hunting Spirit Team, did not come, and her position was not enough for her to participate.


All present here are captain-level figures, Xiao Yueqing of the Spirit Hunting Team, Wen Chengye of the Patrol Guard Team, Luo Ruxuan of the Intelligence Team, and Si Yu of the Prison Team.

Chai An of the Internal Affairs Team, plus Lu Chengqi of the Spirit Hunting Second Team and Elder Lin of the Supervision Team,

and the captains of the four reserves,

The captain of the Sixteen Guards came eleven this time. Seeing that Shi did not say anything and Lu Chengqi sat down,

Elder Lin coughed softly, smiled and said,

“The three teams went on missions, the medical rescue team was treating the wounded and sick, the technology development team was studying the Chaos Spirit this time, and the field team was dealing with the reconstruction work after the disaster.”

His gaze fell on the body of Shi Wu,

“Other than that, all the captains of the Sixth Guard are already gathered here.”

The crowd also looked at the time without saying a word, with a trace of heat in their eyes,

Although Elder Lin did not explicitly say,

But the people present are all captains.

Naturally in my heart is the key person who knows this meeting,

It was the deputy captain of the newly appointed Spirit Hunting Team who did not say a word.

Although it is too late to speak,

But the crowd did not have the slightest dissatisfaction, for they knew very well that

In this major disaster event, Shi Wuyan played a very important role! The whole city of Kaiwon fell into chaos,

Even when the strong men of the Spirit Hunting Team almost lost their lives to the nest, they destroyed the entire nest without saying a word.

Saving Kaihara City from danger can be called a turning tide! In a light cough from Elder Lin,

The meeting begins,

Elder Lin first did not hesitate to commend the contributions made by the participants in this disaster incident.

And said that after the meeting will be rewarded with a large amount of bonuses, soon,

The commendation is coming to an end, from the Spirit Hunting Team to the Internal Affairs Team,

None of those who have contributed have been missed, and if these commendations were placed before,

And the multitude will rejoice in their hearts,

But at the moment their minds are not on this, but instead their eyes are burning at the position where they do not say anything, and now,

Only his name had not yet appeared in Elder Lin’s mouth. Feel the atmosphere of the scene,

Elder Lin smiled slightly,

“It seems that everyone seems to be a little impatient, so I will talk about the performance of the current vice captain of the Spirit Hunting First Team.”

The crowd immediately listened intently,

Elder Lin first briefly criticized the problem of acting alone when he did not say anything, and then told him about his great deeds in the incident.

And then he said,

“Presumably everyone knows that before that, the registration level was a second-level extraordinary, and the strength assessment of the quasi-first-level super-extraordinary was opened, in view of the fact that one person killed two special-level chaos spirits in this incident, so Shi Buyan passed the strength assessment of the quasi-first-level super-mortal, and the strength level was upgraded to a special level, as long as he passed the examination again, then Shi Huixin would become the sixth special-level supernatural of the Bingyuan Medical Guard!”

The voice just dropped,

There was an uproar among the people present!

Although they had already speculated about this matter, it was said by Elder Lin himself.

That represents the recognition of the entire Sixteen Guards! After all, everyone knows,

The admiral who served as the captain of the First Guard General Brigade, although he was the supreme commander of the Sixteen Guards,

But she has never paid much attention to the various matters of the sixteen guards, so in a sense,

The current captain of the supervision team, Elder Lin, can also be counted as the highest speaker of the Sixteen Guards who said things through his mouth.

So throughout the sixteen-backs,

It is an unquestionable ironclad fact! In the midst of the clamor of the crowd,

Chai An, who has a beard, is a little unhappy in his heart,

He didn’t say a word when he lay on the table and looked at the opposite,

“Hey, did your boy take any medicine?” How did you skip the class again? ”

Last time, without saying a word, he was promoted from the fourth level of the supernatural to the third level,

Jump to the second level. And this time,

It was another supernatural from the second level, directly jumping to the ranks of the special level! Although this time it is one level less than the last time, it has become a special weight,

But it is completely incomparable with the previous one! Although he knows that after the strength reaches the special level, he still needs to go through the promotion assessment.

In order to be counted as a true supernatural person,

But he also believed that no one present would think that he could not pass the examination without saying a word.

“If you don’t take medicine or something, if you want to know so much, why don’t we make another bet?”

Shi WuXian looked at Chai An with a very kind face,

Chai An’s face was frozen,

He remembered that he had lost a bet in the last bet with Shi Shi, and he had never had the opportunity to cash in.

But Shi Wuyan did not take the initiative to find him, so that Chai An’s heart was always chanting,

Although he likes to bet with people, his bets are good and he never pays off.

Looking at the way he did not smile and groan, and then recalled the hardships of his own road to promotion, Chai An was not able to hold back,

The green hat on his head fell off quickly, and he grinned in a low scolding voice,

“Specially, this boy is a demon, right?!”

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