
Shi Wuyan woke up from the poisoned state again, as of now,

He hadn’t slept for sixty-one hours, and his brain was a little tired.

He looked slightly shaken, and the next moment,

The mantra force in the body runs retrograde according to some mysterious trajectory, and in a few moments, the fatigue of the body is swept away.

The corners of his mouth are cocked, which is where the power of the reversal technique lies! As it continues to enter a state of poisoning,

Now without saying a word, I am almost on the verge of mastering the mid-level reversal technique.

His proficiency in the operation of the spell force,

If you can feel that you are so bad, you can fully master the mid-level reversal technique.

But in general,

This last kick in the door is often the hardest, like when downloading a video,

The first ninety-nine percent are not very important.

Only when that last crucial percent is done can you hear the most beautiful sound in the world – drip.

However, now it is self-evident that he seems to have produced antibodies to the vast majority of toxins,

At night, Shimoh asked Ralph to “help” him experiment

Now those low-level toxins were instantly removed the moment they entered his body.

And the higher-order ones, although there will still be some influence, but at most there will be a little reaction,

And then it will be quickly repaired by the reversal technique, that is,

Now Ralph’s toxin has helped him with the inversion technique proficiency is minimal,

Without saying a word, he immediately walked to the corner of the room, and he looked at Ralph, who was leaning against the wall and fell asleep, at this time Ralph looked haggard and looked weak.

Even if you have gone to sleep, your eyelids are still twitching unconsciously, as if you are having some nightmare.

With a glimmer of light in his eyes, he put his hand to Ralph’s neck, which was the last of the nine soul nails on the other person’s body.

As long as you unplug it, then Ralph’s strength will be completely restored, reaching the level of the special level of Chaos Spirit!

But without any hesitation, the right hand is forced,

Just pull out that soul lock nail! This last soul nail,

Because it is nailed from the back of the neck, directly into the spine,

So at the moment when the time is not spoken,

A pain more intense than ever before suddenly appeared, and Relveden, who had fallen into a deep sleep, was awakened by the pain, and his mouth let out a heart-rending scream, so loud,

Even all the prisoners on the third floor who have fallen asleep are awakened, if it is usual,

Someone will wake them up from their dreams, and they will make a lot of noise, but at this moment,

They’re just physically snorting,

The eyes looked in the direction of Ralph in fear, not daring to make any sound,

As if nothing had happened, gently lie down again.

In the perspective of the six eyes that do not speak at the time,

He saw that as the last soul nail was pulled out,

The last strands of locked spiritual power in Ralph’s body also began to flow, and his eyes became excited.

Approaching Ralph, the corners of his mouth grinned, “Come again!” ”

Ralph suddenly woke up from his dream,

A strong sharp pain came from his neck, and he looked at the close at hand without saying a word,

The incomparable fear in his heart,

Just as he was ready to release the toxin again, as before,

He suddenly found that his strength had been fully restored, and he felt the incomparable flow of spiritual power in his body.

That familiar feeling of strength returned, and he once again stepped into the ranks of the super strong! Ralph’s eyes turned gloomy,

Looking at the time in front of him with a very bad face, he let out a wild laugh in his mouth,

Then he looked at it with a look of resentment without saying a word,

“Young man, you’re in too much of a hurry.”

Without saying a word, he looked at Ralph, whose look suddenly changed, and did not know what was wrong with him.

“What’s wrong? My progress is already very slow. ”


It took twenty-four hours without saying a word,

Only to adapt to the toxin intensity of the other party from level four to level two, the next quasi level to level one,

It took another full thirty-one hours, until now,

Only then did he pull out the last of the soul nails,

Shi said that he felt that there was no one under the heavens who was more cautious than him,

How can it still be rushed?

Ralph looked at a puzzled look without saying a word, these two days of time, he was under his hands,

I’ve suffered too much,

The power in his body is about to be squeezed dry by the time, if you give him a chance to choose,

He was even willing to face the general directly, and he was not willing to face the teenager.

But now the other party even pretended to have an expression that I didn’t know anything, and Ralph laughed angrily.

The look became extremely vicious, and the next moment,

His withered palm suddenly turned an eerie pink, and then he reached out and grabbed it in the direction of the unspoken moment,

The force is extremely fierce,

Even the naked eye can only see a remnant!

Although he knew that there was a strange force protecting him in Shi Wuyi’s body,

But at the moment,

He’s been back in the grand class again,

This time he fused the double attack of the body and the toxin,

Almost arguably one of his strongest moves, he believes,

This trick will definitely break the protective cover of the teenager opposite! however

The next moment, he was shocked to find that

His hand stopped again in front of the unspoken body, in the same position,

Same powerlessness!

The evil color on Ralph’s face disappeared,

A look of despair appeared in his eyes, and the strongest attack was blocked,

The experience of these few days made him almost predictable what would happen next.

Ralph’s expression changed drastically, and a very ugly smile appeared,

“Well, you’re not going to sparring a sparring partner, I’ll help you…”

I haven’t finished talking,

Only to see a sneer appear at the corner of the white-haired teenager’s mouth, the next moment,

Ralph could only feel a flower in front of his eyes,

Then there was a sharp pain in his abdomen, bang!

Ralph’s body was instantly kicked to the wall by a silent side kick, and the powerful force made the special metal wall directly sink into it for a little fast.

Ralph snorted, spitting out a mouthful of blood,

The whole person looked even more withered, and Ralph raised his head to ask for forgiveness, but he stood there without saying a word.

Looking at himself coldly, at the same time, the dark red spell power on his body emerged,

The left hand is erect,

A faint sound echoed through the cell.


The voice just dropped,

The distance above Ralph’s body disappeared in an instant,

His whole body slammed into the ceiling, and then he fell down again.

However, at this moment, his expression changed slightly, and he saw Ralph’s body in front of him move, and he couldn’t care about the injuries on his body.

He actually struggled to get up directly from the ground, looking at himself with a look of utter horror.

“Who the hell are you?!”

Without saying a word,

Eyes fell on Ralph’s body, faintly opening,

“Time is silent.”

Ralph heard this, and his expression changed dramatically,

The dark eyes swirled rapidly in the eye sockets, and then,

A green venom suddenly flew out of his cuff, but the goal was not to say nothing.

It’s the surveillance camera behind him! Crash!

With a crackling sound,

The camera was directly smashed into countless pieces and fell from the wall.

Ding-ding-ding-ding! In an instant, throughout the third layer,

The urgent alarm sounded suddenly!

The prisoners, who had just fallen asleep, suddenly woke up, looked at the corridor shrouded in the red light of the alarm, and came to the door of the cell in horror.

Shocked, his eyes fell on the cell at the end. And in the monitoring room,

The prison team members who were watching the surveillance were also shocked, looking at Ralph’s room, which had lost the picture,

And the siren of the siren that resounded throughout the third floor,

They immediately dialed Si Yu’s phone.

“Captain! The third floor sounded the alarm, and the surveillance footage of Ralph’s room disappeared! ”

“What do you say?!”

Si Yu, who had already fallen asleep, was shocked and got up from the bed suddenly,


“Just now, after Vice Captain Shi pulled out Ralph’s last soul nail!”

“I’ll be there soon!”

Si Yu rolled over and got out of bed, “Damn! ”

She got dressed and rushed to where she was! meanwhile

Inside the cell,

After Ralph saw that the camera was destroyed, he did not say anything to the time, but fell to his knees with a thud, and the haggard color on his face disappeared.

In its place was an extreme fanaticism, as if seeing a god,

Ralph raised his hands high,

Then the entire upper body fell straight down, his head pounding heavily on the ground.

Even directly knocked out the blood! then

He looked up,

Looking at the top of his head and laughing,

“Lord, I know you won’t abandon us!”

The next moment,

Ralph looked at him hotly, and scarlet blood flowed from his forehead, but he did not react in the slightest.

He looked at him with great respect and did not say a word, “Dear Substitute Lord! ”

Without saying a word, the corners of his mouth were pulled,

He took a deep breath and walked over to Ralph, snapping!

A slap in Ralph’s face,

On it, a clear slap mark appeared visible to the naked eye, and he pointed to the outside of the cell without saying a word.

Non-stop honking sirens,

“Did you know that this is very troublesome?”

Ralph did not have the slightest irritation, but looked at it flatteringly without saying a word,

“It’s not to prevent the Sixteenth Guards from eavesdropping.”

He had a look of great pleasure on his face,

At the moment when Shi Buyan had just used the Cang, the moment the spell power on his body emerged,

Ralph finally remembered,

The inexplicable sense of familiarity that he felt in his heart before, what is it,

The breath of the body is not spoken,

It is no different from the breath of the previous substitute adult!

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