He didn’t know how many times he had insisted on this method of hiding his strength, so some people in his heart felt very disdainful.
“Gyrannosaurus, you’d better be careful, after all, the opponent has been hiding his strength crazily all this time, which is not a good phenomenon at all.”
“So in the future, you’d better be a little more cautious. If you are not careful enough, you will definitely be unlucky in the end.”
The current Tyrannosaurus, after hearing this sentence again, it’s as if it didn’t hear it at all, and its eyes looked very disdainful at this time.
After all, if he couldn’t beat a mere wolf at all, wouldn’t that be a bit embarrassing.
So his eyes seem to be very indifferent at this time, and he feels that no matter what happens, he can easily deal with it, so there is no need to worry at all.
…ask for flowers….
On this kind of issue, if it is really worrying for too long, it is completely unreasonable for them.
Therefore, his face looked very flat at this time, without any pressure at all.
If they struggled with this kind of thing for too long, it would be completely outrageous for them.
The current Taiyi also directly spoke the heartfelt voice of the Tyrannosaurus.
“O Muxiu, it’s not very good for you to say something like this. After all, it is indeed a good thing to be bolder at certain moments.”
“And the strength of the opponent has always seemed to be very weak, so we must bully him casually.”
“If you can’t bully him with such a good opportunity at all, it’s more or less inappropriate, and if you can’t bully him well for such a good opportunity, then it’s completely inappropriate.” It’s a little outrageous.”
After hearing this sentence, the current Ou Muxiu couldn’t help but nodded directly, and then he watched honestly from the side.with.
There is no worry at all at all. After all, in this kind of matter, if it is really worried for too long, it is completely bad in itself.
And there will be a lot of trouble, so in the next period of time, they will definitely become more cautious.
This point has always been very clear in their hearts, so after thinking about this problem, their eyes look extraordinarily firm. But at this moment, he suddenly saw the wolf in front of him, that is, his eyes were red, and the attacks in his hands did not stop at all. It even looked more violent, tearing the tyrannosaur’s chest completely apart almost in a blink of an eye.
According to the normal situation, it is absolutely impossible for the Tyrannosaurus to be attacked by such a simple attack.
Chapter Three
But this time, the Tyrannosaurus has always seemed very relaxed, and it doesn’t take anything in its heart at all, so there is such a status quo.
It is precisely because of this that they all appear to be extremely passive, but there is absolutely no way to do it.
After all, this kind of thing in front of them is completely bad for them.
There are even many conflicts and problems, so in the end they should be more cautious in renting no matter what.
After thinking of this question, he immediately smiled very flatly, and his eyes seemed completely free of any pressure at this time.
It seemed that this kind of thing in front of him was very strange to him, and he didn’t know what “five seven three” pressure was.
The current tyrannosaurs were all directly sent flying, and then they all lay on the ground, without any combat capability at all.
Tai Yi at this moment, after seeing this scene, his complexion changed drastically in an instant, and his eyes seemed a little nervous at this moment.
But after walking in, I found that in the shortest time, there must be no room for combat at all.
This made the current tyrannosaurus look at Taiyi very weakly.
“Taiyi… This time it’s all my fault, I was really careless.”
“If I were a little more cautious, maybe it would not be the result at all.”
After saying this sentence, his face looked very passive, and his whole body didn’t have any energy at all, which made people feel a little different no matter how he looked at it.
The current Taiyi is also tightly hugging the degenerated Yagumon in front of him.
His face looked a little desperate at this moment, he never expected that in the end he would not even hit an ordinary giant wolf at all.
However, at this moment, suddenly, a pair of very warm hands clapped on his shoulders.
And they all gave a very encouraging smile.
“Taiyi, don’t be afraid, after all, have you already forgotten it? After all, I’m here this time, as long as I’m there, you don’t feel any need to be afraid at all.”
The current Taiyi is also looking at Oki Xiu in front of him with very puzzled eyes. He is completely unclear why he suddenly said such a thing. After all, no matter how he looks at it, he feels that Oki Xiu has no What Digimon.
“This…you don’t seem to have a Digimon at all. Can you really survive this fight? Why do I feel that the possibility is very low.”
“You are not going to fight the opponent alone, are you? If this is the case, then you are no different from courting death.”
“I think it’s better to forget it directly. After all, it is absolutely impossible for you to be the opponent of the opponent. It is completely meaningless to fight like this.”
After saying this sentence, the eyes also looked very sad, and the complexion of the whole person looked a little different at this time.
No matter how you look at it, people will feel very passive, and at the same time, they will not have any too much spirit at all.
I don’t know what to do at all, after all, this kind of thing in front of me should be more careful.
Only in this way can it be regarded as a relatively friendly gesture, otherwise in the end, everything seems to be superfluous.
After hearing this sentence, the current Da Muxiu also smiled very confidently.
“Who said that without Digimon, you can’t beat the opponent at all?”
After saying this sentence, they also walked directly in front of the giant wolf.
He only saw the giant wolf now, still staring at everything in front of him, but he looked at Da Muxiu with a little contempt. After all, in his opinion, the person in front of him was just a human being after all, and how could he be his opponent if he turned out to be a human being. Isn’t this completely different from beating yourself, which is the same as giving away a head? Therefore, it is completely impossible to have any pressure in the heart. And there will be a very relaxed feeling. I feel that as long as I can seize such an opportunity, there will be no problems at all.. After thinking about this problem, I can’t help but smile happily Woke up, and there was absolutely no worry in my heart. But at this moment, a huge fist suddenly hit his face directly.
Then I saw theThe giant wolves were also directly sent flying, and the scene looked very bloody at this moment.
The werewolves at the scene had no room to resist at all, and they all spit out a mouthful of blood when they fell to the ground.
The current Tai Yi is also staring at everything in front of him dumbfounded, and he doesn’t quite understand what happened just now.
After all, it looked relatively plain before, and there was no danger at all.
But why did such a thing suddenly appear now, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be a little outrageous.
Moreover, they have no sense of security at all in their hearts, and even have a very strong sense of crisis.
“I’m going, Oki, it turns out that you are even stronger than Digimon? What kind of ability do you have? Why have you always been so sharp? I think you are really too powerful, right? 2.4?”
After saying this sentence, they couldn’t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and their eyes looked extraordinarily shocked at this moment.
There is not even the slightest worry at all. After all, if you really worry about this kind of thing for too long, it is a very bad phenomenon in itself.
Now Oki Xiu also looked back at Tai Yi, and there was a very confident smile on the corners of his mouth.
“It’s too early to be happy at all, after all, it’s not over yet.”
“Now at best, it can only be regarded as entering a primary state, so we should be more cautious no matter what.”
After saying this sentence, he looked at everything in the eyes very calmly for an instant, and there was no pressure at all in his heart.
Chapter Four
And there is also a very relaxed taste, feeling that as long as they can seize such an opportunity, it will be a very easy little event for them.
At the same time, there is absolutely no need to worry about it at all. After all, worrying about this kind of thing for too long is completely bad in itself.
In the end, he rushed directly at the giant wolf in front of him again, and all of them hit the opponent’s head directly with his right punch.
The giant wolf on the opposite side really wanted to do some dodging attacks, but found that they couldn’t dodge at all.
The last Da Muxiu also punched the opponent, and the last big wolf in front of him was also directly sent flying.
He was hit on the ground in the blink of an eye, completely motionless, and didn’t even have much energy to twitch.
This makes people feel very bloody no matter how they look at it, and they can completely solve the opponent in the blink of an eye. This is completely a powerful suppression.
Tai Yi in front of him, after seeing this scene, couldn’t help opening his mouth wide, looking at everything in front of him in disbelief.
“I’m going at 25… Da Muxiu, so your own strength is so strong?”
“No wonder you have been completely unwilling to let Digimon help, but according to the normal situation here, the energy code is the real strength.”
“If there is no way to crack the password here, Digimon will always be the strongest here, and you still can’t do it like this.”
Now Oki Xiu, after hearing this sentence, couldn’t help but nodded slightly.
“Well, this point is also very clear in my heart.”
“But no matter what happens, I feel that it should be done slowly, so there is no need to worry at all. No matter what happens, it can be easily resolved in the end.”
“Moreover, the most important thing is that I haven’t met a suitable Digimon. If I encounter a suitable Digimon, I will definitely make good use of it.”
“But this thing depends on fate after all, so you can only take it slowly, and you can’t rush it at all.”
After saying this sentence, they couldn’t help but shook their heads in embarrassment. In their eyes, at this moment, there was also a slight helplessness.
After all, I have always had the most authentic thoughts about such a thing, and at the same time, I have no hesitation at all.
And what he said this time is completely a very normal phenomenon.
If they can’t even grasp the opportunity in front of them, I’m afraid other opportunities will become even more rare, which is very irrational for them.
As for Tai Yi in front of him, after hearing this sentence, he also nodded in haste.
“Yeah, what you said is true, let’s go, then you can go with us, so that you can see some of my friends well.”
“I believe they will all welcome you very much, and they will be able to stay together very happily then.”
“Hey, they are definitely very easy to get along with, and everyone has a certain number of Digimon in their hands, and their Digimon are also very powerful.”
After saying this sentence, they all blinked their eyes directly, and their faces looked very innocent at this moment.
It was as if what I just said was completely unintentional, but it still made people feel a little embarrassed.
However, they are also very aware of such a thing in their hearts. Since it has already appeared, they will definitely become more cautious in the future. Only in this way will it be more appropriate, otherwise in the endEverything seems to be completely redundant, which is not a good phenomenon for them at all. At the same time, it is very likely that some huge troubles will arise, which is inherently disadvantageous for them, so they must be more cautious anyway. As for the present Da Muxiu, he also nodded very slightly.
After all, he has just come to this Digimon world, and he is completely unfamiliar with many places. If there is someone together, it will be relatively perfect by then.
And he has always, indeed, relatively recognized such a thing.
“Okay, you’ve already said that, then let’s go together.”
After saying this sentence, they all laughed happily, without any worries at all.
In the next period of time, their walking time and distance will become more or less more.
And it has always made people feel that there is a weird taste, and they always feel that this kind of thing in front of them is likely to pose a lot of threats to them.
But at this moment, Tai Yi in front of him suddenly had a slightly happy expression on his face.
“I saw them, I saw my partners, as long as they are there, and as long as we can meet, there shouldn’t be any problems at all.”
A certain salary’s infinite journey
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