Chapter 131 A new Trialist girl joins, returning Tower City Kitten!!

[The spectator bug pillar used a temporary teammate invitation. 】

[When the Trialist arrives at the next level, temporary teammates will enter the team for replenishment! ] 】

The gray cylindrical elevator slowly ascended, accompanied by a surging halo of blue magic.

This magic-powered elevator carried by Hyder Hyder.

It was already firmly at the entrance position of the sixth floor of the Demon Tower.

The announcement issued by the trial space sounded accurately in the ears of the young girls of the trialists such as An Cheng and Asada Shino.

New rules were announced to all the trialists in the Demon Tower.

However, neither An Cheng nor Asada, Shino and their young girls who were trialists, were not surprised by this.

Because this is already the insect pillar butterfly Shinobu in the trial space live broadcast room, in advance consulted Ancheng’s opinion.

After obtaining permission from the legendary demon hunter An Cheng.

And after receiving assurances from the audience of the Ghost Destruction World in the live broadcast room of the trial space, they would obey An Cheng’s command.

Only under the witness of all the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space did he use the third invitation rewarded by this trial space.

[It’s really changed! ] The upsetting golden retriever phoenix man is gone, replaced by two beautiful girls who are as delicate and cute as porcelain dolls!! 】

[Kitten! My kitten, you’re finally back! I miss you so much! How would I live without you! For your sake, I’m going to blast Lessa Phoenix!!! 】

[Is that expressionless white-haired little girl what you call a kitten?] It does look cute, but it doesn’t feel very strong…”

[Another expressionless little girl with black hair is a temporary teammate who randomly came in by the insect pillar.] 】

[The black uniform skirt under her white cape is obviously the female model of the previous uniform of the Takugaku Ghost Killing Team, which should be. ] 】

[Why do the two little girls who explore the sixth layer this time look so taciturn… Forget it, as long as you don’t mess around and obediently obey the command of the Demon Hunter God, it doesn’t matter if you’re introverted or outgoing! 】

Dangcheng and Asada Shino and other members of the trialists.

After walking out of the gray cylindrical magic elevator that arrives at the Demon Tower on the sixth floor.

The eyes of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

All of a sudden, all of them were concentrated on the Tower City kittens who had re-entered the battle from the safe house to the Devil’s Tower.

and a temporary teammate invitation ticket used by the Bug Pillar Butterfly Shinobu to join the team on the sixth floor of the Demon Tower.

The one with butterfly hair tied in a black single ponytail, a pair of pink-purple eyes, a black ghost slayer dress, and a white cape.

Above the white and delicate face, there was a delicate girl with a calm color.

[Pillar: Chanel… I didn’t expect that the person randomly selected by the invitation letter would actually be you…】

[Bug Pillar: All in all, be sure to pay attention to safety, follow the command of Mr. Demon Hunter in everything, and collect as many powerful items as possible that can help everyone fight the devil! ] 】

“I see, sister Shinobi.”

In the live broadcast room of the trial space.

The blue barrage from the Ghost Destroyer World Butterfly Shinobu is extremely eye-catching in a large number of ordinary white barrages.

Kurika Falling Kana quickly noticed the barrage of instructions from the righteous sister Butterfly Shinobu.

The pretty pink-purple pupils blinked slightly.

Chestnut Flower Drop Kana nodded gently.

Because he was caught off guard, he was suddenly teleported to the sixth floor of the Demon Tower.

The polite smile that had disappeared for a while was re-hung at the corner of her mouth, and the chestnut flowers fell Kana Nahu looked very well-behaved, towards the butterfly at the other end of the live broadcast room

Butterfly responded softly.

[Is this girl named Kanahu the sister of the insect pillar?! ] 】

[Using random temporary teammate invitations, it turned out to be that his sister was sent to the dangerous Demon Tower.] I really don’t know what the insect pillar’s mood will be like now. 】

[I think it’s okay, as long as this little sister obediently obeys the command of the Demon Hunter God. Don’t move your mind like a despicable thing like Yue Yue, if you want to live to the third layer, it’s still very simple! 】

[Compared with strangers who don’t know the roots, Chanahu, as the sister of the insect pillar, will obviously follow the advice of the insect pillar more, which is still safe! ] 】

[Chanahu, come on and collect holy water! ] As long as there is enough holy water, not only those vampire demons, but even other types of demons, there is nothing to fear! 】

Let the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space talk about it or cheer her on.

The chestnut flowers fell and the corners of Kanahu’s mouth still had that polite smile.

Always standing in place without saying a word.

It’s like waiting for someone’s orders.

“Kitten, do you understand the current situation?”

Hyder is the only one present who is qualified to give instructions to everyone.

Kana, who did not immediately take command of Kurika who was in a standby state.

Instead, he turned his head to the side and asked the tower city kitten who silently observed the environment of the sixth-layer Demon Tower.

“No problem, when I was in the safe house, the trial space directly showed me the live broadcast screen, except that I couldn’t speak, the amount of intelligence I obtained was the same as everyone’s.”

The Tacheng kitten gently bowed its head, and its white silky hair swayed slightly in the air.

When she was in the safe house, she was like the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

From beginning to end, I paid attention to the picture of An Cheng leading the team to explore the fifth layer of the Demon Tower.

Even if he didn’t personally join the team exploring the fifth layer of the Demon Tower.

The Tacheng kitten also didn’t need An Cheng to explain her superfluous status quo.

“Okay, let’s go directly to the exploration of the sixth layer of the Demon Tower.”

After getting the reply of the tower city kitten, An Cheng set his sights on the scenery of the sixth layer of the Demon Tower in the distance.

Just like when An Cheng was on the fifth floor of the Demon Tower.

When the Demon Knife is used to cast a special killing skill dimensional slash, the space is cut off and shattered along with the ceiling of the fifth floor.

In an instant, the sixth-layer Demon Tower in front of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space was shockingly glanced.

An Cheng and the others are now facing the true sixth-layer demon tower.

It’s a closed, dark cage that stands tall.

Looming in the dark cage, azure magic flames were like the blinking pupils of a hideous beast.

It made the Trialist girls feel a terrifying feeling that they were being watched by some terrible being.

The entire sixth-floor Demon Tower is like a prison for some indescribable house of horror.

Just standing at the entrance made people shudder, and their bodies subconsciously trembled.

Like Nobuyuki Sugo and Makoto Ito, two ordinary people who don’t have the slightest fighting spirit.

His face was already full of expressions of resistance and cringe at entering the sixth floor of the Demon Tower in person.

And what made the audience in the live broadcast room who paid attention to the performance of the trialists shine was that Kuroka Fell Kanahu, who was a pure newcomer, showed a calm attitude.

Compared with the two ‘old men’ Nobuyuki Sugo and Makoto Ito.

It’s like two heavens and two underground!

Asada Shino looked at the barrage message sent by the insect pillar butterfly Shinobu in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

Her black eyes suddenly showed a soft look.

His gaze lingered for a moment on the unconscious chestnut flower falling on Kanahu.

Asada Shino carefully moved to Ancheng’s side.

After signaling for An Cheng to attach his ear, Asada Shino carefully introduced to An Cheng about the chestnut flowers falling on Kana.

The warm and fragrant breath gently patted on An Cheng’s ears.

“V, this child is called Kurika Rakuka Nahu, and he is the righteous sister adopted by the insect pillar butterfly Shinobu.”

“Because there were some tragic experiences when I was a child, Chanelhu still has a great psychological shadow until now, so his behavior is a little different from that of normal people.”

“Insect Pillar, she hopes that you will not be angry because of Kana’s unintentional actions, as long as you give good command to Kanahu, she will definitely do her best to complete the task assigned.”

Although I can’t bear to tell the audience of the trial space of the entire three worlds to the tragic past story of Kurika Falling.

However, Butterfly Shinobu is more worried because Kurika Rakushi Kana is psychologically traumatized.

That attitude that is difficult for ordinary people to approach may lead to An Cheng’s heart as a legendary demon hunter.

There are some feelings of dissatisfaction and misunderstanding.

In case the chestnut flowers fall, Kana is resisted and disgusted by An Cheng, who is a legendary demon hunter.

It was impossible to bring back a large amount of holy water that could destroy demons from the trial space to the Ghost Destruction World as expected.

Then butterfly Shinobu after experiencing a strong psychological struggle.

Only with the consent of the audience of Ancheng and Ghost Slayer World did he use the temporary teammate invitation.

That would seem pointless.

In case the chestnut flower falls Kana Nahu is deliberately cold under An Cheng’s deliberate cold treatment, because she is attacked by a demon and causes sacrifice.

Then don’t mention relying on grabbing holy water from the trial space to destroy the demons who invaded the ghost world.

The already sinister ghost destroys the world.

It will also add fuel to the fire, and the trial space will release more and stronger demons to invade!!

In order to prevent this worst-case scenario from happening, although some are sorry for the righteous sister Kanahei.

But butterfly ninja is still brief, in the trial space live broadcast room, tell the tragic experience of chestnut flower falling Kana when she was a child…

He was abused by his native family from birth, and was not even given his own name by his biological parents, and finally sold to traffickers by his parents.

Even if she was saved by the butterfly ninja sisters in time and gave the name Kurika Falling Kanahu, the shadow of her childhood still shrouded her.

As a result, Kurika has always been a rigid way of survival that is not good at thinking on his own and will only obey the orders of others.

The explanation of the insect pillar butterfly Shinobu in the trial space live broadcast room is brief.

But the cold and cruel reality from the Taisho era immediately aroused the strong indignation and sympathy of the modern society audience in the live broadcast room.

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

Began to constantly pacify and encourage Chestnut Flower Fall in the form of a barrage in the live broadcast room.

Even the Trialist girls led by Yukinoshita Yukino.

In his heart, he also felt a sense of distress and pity for the poor girl who was a chestnut blossom and a mania.

Soon the temporary trialist who had newly joined the team was accepted into the circle of the young girls who belonged to the trialist.

Unlike the Trialist girls such as Shino Asada.

An Cheng actually already knew the backstory of Chestnut Flower Fall Kana Nai from the Ghost Destruction World.

Therefore, even if he heard Asada’s careful whisper in his ear.

An Cheng’s heart did not have such a huge ripple.

Instead, continue at the previous pace.

From the elevator entrance location of the 6th floor Devil’s Tower.

Towards the huge prison that was filled with darkness and density.

It seems that at any time, the terrifying depths of choosing people to devour are stepping away.

Seeing that An Cheng did not hesitate, he raised his foot and stepped into the dark prison with the iron railing door open in front of him.

And Asada Shino and Tajo kitten them.

Even the temporary trialist girl who had just joined, Kurika Drop Kanahu, silently followed the calm appearance of Shang’an Cheng’s back.

Nobuyuki Sugo and Makoto Ito, who were hanging at the end of the line, gritted their teeth and looked at each other.

Although still reluctantly.

But they had already recognized that there was no safer position in this demon tower than An Cheng’s side.

Still choosing to bite the bullet and grit his teeth, he forcibly stepped out of his trembling and soft legs, and closely followed the footsteps of the trialist team.

Bang dang————!!!

With Nobuyuki Sugo and Makoto Ito at the end of the line.

He also followed into the dark prison closest to the entrance.

The cold iron fence gate that closed with a bang.

Sugo Nobuyuki and Makoto Ito, who were closest to the gate, almost stopped their hearts, and their faces turned extremely pale.

“Yes, Oops! The gate is sealed! We can’t get out!! ”

Makoto Ito clasped his hands tightly, still open.

But now it has been completely blocked by the crimson magic.

Under the extremely contemptuous gaze of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

There was a strong cry in his tone, as if he would cry out loudly in the next moment because of fear.

[Is this Makoto Ito still a man, how can he cry like a woman, there is a demon hunter god, what are you afraid of, if you don’t die, you will definitely not die! ] 】

[What’s wrong with the girls?] Did the ladies mess with you?! Don’t look down on the purity of the girls, okay!! 】

[Look at Shino and Kitten, and then look at this Makoto Ito and Nobuyuki Sugo, the quality is really incomparable. ] If it weren’t for the death of the two of them that would affect our world, I wish the two of them would hurry up and feed the devil!! 】

[Don’t pull these boring lower men, look at the Demon Hunter God, a new demon has appeared!] 】

[Demons that have never been seen in the five layers before, is this a new type of demon that appears in the sixth layer, I don’t know how the Demon Hunter God will use to destroy these demons! ] 】

[I’m looking forward to it, it’s time to listen to the Demon Hunter God Encyclopedia of Demon Ecology again!] 】

With the terrifying demonic shadow that appeared in the dark prison air, the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

Apparently removed from accusing Nobuyuki Sugo and Makoto Ito, two members who had no effect on the team.

It’s a lot of anticipation.

Waiting for Hyder to unleash its strength as always, with the kind of attack that is intoxicating and fascinating, with a beautiful sense of art and wonderful charm.

While introducing the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space to the relevant information of these demonic shadows in the air.

While putting these newly appeared sixth-layer new demons.

All easily destroyed!!!

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