At the end of the storage room connected to the red door, this statue of time and space is located, and there is no other way.

The crimson magic power network that originally sealed the retreat had spontaneously dissipated after all the demons had been destroyed.

The red door opened again, and Asada Shino and the others returned to the hall on the first floor, and followed An Cheng’s instructions to the green door at the other end of the hall.

When the Demon Realm passage switch at the end of the storage room was broken, the inside of the green door was also implicated in a violent shock.

When Asada Shino and the others entered the green door, they found that a huge suspension bridge was originally hanging here, and under the suspension bridge was gurgling cold black water.

From time to time, you can see a ghost-like figure emerging in the black river under the suspension bridge, and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Now, after the mechanism was activated, the huge suspension bridge has been successfully lowered, hanging steadily above the eerie Black River, forming the only way to connect the other bank.

[This river looks very bad, if it falls, it will definitely be eaten and wiped clean by the demons inside! ] 】

[This suspension bridge is not reliable, I am really afraid that walking is like in a movie, the suspension bridge suddenly begins to collapse, reality will not make you like the protagonist in the moment when the suspension bridge is completely destroyed to jump to the opposite bank! ] 】

[But there is no way not to go, this is the only way, if you don’t advance, there is no way to clear the level! ] 】

If you don’t advance, you won’t be able to clear the level.

This kind of thing, Asada Shino and others naturally also know.

“Everyone watch around and try to walk in the middle of the suspension bridge to prevent the demons in the Black River from jumping out and attacking!”

Shino Asada took a deep breath, her black eyes shining with a determined and decisive color, and commanded to her teammates beside her in a deep voice.

Asada, Shino and Yukinoshita, stood at opposite ends of the line, and Yotsuya Miko and Yasu Yiren also stayed in the middle of the line, and stepped onto the huge drawbridge in front of them.

At the moment when everyone stepped onto the drawbridge, the crimson magic net that had appeared once at the red door once again blocked the green door space used for retreat.

The strange sound of chirping suddenly sounded, and on the other side of the suspension bridge, one after another puppet demons appeared, like a swarm of insects, surging towards Asota Shino and others.

“Yukino, attack!”

Without hesitation, Asada, Shino pulled the trigger and instructed Yukinoshita Yukino next to him.

The color was deeper and more mysterious than ever, and the ghost arrow condensed by the bright purple moonlight flew out in an instant, accurately hitting the chest of a puppet demon.

Instead of hitting the core of the puppet demon according to Ancheng’s instructions, Asada, Shino just fired a blow with Artemis Magic Gun, which had been enhanced by the Space-Time Idol.

However, it was this handy blow that achieved unimaginable results.

The purple moon arrow of Artemis’s magic gun pierced through the chest of the first puppet demon, directly blowing its whole body apart.

And then still inertia shot through the second, third, until it did not enter the knee position of the fourth puppet demon, only to stop the castration and stop.

Faust’s hat was like a boomerang flying out, slicing the air abruptly and crushing it into pieces along the way, along with the puppet demons along the way.

Compared to the battle in the storage room, it is almost like a shotgun for a cannon.

[What a powerful power! ] 】

[The strengthening of the Goddess of Time and Space is also too reliable, the power of the magic tool has been so strongly improved, why worry that you can’t destroy the demon! ] 】

[It’s so sassy, I love it so much! ] 】


Just when Asada Shino and Yukishita Yukino destroyed these puppet demons in front of them with unexpected ease.

The black river beneath the suspension bridge suddenly moved, spreading out violent and ominous ripples.

The black river suddenly sounded like a big fish jumping out of the sea.

One after another, the dark green figures jumped out of the black river, landed on the suspension bridge in the posture of a surprise soldier, and sprayed out the black river water like a high-pressure water gun from the hideous mouthparts.

“Be careful!!!

Shino Asada and Yukinoshita Yukino deal with the puppet demon coming from ahead, while Shitani Miko keeps an eye on the movement under the drawbridge.

The first time those dark green figures jumped out of the water, Yotsuya Miko was keenly aware of the abnormality.

Miko decisively raised the shotgun in his hand, which was also strengthened by the god statue of time and space, and the unimaginable magic power in his body surged wildly, and in an instant, time converged into the pitch-black bullet in the barrel of the shotgun.

After strengthening her wrist with magic power, Yotsuya Miko was completely unaffected by the recoil of the shotgun, and fired four shots in a row in an instant.

The pitch-black shotgun flashed with golden magic radiance belonging to Yotsuya Miko, and the dense golden shotgun quickly filled the sky with an unstoppable momentum.

A high-speed spinning golden cannon cuts off the black torrent water gun.

Those green figures who jumped into mid-air and had not yet fallen on the bridge deck were also hit by a large number of shotguns, fell on the bridge with a miserable cry, or fell back into the Black River.

Shitani Miko, who is favored by the goddess of time and space, after awakening the huge amount of magic power in her body, ordinary shotguns in her hands have been able to exert powerful powers that are not inferior to magic tools.

An Yilun’s eyes also showed unwilling color.

But now, the shotgun can only exert its most powerful effect in the hands of Yotsuya Miko, and he is completely unable to get the shotgun back.

“Mr. Demon Hunter, what kind of demon are these guys?”

Bringing the smoking muzzle to the pink sakura’s lips, Yotsuya Miko gently blew a sigh to cool down against the double-barreled muzzle of the shotgun, and then played a gorgeous gun flower, feeling in good shape.

Before receiving the enhancement of the goddess of time and space, Yotsuya Miko never imagined that she would actually have such a powerful moment.

With her superb marksmanship and invincible magic, Yotsuya Miko couldn’t even believe that the girl standing here could actually be herself.

Because of Hyder’s omniscience of demons, Yotsuya Miko has developed the good habit of meeting demons she doesn’t know and first consulting with Hyder, a professional.

With the information of the demon’s attack method and knowing its structural weakness, this can avoid the tragic first sight kill, and easily kill the demon with minimal or even no cost!

[Demon Hunters: These guys who look like lizardmen are called Blades, which are legionnaires created by reptilian creatures as a medium and the Demon Emperor in order to control the human world. ] 】

Hyder lived up to expectations, and unsurprisingly, gave an informative answer that Miko Yotsuya and audiences around the world wanted to see.

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