The Royal Guard style has the perfect effect of withstanding any enemy attack.

It belongs to the powerful meaning that no matter how powerful the enemy’s attack is, it can make itself unscathed after being injured and use the power of the enemy’s attack to counterattack and win.

However, although the royal guard style is powerful, it is not unlimited.

Users must have extremely strong concentration, unparalleled nerve reaction speed, and sophisticated and skilled combat experience.

In this way, you can perfectly use the skills of the Royal Guard style when encountering a variety of enemies.


Only at the moment of an enemy attack can the Royal Guard style skills be unleashed.

The moment before the attack reaches the body, or the second after hitting the body, the Royal Guard-style defensive technique is useless.

It is equivalent to exposing the key points to the enemy’s blade without defense, and allowing others to slaughter.

Only at the same time as the attack is carried out on the body.

The crazy surging magic power in the body quickly condenses to the attack site targeted by the enemy, and stacks the magic defense work to the extreme.

Only in this way can the perfect defensive ability of the royal guard style be brought into play, and even if any enemy attacks, it will not be able to break through this absolute iron wall protection like the heavenly abyss.

“It’s not painful or itchy, it’s not even a massage for me, just a little harder, little baby.”

An Cheng scratched the neck position that only felt touched, and there was no trace left.

After scratching a shallow white mark on his neck with his nails, An Cheng showed a mocking smile at the corner of his mouth, and continued to hook his finger at the flame puppet demon in the distance and provocatively said.

For An Cheng, who has Dante’s superb experience fighting demons.

When fighting a high-level demon, Keen grasps the fleeting moment in the battle and decisively launches the Royal Guard style for a perfect defense.

This is simply a no-brainer, even with his eyes closed, he can easily do it.

As for what surprised the four girls further away who had not yet regained free control of their bodies from the control of the Flame Puppet Demon Terrifying Screaming Sound Wave.

About the unexpected situation that An Cheng was closer than them to the explosion of the flame puppet demon sound, but it was like a fresh breeze.

Again, this is something that has no value in discussion.

If An Cheng was affected by the screaming noise of a high-level demon, his body would become immobile.

Na An Cheng simply picked up the ebony wood directly and shot himself at the temple.

Although with An Cheng’s current demon physique, even if his temple is really penetrated by a bullet, he can withstand a big brain hole and drive the open-top car calmly.

For injuries such as bullets penetrating the braincase, for the devil, it is just a small injury that can be completely healed in two or three seconds.

Subjected to the double provocation of Hyder Hyder’s words and actions.

The two golden flywheels that he threw with all his strength were not as good as the flame doll demon whose nails he tickled himself and could leave shallow marks on his neck.

At this moment, surprisingly angry!

The Flame Puppet Demon is literally fiery.

While emitting an incomparably hoarse and shrill roar like a blackboard rubbing against its fingernails, the Flame Puppet Demon opened its hideous mouth full of thick black lines and ejected flame cannonballs with extreme heat.

The roaring fiery shells burned violently in the air, rushing towards An Cheng in an unstoppable manner.

Hyder has always been calm and calm.

In the face of the deadly bombs flying towards him, he felt like a baseball star standing on a baseball field, about to swing a home run and win the cheers of the audience.

In the nervous gaze of Shinomiya Kaguya, Yingli and others who subconsciously held their breath, An Cheng easily hooked the corners of his mouth.

The hands hanging down at the waist were slowly raised as if they were heavy, posing a strange starting style like Tai Chi, and a solemn statue that seemed to be immobile like a mountain.

When An Cheng completed the royal guard-style defensive posture without hurry, the flame puppet demon was furious, and the fiery flame bullets that were sprayed out with all his strength were already close to him.

In the irrepressible exclamation of the girls.

The fiery flame shells under the full strength of the flame puppet demon are like toy light bulbs with no surface.

While seemingly ferociously hitting the surface of An Cheng’s body, he did nothing else except emit a dull roar like a morning bell.

Like a balloon infused with a stream of water, it was easily caught and played with by An Cheng’s palm in front of him.

“An Chengjun, be careful, that demon is going to detonate those cars behind you!!”

Just as An Cheng was playing with the pet-like well-behaved flame cannonball in his palm, Megumi Kato, who sensed the flame puppet demon’s intention to attack next, took the initiative to remind An Cheng in the distance.

“Huh? Indeed, after all, it is a high-level demon, and although it cannot communicate verbally with humans, there is still intelligence that observes the environment and uses it for application. ”

Ancheng, who received a reminder from Megumi Kato, diverted his attention from the fire ball in his palm.

After noticing that the Flame Puppet Demon had indeed shifted its aiming position from himself to the abandoned cars piled together behind him, An Cheng couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

He clenched his palm, as if grasping a cloud of air, and directly extinguished the flame puppet demon with a blazing flame bomb with all his strength.

“Although the pile of cars behind me can’t hurt me even if they explode completely, I don’t want to be smoked and gray, and I will continue to wear this school uniform when I go to school tomorrow.”

Even if he is as strong as Dante himself, he will lose his favorite red coat in the rain of bullets.

Although Hyder himself is not afraid of the high temperature and explosion caused by serial explosions, his clothes are only ordinary materials, and he will definitely be damaged by violent serial explosions.

As we all know, even if the end of the world is tomorrow, Japanese high school students still need to continue their education.

The emergence of the trial space cannot stop the Japanese high school students from going to school and seeking knowledge!

Because I pity this dress on my body.

Hyder took the initiative to attack forward, unleashing the dexterous and changeable tricks of the fraudster’s style.

In an instant, it blocked in front of the continuous flame shells that the flame puppet demon ejected, preventing its attempt to detonate the abandoned car pile.

An Cheng, who had roughly tested the defensive effect of the Royal Guard style, took a series of blazing roaring bombs completely after taking a series of blazing roaring bombs in a posture that was as motionless as a statue of the Taiji god.

Resolutely continues the only attack in the style of the Royal Guard.

The magic power in Hyder works and flows at a fantastic frequency, absorbing the enemy’s power into its own attack power.

A magic light cannon that was more boiling than the flames, like surging blood.

Suddenly, the palms of An Cheng’s hands swung forward burst out.

The red magic light cannon that burst out completely enveloped the body of the red puppet demon in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, his body was annihilated, and it was destroyed to the point where not even a single debris remained.

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