After noticing that An Cheng was not moved by his beautiful appearance in the slightest, and even felt bored by his familiar and affectionate attitude.

Under the snow, Yangnai’s whole person suddenly became completely honest.

Like a schoolboy who made a mistake in front of the director of education, she obediently held the milk cup and sat in her seat, quietly without saying a word.

It’s not that Yono Yukoshita didn’t want to say anything to An Cheng at all, but now she had just accidentally offended An Cheng.

At the very least, it will take a short period of time, after An Cheng’s mood has completely calmed down.

Only then did Yang Nai under the snow be sure to continue to communicate with An Cheng normally.

“An Cheng, that… My father, my lord, seems to think that you are the demon hunter in the live broadcast room. ”

After Yono quieted down under the snow, Shinomiya Kaguya squirmed in his seat for a while.

After a long while, he coughed lightly, hiding his nervousness by sipping the strawberry milk in the cup.

She pretended to be idle and took the initiative to talk to An Cheng.

“The pizza is ready~~~”

Before An Cheng could answer Shinomiya Kaguya’s question.

Megumi Kato, wearing powder-and-white heat-insulating gloves, walked out of the kitchen with a large plate of steaming pizza.

“Thanks, Kato, you can sit down and eat together.”

An Cheng seemed to completely ignore the scalding temperature of the freshly baked bacon pizza, and directly picked up a piece and stuffed it to his mouth.

Looking at An Cheng, who did not pretend to be true to the other beautiful girls, only showed a peaceful smile to himself.

On Kato’s quiet face, an imperceptible smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Her obsidian-like eyes, as if swearing sovereignty, and as if inadvertently, swept the eyes of the three noble ladies in front of the table in turn.

After seeing that whether it was Shinomiya Kaguya, Yukinoshita Yono, or Yuki Asuna, they all subconsciously avoided her gaze.

Kato Megumi looked like a victor, Shi Shiran took off his heat-insulating gloves and sat very close to An Cheng.

“Ahem, Ancheng-san, continuing the topic just now, not only the father, but even the parent of this Miss Yuki Asuna’s family has made the inference that you are the demon hunter in the live broadcast room.”

Shinomiya Kaguya and Yuki Asuna next to him looked at each other.

“Yes, yes! It is precisely because I want to confirm the authenticity of this news that I chose to visit Hyder specifically! ”

Because he was not sociable, Yuki Asuna, who finally seized the opportunity to speak, immediately nodded sharply, agreeing with Shinomiya Kaguya’s statement.

“Well, then what.”

An Cheng gulped and drank the strawberry milk in front of him, and then picked up a steaming piece of bacon pizza again.

While eating pizza, he said to the three very restrained ladies in front of him unimpressedly.

“If you are really that Demon Hunter God, I hope you can help Yukino return safely from the trial space!”

After hearing this, Yukinoshita Yono finally couldn’t resist the urge to express.

She pressed one hand to her chest, and her beautiful blue eyes were full of enlightenment and supplication, and her tone was extremely firm towards An Cheng, who moved casually.

“No matter what price you need to pay, I am willing, and the Yukinoshita family is willing to pay you!”

“It doesn’t matter what the price is, and help Yukinoshita Yukina, isn’t that already doing it now.”

Yukishita Yono’s sincere words, almost pleading, did not move An Cheng to make him solemn.

He just ate the pizza as usual, and waved his palm as if he didn’t care.

However, Hyder understated, as if he were just commenting on the taste of bacon pizza on the table.

But like a deep-sea bomb, it directly exploded in the hearts of the four girls present, causing thousands of terrifying waves!

Although Megumi Kato had already guessed in his heart.

But when An Cheng finally admitted it herself, she still couldn’t help but feel surprised.

Megumi Kato’s pale pink cherry lips pursed gently.

In front of outsiders, Megumi Kato couldn’t wait to ask Ancheng for the details of his becoming a demon hunter.

Megumi Kato just seemed to know this answer for a long time, and the corners of his mouth hooked a small arc that seemed to be inscrutable.

For a long time, he and An Cheng watched the three young ladies full of surprise and joy.

“Also, that’s it! Cheng classmate, you are really, really not some newcomer demon hunter, but a real ————.”

Shinomiya Kaguya suddenly stood up from his seat, his red eyes were full of violent shaking, and the appearance of the ice sculpture beauty was completely broken.

“Has the demon hunter god who has been in the live broadcast room of the trial space, guiding Yukinoshita Yukina to them?!!?”

Shinomiya Kaguya’s delicate and pretty face was full of shocked expressions, and he looked at An Cheng, who was sitting calmly and calmly in place, without making a rebuttal with an incredulous expression.

After a long while, I recalled that yesterday evening, I actually regarded this legendary demon hunter boss as an ordinary cute new demon hunter.

Shinomiya Kaguya’s white face couldn’t help but turn red in an instant, and he felt ashamed to the extreme.

She couldn’t help but slowly sit back in her seat, burying her head in the crook of her arm leaning against the table like an ostrich.

Only a pair of small reddened earlobes remained, which peeked mischievously from between the long black hair.

Xiang Ancheng exposed the extremely embarrassed and excited mood of the master at this time.

“The real demon hunter in this world has always been me.”

In the night of the Four Palaces Kaguya, they were immersed in the shocking news that An Cheng admitted that he was the legendary demon hunter Buddha-figure in the live broadcast room.

The huge piece of bacon pizza on the table has only the last piece of solitude left in Ancheng’s non-stop eating action.

With the activation of the Spartan demon bloodline, An Cheng felt that his food intake was also increasing.

If he hadn’t awakened his bloodline before, he would never have been able to eat a whole large pizza in one meal.

But being able to eat is not a bad thing.

By digesting the food you eat.

Now that he has awakened the Majin bloodline, he can speed up the recovery speed of his physical strength and magic power, which is an advantage.

Looking at An Cheng, who picked up the last piece of pizza on the table and slowly walked towards his mouth.

Under the snow, Yono’s breathing couldn’t help but be extremely heavy.

At this moment, there is no doubt about the sun under the snow.

Thinking that he has finally caught the only hope that he can save his sister and let Yukinoshita Yukino safely escape from the hellish environment of the trial space!

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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