“This is your loot, it’s up to you to open this chest.”

The Tacheng kitten handed the ancient treasure chest he was holding in his arms to An Cheng, signaling him to open the treasure chest.

It was added to the trial space as the second level.

And in another world, the Tacheng kitten who did not know anything about An Cheng, the so-called legendary demon hunter.

She did not show signs of being strongly called by the audience to change her original thoughts because of the strong praise of An Cheng by all the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

As a demon dependent, Tacheng Kitten, whose identity and position are completely on the side of the demon world, does not have a good impression of the profession of demon hunter.

Even if he was a demon hunter in another world, when he first heard this title, there was still a faint resistance in the heart of the Tacheng kitten.

It wasn’t until they explored the Tower Tower as they explored the Tower of Demons with the Tower of Trials as teammates, and gradually learned what An Cheng had done for them.

In addition to instructing them on how to conquer the demons they encounter.

He even lent the magic tools he possessed that contained great power to the girls who were in a desperate situation and could not exchange them for his trialists.

Tacheng Kitten finally raised a positive curiosity about An Cheng, the legendary demon hunter that everyone was singing about.

And then to the present.

The Tacheng kitten finally got his wish and really stood face to face with An Cheng, the legendary demon hunter.

Even just now.

Fight side by side on the same battlefield as An Cheng and destroy the endless stream of demons emerging from the magic array.

I have witnessed the superb combat skills that are so powerful that they have surpassed themselves.

Unlike what Tacheng Kitten originally expected, when she and An Cheng actually met, they did not provoke disputes with saber rattling.

On the contrary, the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

If you want to ask why.

Because An Cheng, the legendary demon hunter who is praised by everyone, is not the church clergy that Tacheng Kitten originally thought it was.

Even on the contrary, this expert in hunting demons was recognized by the entire world audience in the trial space live broadcast room.

The legendary demon hunter himself ————

He is a devil out of his deal!

Although the Tower City Kitten is a demon dependant from another world, it is not the same concept as the demon in the Tower of Trial Space Demons.

But according to her sharp vision as a demon, she can still easily detect the essence of the demon under An Cheng’s handsome human appearance.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Hyder has never actively thought of disguising its identity.

If An Cheng really wanted to hide his identity as a demon, then he would not have used a half-demon posture to appear at all.

In a state where the power of half-demon humanization is not used.

Even if the Tacheng kitten is also a demon, it will become much more difficult to detect the fact that An Cheng is a demon.

“The treasure chest reward after passing the special level, I don’t know what will be inside.”

An Cheng rubbed his palms, and in the face of the invitation of the Tacheng kitten, he was not polite and stretched out his hand straightforwardly.

He opened the old treasure chest that was handed over by the Tacheng kitten in his arms.

After all, in terms of the number of demons hunted, the battle in the sacrificial room was completely An Cheng alone in Carry.

The treasure chest rising from the altar is rightfully the spoils of Ancheng, which no one can fault with.

As the ancient treasure chest opened, a bright blue phantom light suddenly overflowed from the inside of the treasure chest.

It was reflected in the eyes of the girls of the trialists present.

Both Yotsuya Miko and Yukinoshita Yukino have seen this strange blue stone for the first time.

But it doesn’t matter, even if the Trialist Maidens don’t know anything.

Isn’t there a walking demon encyclopedia beside them, a legendary demon hunter who knows everything inside this demon tower!

“What are these two blue stones, V, you know?”

Asada, Shino frowned slightly in confusion, she stood silently beside An Cheng, and asked An Cheng softly.

Although he already knows Ancheng’s real name, Shino Asada seems to be more accustomed to calling Ancheng in-game IDs.

“Oh, this ah, this is the Blue Devil Soul Stone, and it is a fragment of the Blue Devil Soul Stone.”

An Cheng poked his palm into the ancient treasure chest and took out the two small blue stones at the bottom of the box.

After placing the two small blue stones in his palm and looking at them for a while, An Cheng gave an answer to Asada Shino and other trial girls without care.

“Blue Devil Soul Stone? Is this stone different from the Red Devil Soul Stone? ”

After hearing the name of the Blue Devil Soul Stone, which was very similar to the Red Devil Soul Stone.

Yukino subconsciously stroked the gray brim of Faust’s hat in front of his forehead and asked An Cheng his own questions.

“Of course it’s different, the Red Devil Soul Stone is just a product of crystallization from demon blood that can be seen everywhere.”

“There is no other use than to sacrifice to the Idol of Time and Space, or as an ammunition supplement for Faust’s hat.”

An Cheng glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino beside him.

Just because he was watched by An Cheng, his slender body suddenly tensed.

Yukinoshita Yukinoshita’s blue eyes, who looked restrained and nervous, answered her questions very understandingly.

“The Blue Devil Soul Stone, on the other hand, is naturally distributed in the Demon World, and crystals naturally formed by the special forces in the Demon World, and occasionally some fragments of the Blue Devil Soul Stone appear in the real world that is connected to the Demon World.”

“After absorbing the energy contained in the Blue Devil Soul Stone, the user’s own physical fitness will be enhanced to a certain extent.”

“However, if it is just a fragment, although it can also absorb the energy in it, the strengthening effect will only be a complete Blue Devil Soul Stone, about a quarter of the degree.”

An Cheng threw the two blue magic stone fragments in his hand and made a corresponding science popularization to the thoughtful trialist girls beside him.

“If you want to say that the soul stone is similar to the Red Devil Soul Stone, it should be the Green Devil Soul Stone.”

“When killing a demon, the green soul stone condensed from the demon’s body fluids containing vigorous vitality can promote the healing of injuries like a life star.”

“But it seems that so far, I haven’t seen the demons here drop the Green Soul Stone, it’s really strange.”

[Worthy of being a demon hunter god! ] This overflowed with professionalism from the screen, and I was already about to cry! 】

[What is reliable, this is reliable! ] There is a professional who is familiar with the environment and knows the weakness of the demon ecology, and he feels like watching the appearance of the master brother of the journey to the west and watching the appearance of the zombie movie Uncle Jiu, and his heart is full of security! 】

[But who should use these two blue devil stone fragments, since the demon hunter god has come to the demon tower, it should have been strengthened with the blue devil stone, will the body develop a state of drug resistance? ] 】

The concerns of some viewers in the live broadcast room seem to be justified.

Therefore, Yotsuya Miko relayed the concerns of the audience to An Cheng, who could not see the barrage in the live broadcast room because he used the designated invitation to enter the trial space.

“Theoretically, there is indeed a limit to the enhancement of blue magic stones, and I have indeed used some blue magic stones for strengthening, but I have not reached the theoretical threshold.”

An Cheng rubbed the blue magic stone fragment with a faint blue brilliance in his palm twice, and said in a casual tone.

An Cheng did not take these two blue magic stone fragments to heart at all.

When he improved his play, the multi-manga playing system had already awarded him a full twenty complete blue magic stones.

Moreover, An Cheng had already used all the twenty complete blue magic stones for himself.

In comparison, the two blue magic stone fragments in the treasure chest were really too shabby.

An Cheng poked out the two bright blue magic stones in his hand towards the front.

I wanted to give my shabby reward to the trialist girls in front of me.

But after looking at the entire five trialist girls in front of him.

An Cheng suddenly noticed that there were only two blue magic stone fragments, which was really not enough.

“In that case, then Mr. Ancheng will use these two Blue Magic Stone fragments!”

After sensing that An Cheng seemed to have the intention of giving them the Blue Magic Stone fragment to use, Yotsuya Miko first said to An Cheng in a resolute tone.

“That’s right, our strength itself is very weak, even if we use the Blue Magic Stone for strengthening, the role we can play in battle is still limited.”

Yukinoshita Yukino followed closely behind Yotsuya Miko, and she nodded vigorously in agreement.

“Instead of giving us the Blue Magic Stone fragment, it is better for you to use it yourself.”

“Even if Mr. Ancheng’s strength can be improved a little, it can be of great help to us in clearing the Demon Tower!”

Asada Shino and Yuki Asuna also looked at An Cheng with serious eyes and said.

“That’s your own booty, even if it has a limited effect on you, there is no way to give way to others.”

The Tacheng kitten said to An Cheng with an expressionless face, and she did not have the slightest covetousness for the Blue Magic Stone fragment.

Instead, in his own way, he persuaded An Cheng to use the two blue magic stone fragments himself.

“Since you all say so, then I’m welcome, after I absorb the energy of these two Blue Magic Stone fragments, I’ll go and clean up the big guy at the back of the second layer.”

The Trialist girls that An Cheng saw in front of him, as well as the countless audience barrages in the live broadcast room that he could not see.

They are all supporting the Blue Magic Stone fragments that he used to use these two Hidden Level Rewards by the Trial Space as a hidden level reward.

So An Cheng finally decided to accept the girl’s kindness and crushed the two blue magic stone fragments in his palm.

Immediately, An Cheng felt a faint and cold weak power, flowing along the meridians in his palm to the limbs of his body, enhancing An Cheng’s physical fitness.

However, Hyder’s own physical fitness is already too strong.

The role of the two blue magic stone fragments only subtly played a subtle role in making An Cheng feel that his strength had improved slightly, but in fact he had not made much progress.

“Wait a minute, Mr. Ancheng, don’t you need a break?”

“Now that the battle has just ended, isn’t it a little inappropriate to go directly to challenge the level boss on the second layer?!”

After discovering that An Cheng completely absorbed the energy of the blue magic stone fragment into his body, he prepared to rush to the location of the second level boss and destroy the second layer boss.

Xue Nai’s eyes suddenly widened in amazement, a flustered expression appeared on her delicate face, and she subconsciously stood in front of An Cheng.

With the idea that is very correct for normal humans, he cautiously proposed to Ancheng to take a break.

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