“It turned out to be a group of spider demons.”

Looking at the ugly spider demons who had an overwhelming number of horrors, gathered into a brown-gray sea and swarmed towards the doorway.

Unlike the pale-faced trialist girls behind him, An Cheng is very resistant to the impact of the ugly appearance of human-sized spider demons.

It was not affected by the terrifying swarm formed by the gathering of hideous spiders and demons in front of him, and its terrifying momentum was not affected at all.

An Cheng just nodded with a stunned face, knowing that Fang had heard the sound of magic outside the door.

Then, as if indifferent, he suddenly threw something in his left hand towards the huge number of spider demons that were pouring in.

The transparent glass bottle flew high in the air, marking a graceful arc, and the pale white liquid carried in it shimmered with a crystal faintness.

“That is…”

Looking at the transparent glass bottle that was casually thrown into the air by An Cheng.

As if feeling something, the delicate body of Tacheng suddenly tightened, and the brown-yellow pupils suddenly expanded to the limit.

Crimson magic suddenly erupted from An Cheng’s body, mimicking on one side of his body, turning into a red translucent phantom sword that was very similar to the Sword of Power.

The red phantom sword that belonged to An Cheng burst out under An Cheng’s will in a posture that even the air suddenly penetrated.

The harsh red streamer flashed in the air, and in an instant, it came first, smashing the glass bottle that soared to the highest point into pieces.

Stored in a transparent glass bottle, the whole bottle of pale white divine liquid suddenly spilled out.

Along with the shattered glass bottle fragments, like dense raindrops falling from the sky, they splashed in all directions towards the room that had become a spider’s nest.

The divine power residing in the liquid burst out unstoppably when it touched the swarms of spider demonic bodies on the ground.

“…… It’s actually holy water?! ”


Stimulated by the divine power contained in the holy water, the spider demons’ fierce charging camp suddenly collapsed into chaos, rolling messily and wildly on the ground.

The brown ominous body touched by the splash of holy water was accompanied by a snort sound like placing a burning red iron into cold water, emitting bursts of intense pitch-black smoke.

Within a moment, the array of spider demons that rushed towards An Cheng, Shino Asada, and other trial girl like locusts crossing the border completely collapsed.

The spider demons who were touched by the holy water and rolled in pain on the ground.

Their ugly and hideous bodies, and even all of them turned into a black ominous miasma, blended into the air, and dissipated in front of the eyes of the trialist girls.

After losing the spider demon that was so dense that it formed a legion, the entire lair covered with spider webs seemed much empty.

“Did Mr. An Cheng actually carry holy water on him… However, is it really appropriate to use holy water on these spider demons, can it be said that these spider demons are actually very powerful? ”

Looking at An Cheng casually raising his hand and throwing a bottle of holy water, with the powerful divine power residing in the holy water, he cleaned up all the spider demons present.

Yuki Asuna showed a somewhat tangled look in his eyes, and cautiously asked Ancheng out loud.

There is Yuki Asuna, who is concerned about Ansei giving advice to Asada Shino when they break into the Demon Tower on the first floor.

Nature is to know the role and effect of holy water.

According to Hyder in the trial space live broadcast room at the time.

The divine power residing in the holy water has a strong restraining effect on demons, even for the level of the boss guarding the level, it is not enough to completely kill them in seconds.

However, it can also cause some damage and weakening to the guarding boss just like throwing holy water directly into the mouthparts of the lava giant spider demon phantom in the first layer.

For example, Asada Shinai and these trialist girls, from the first layer of raiders to now, they only have two bottles of holy water on their bodies.

Holy water can turn the tide of the situation in this way, and it is crucial to cherish the props.

According to Yuki Asuna’s thinking, it is necessary to always stay on the body, just in case.

Hyder does not treat holy water as holy water at all, just like throwing out a bottle of cheap beer.

Asuna Yuki felt completely unacceptable and incomprehensible.

“Do you say these spider demons? If they want to say strong, they are not strong, otherwise they will not be directly destroyed by the holy water. ”

Ancheng replied nonchalantly towards Yuki Asuna.

There was a sound of crackling in the spider’s lair again, and from the corner of the area where the holy water did not splash, one spider demon after another appeared again.

The white spider silk cocoon was wildly hit from the inside with a force visible to the naked eye, producing a strong deformation.

In the end, the white cocoon was torn apart from the inside.

The newborn spider demons are only the size of a palm, but the number of spider demons emerging from each cocoon still makes people’s scalps numb and their backs cold.

“Not strong is not strong, but if you really want to fight, these spider demons are a little disgusting, the spider silk they spray is very sticky, and it will stick people directly to the ground.”

“Those little spiders will take advantage of the chaos to climb on your body to gnaw, suck your physical strength and magic power, and are small and flexible and difficult to aim, so it is better to skip class directly.”

Under the twitching gaze of Yukino from the corner of her eyes, I stood against the eyes of Yuki Asuna’s heartache that she couldn’t breathe.

An Cheng explained to the Trialist girls how the spider demons in front of them attacked.

With an extremely natural expression, he once again poked his palm out towards the void.

With the movement of gently holding his palm, another bottle of holy water quietly appeared in his hand.

The Tacheng kitten was silent, carefully moving his feet in a panning manner, and hid behind Asada, who was a human next to him.

The quality of the holy water that An Cheng took out was too high, even if it was a demon of the level of Tacheng Kitten, if it touched that level of holy water.

Although it will not be instantly destroyed like those spider demons, it will also suffer great pain and torture.

The petite body shrunk behind Asada Shino, and the Tacheng kitten quietly poked its head out from the position behind Asada’s waist.

A pair of brown-yellow eyes, with extremely subtle eyes, looked at An Cheng, who once again threw the holy water bottle in his hand.

It is clear that he is also a powerful demon, but he carries such a high purity of holy water with him, is he really not afraid that the holy water bottle will accidentally break during the battle, causing the holy water to drizzle all over his body?

I couldn’t see that An Cheng was actually a Tacheng kitten who stored holy water in the system space, and such a question couldn’t help but appear in my mind.


On the ceiling of the spider’s nest, in the center of the huge white spider web, a giant shadow that was three meters high suddenly fell, and an eerie and strange laugh came out of his mouth.

It was a tan demon with a spider body on the lower body and a human female appearance on the upper body, and the leader of the demons in the spider’s lair existed, the spider demon queen.

The extremely sticky white spider silk poured out from the tufted spinners on the abdomen of the Spider Demon Empress like a machine cannon towards An Cheng and the others below.

“Come on ma’am, I have wine for you to drink!!”

Seeing the leader demon in this spider’s lair finally appear, An Cheng’s mouth hooked a happy smile.

A crimson magic halo rippled around him, instantly condensing into the shape of a red phantom sword, bringing out bursts of ripples in mid-air, turning into dazzling red meteors.

Towards the spider demon queen that fell from the sky, he shot towards it.

The Red Phantom Sword unstoppably shot down the cobweb cannonballs ejected by the Spider Queen.

As if carefully calculating the trajectory, the remaining momentum nailed the spider demons to the ground one by one, and with the explosion that suddenly generated.

Destroyed the spider demons who were stabbed in the body by the red phantom sword.

Along with the red phantom sword array of light and shadow that flew out at a very fast speed, An Cheng, who held the rebellious blade in his right hand, jumped high.

The body burst out like a gust of wind, with the speed that no one present could react.

Impressively, he inserted the bright silver sharp blade straight into the middle of the Spider Empress’s chest that was knocked down by the red phantom sword.

The huge figure of the Spider Empress crashed to the ground.

The female human’s upper body fell backwards, and in her chest was a rebellious blade that An Cheng had pierced into it, and her mouth was wide open from the intense pain.

An Cheng had a flirtatious smile on the corner of his mouth, and he stepped on the spider queen, the alien lower body limb of the spider demon.

In his right hand he holds a rebellious sword deep in the Spider Queen’s chest.

“Just as the so-called good medicine is bitter, you should take the medicine, madam, for the sake of your life and that of the children, just endure this little time, it will be over soon~~~~”

The thumb of his left hand gently flicked the stopper of the glass bottle, and An Cheng directly put the whole bottle of holy water under the inexplicable terrified gaze of the Tacheng kitten.

All of it was roughly poured into the mouth of the Spider Queen.


The Spider Empress let out an incomparably mournful wail.

Before her frantically struggling body attacked herself.

An Cheng pulled out the Rebellious Blade one step ahead, lightly jumped away from the Spider Queen, moved gracefully and handsomely, and landed safely back on the ground in a superhero-style landing pose.

Just like that, she quietly watched the Spider Empress in a miserable scream, and her body gradually turned into a black mist and disappeared.

Hidden in her belly.

After killing the Spider Queen in the normal way, she will suddenly raid the attacker’s huge small spider demon in the form of a corpse explosion.

It was also the divine power of the holy water that was poured into the body of the Spider Queen, which was directly purified into a harmless gas and dissolved in the air.

Immediately afterwards, under the stunned gaze of the Trialist girls.

As if he did not regard holy water as a precious item at all, An Cheng took out a glass bottle containing white holy water again.

Acting very casually, he threw towards the scattered spider demons who only had the last dozen left in the huge spider lair.

[This, this is too wasteful, too extravagant, right?! ] 】

[Could it be that the Demon Hunter God is a holy water wholesaler, pouring holy water into the devil, without even blinking a brow, not at all distressed!] 】

[Obviously there are only a few demons left, even if you only rely on a few of them, relying on the power of magic tools, you can easily destroy them all! ] 】

[Even if the Demon Hunter God wants to save strength, he won’t directly use holy water to clear the scene, is it possible, he really brought a lot of holy water with him this trip, so he is not afraid of waste at all?! ] 】

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