The burning white spider silk soon died completely.

From behind the slowly dissipating flames, a stone delicate roulette wheel slowly appeared in front of the eyes of the trialist girls full of surprise.

“That stone plate… Could it be that there is a hidden mechanism in this room, and only through that mechanism can the door of the next room be opened? ”

After seeing the stone wheel that An Cheng had found, Yotsuya Miko’s golden eyes suddenly lit up, and she trotted towards the front.

Tentatively, he brought his little white hand to the stone wheel that still showed a cool feel even though it was scorched by the high temperature flame.


Yotsuya blushed a little, and she tried turning the stone disk, or pushing it forward and pulling back.

I even tried to press down, but I couldn’t make the strange stone disk connected to the whole room move even a fraction of the place.

“Let me come.”

The Tacheng kitten silently walked past Yotsuya Miko and took the initiative to hold the handle of the stone wheel.

The slender white forearm made a slight effort…

One more force…….

The stone wheel is always rock-solid.


Even she, a true demon dependent, could not shake this strange stone disk.

The Tacheng kitten couldn’t help but turn his head wordlessly.

A pair of brown-yellow eyes, as if with a faint resentment, continued to stare at An Cheng, who was standing on the side, allowing them to operate on the stone plate.

“This stone disk is indeed an organ, but the mechanism in the Demon Tower is a little different from the mechanism you usually remember.”

“Look, a stone plate like this……. That’s how it’s going to be used! ”

After seeing that Yotsuya Miko and Tacheng Kitten were helpless against the stone pan mechanism, they could only resort to their own appearance.

The corners of An Cheng’s mouth raised a curve.

He suddenly pulled out the Rebellious Blade from behind, wrapped around the bright silver greatsword of dark red magic thunder, and fell with an unstoppable bombardment.

With a deafening popping sound, it hit the front of the stone wheel standing in front of An Cheng!

The rebellious sword that swept down with the terrifying magic power of An Cheng set off a terrifying physical storm and wave of magical energy.

Standing on both sides of the stone wheel, Yotsuya Miko and Tajo Kitten couldn’t help but squint at the blowing wind.

Their light and thin delicate bodies unconsciously fell backwards, and their black and white hair swayed wildly in the strong wind.

Withstood the stone roulette wheel of An Cheng’s powerful and rebellious demon sword.

Suddenly, wisps of vibrant blue magic flames lit up in the surface area.

The twelve flashing blue magic flames rotated at high speed like the hands of a clock, and finally converged.

A royal blue magic beam was formed.

Projected straight onto the spider’s nest wall in the opposite position.

Under the stunned gazes of Miko Yotsuya and Shino Asada.

The position of the wall illuminated by that royal blue magic beam is like a classic secret room link in the movie.

With a strong sense of vibration and a loud rumbling sound, the place that was originally just a wall slowly separated to the left and right.

In the middle of the wall, a large secret passage was formed that was large enough for the three to advance in parallel.

[And this operation?! ] 】

[No, the way this mechanism is opened is too strange, right?] 】

[Normally, shouldn’t it be to start the mechanism by turning the stone disk, who would dare to slash the mechanism with a sword, in case the mechanism is broken, won’t it be only trapped in place and waiting for death?! ] 】

[Fortunately, there is a demon hunter god, otherwise it will take at least a day to just figure out how to use this strange mechanism, even if someone kicks on the stone plate in anger, I am afraid that the strength is not enough to activate this stone plate mechanism! ] 】

In the rumbling aftersound of the secret passage opening.

Seeing the strange way that Ancheng used to activate this stone plate mechanism, ordinary people simply could not think of and did not dare to do it.

The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space suddenly couldn’t hold back.

One by one, they began to strongly complain that the internal mechanism design of the Demon Tower was too strange, which was completely different from the brain circuits of normal people.

If it weren’t for An Cheng, a veteran who had walked through the Devil’s Tower once.

There is no need to destroy other demons, and this stone plate mechanism alone can delay the trialist girls for a long time.

“Okay, ladies, it’s been long enough to stay put, it’s time for us to go.”

Bathed in the complex and subtle gaze of the young girls of the trialists such as Shino Asada.

An Cheng, who opened the stone plate mechanism and was inexplicably skillful, put the rebellious sword back on his back in a relaxed tone, and Shi Shiran took the initiative to walk towards the secret passage in the spider’s lair.

Shino Asada let out a long sigh, and she and Asuna Yuki beside her looked at each other.

Then silently followed the footsteps of An Cheng in front of him.


Passing through the long secret passage, when An Cheng’s eyes flashed with torch light again.

They had arrived at a spacious and luxurious place as vast as a king’s palace.

“Have you already found it, son of Sparta, you are much earlier than I expected to visit.”

In this unknown dark palace.

A female voice that is as intoxicating as honey, but like a queen with a high and arrogant voice.

Unhurriedly, it rang.

Following Asune, Shino Asada, and Yukinoshita Yukino followed their prestige.

I saw the beautiful female figure sitting on the golden throne on the high platform, with a lazy look.

The beautiful woman sitting on the golden throne like a queen had bloody red hair and eyes that were the same blood-red color.

The red-haired woman in a pitch-black evening dress looked like a dressed lady going to a dinner party.

Examined with human aesthetics, it is impossible to pick out a little ugly and ordinary fault from her.

However, the color of the skin that was too pale, the pointed ears that did not resemble humans, the hideous fangs that inadvertently showed between the bright red lips, and a pair of pitch-black demon bat wings on the back.

It goes without saying that this beautiful red-haired queen with charm far beyond human femininity is not a demure lady who is harmless to humans and animals.

It is the cold reality of a dangerous demon with intellect and reason, extremely powerful.

The vampire queen with long blood-colored hair carefully looked at An Cheng who came out of the secret passage of the spider’s lair under the high platform of the throne.

Admiring An Cheng’s handsome appearance far beyond ordinary people, the vampire queen’s scarlet eyes were happily hooked.

As for the human women who followed behind Hyderon, there was not the slightest threat at all.

The Vampire Queen simply didn’t bother to give them even a hint of extra gaze.

The truth that makes the Trialist girls feel aggrieved and complicated is.

In the eyes of the vampire queen, ordinary human girls like Shino Asada and Asuna Yuki.

It’s just a moving snack dessert, and you don’t need to pay attention to them.

If it weren’t for the Son of Sparta to open the way in front, a weak human like this would never have been able to walk in front of him.

The Vampire Queen decided so, and the truth was basically what she thought.

“It turns out that the boss of the third layer is you, Nevan.”

The two guns of ebony and white ivory fluttered deftly between Ancheng’s fingers.

Immediately, the black gun caliber was aimed at the vampire queen Nevan, who was sitting on the golden throne.

The corners of An Cheng’s mouth curved upward, and he pointed his gun at the vampire queen Nevan with both ebony and white ivory, and asked her the final question before the war.

“Do you want to obediently get out of the way, or be knocked down by me here, choose one?”

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