The Beowulf light cannon that suddenly emerged from the ground was like the roar of a hideous beast, making a violent sound that was deafening.

Under the action of the extremely powerful magic of light, the vampire queen Nevan did her best to release a huge dark purple thunder ball released by all the magic power in her body.

It was like a mirage with an empty surface, completely pierced and shattered by the rush of divine light that burst out by An Cheng.

The brilliant stream of divine light rose unabated, completely submerging the frightened vampire queen Nevan.

The huge ball of deep purple thundercloud light that was like a blow of destruction was washed by the rush of terrifying light that burst out from the hands of Beowulf Demon Form An Cheng.

It collapsed into a harmless arc of thunder.

And the vampire queen Nevan, who was the initiator, fell heavily from the air to the ground like a kite with a broken line.

Head-on, he was bombarded by the rush of light inspired by Beowulf’s magic tool.

As a dark attribute demon, the vampire queen Nevan has been seriously injured to the point of dying, and it is only a breath away that she may disappear completely at any time.

Weak and weak, Nivan, who fell to the ground, the pale and delicate body covered by the pitch-black evening dress had become more and more transparent.

It even began to gradually emit dark purple magic points of light outward.

“Well, son of Sparta, this battle is your victory…”

The Vampire Queen moved with difficulty, standing up on the ground.

Looking at the dark red magic lightning surrounding his body, the extremely vigorous magic power in his body slowly calmed down, and lifted the demonized Ancheng.

Staring at An Cheng’s handsome face with white hair and red eyes, the vampire queen sighed faintly, and her tone was weak, acknowledging An Cheng’s victory.

“Even compared to your father Sparta, your strength is still not bad, maybe you can even surpass your father, the legendary strongest demon swordsman.”

“Go to the fourth layer, as a proof of your victory over me, I will give you my last strength as a gift for you to explore the tower layer behind…”

The moment the words fell, the completely transparent body of the vampire queen Nevan suddenly collapsed into a dark purple magic light point in the sky.

The deep purple magic light that flew in the sky like fireflies surrounded An Cheng’s body at an extremely fast speed.

Finally, it converged into the position between his hands, condensed together, and converged into a dark purple electric guitar-type magic tool.

[Win! ] Worthy of being the god of demon hunters! Easily eliminated the boss of the third layer! 】

[I feel that the Demon Hunter God still has a little mercy and release the water, otherwise, judging from the power of the second move, the Demon Hunter God is obviously able to kill the Vampire Queen in seconds at the first move! ] 】

[Obviously able to kill in seconds, but it took two moves to destroy the enemy, Demon Hunter God, you are so gentle! ] 】

[Explosive equipment, explosive equipment! ] I don’t know what powerful abilities this demon incarnated by the Vampire Queen has! 】

[It’s good to have a new magic tool, but how is this magic tool the image of an electric guitar, this is too up-to-date, right?] 】

With the disappearance of the third-layer guard boss Nevan, the gloomy aura that was originally coiled in the theater room gradually dissipated, and even the brightness of the torches burning made people feel several points brighter.

After Ancheng showed the power of demonization.

The originally extremely powerful third-layer boss, the vampire queen Nevan, who was the strongest demon swordsman in the demon world, Sparta, as an old acquaintance, was defeated in the hands of An Cheng without resistance.

There is no better news to lift the hearts of the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space.

“Mr. Ancheng, are you all right?”

Just when An Cheng, who had lifted the demon transformation, was standing in place holding the deep purple electric guitar in his arms.

Yotsuya Miko and other trialist girls trotted to his side and asked him in a concerned tone.

“It’s okay, I’m just thinking about how to deal with this repeated electric guitar magic tool.”

An Cheng sighed faintly and made a Versailles speech that made the trial girls such as Yotsuya Miko feel that their blood pressure soared a little.

An Cheng’s Versailles speech as a master of magic tools caused the trial girls such as Miko Yotsutani and Shino Asada to fall into a state of wordless silence.

However, the audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space began to actively speak because of Ancheng’s words that were troubled by too many magic tools.

[So it is true, after all, the Demon Hunter God has already climbed the tower once, and if he climbs again, the magic tools obtained will naturally be repeated! ] 】

[Like the previous Cerberus three-section stick, the magic tool that happened to be damaged must be only a few phenomena. ] 】

[In other words, if the Demon Hunter God keeps climbing the Demon Tower like this, we will get a large number of repeated magic tools, so don’t we also have the opportunity to buy those powerful magic tools from the Demon Hunter Great God?] 】

【Great! When the Demon Hunter God intends to sell it, even if I lose my family, I will definitely buy a magic tool and pass it on as an heirloom of the town clan!” 】

Just when the rich in the real world are immersed in the wonderful delusion of buying powerful magic tools from Hyderon.

Frowning slightly, staring at An Cheng, who was staring at the deep purple electric guitar magic tool in his arms, a new idea had already arisen in his heart.

It is like Dante and Virgil, as Spartan sons, who can pierce their bodies through the rebellious blade, the magic knife and the Spartan sword condensed with Sparta’s magical power.

In this way, the Majin bloodline and powerful potential hidden in the depths of the body were tapped, and the mastery of the Spartan family was performed.

The magic tools formed by demons after death are essentially condensed by the demons’ own magical power.

For example, the three-headed dog of hell on the second level.

The magic tool Cerberus that it condensed after death, and the magic tool Cerberus King possessed by Ancheng.

Only the demon race is the same, but the level in the hell three-headed dog race is completely different, just like the difference between the king and the soldier.

The magic power of the three-headed dog of hell that makes up two similar magic artifact entities is actually not completely combined.

But the boss of the third layer, the vampire queen Nevan, her situation is completely different!

There is only one vampire queen named Nevan.

The real Nivan has been attacked by Dante himself, and by playing Dante’s template, Ancheng obtains the electric guitar magic tool incarnated by the real vampire queen Nevan as a system reward.

And now An Cheng, who has broken through the third layer of the Demon Tower.

He personally destroyed the Vampire Queen Nevan projection cast by the Trial Space in the Demon Tower, and also obtained an electric guitar magic tool transformed by Nevan’s power.

These two electric guitar magic tools are exactly the same, and they are transformed into powerful magic tools by the same demon race of vampires and the same demon individual of Queen Nivan.

The two electric guitar magic tools that have been acquired successively have exactly the same composition magic.

In other words, even if the comic play system does not provide the function of fusion magic tools, Hyder himself can personally get started and completely integrate and upgrade magic tools with exactly the same materials!

“Then let me experiment!”

The more I thought about it, the more I found that this idea was feasible, and my crimson eyes were almost glowing.

His right hand gently probed into the void, and he was under the doubtful gazes of the Trialist girls.

The electric guitar magic tool in the system space was also taken out.

“Exactly the same magic tool as the electric guitar left behind by the Vampire Queen after her death…. This is Mr. Ancheng’s trophy to defeat Nivan when he was in the real Demon Tower, why take it out at this time? ”

Yukinoshita Yukino looked at Ancheng, who suddenly took out two identical electric guitar magic tools one by one, and couldn’t help but ask him in surprise.

“That’s for ———— strengthening, of course!”

Under the dull gaze of Yukino’s cardiopulmonary arrest.

The corners of his mouth hooked a happy arc of Ancheng, and he suddenly lifted the bright silver Beowulf foot armor that was as sharp as a beast’s claw.

Suddenly kicked towards the electric guitar magic tool held in his left hand, which had just started and was not yet warm!

“You, what are you doing?! V!! ”

Beowulf’s foot armor, shining with silver divine brilliance, struck a powerful and heavy kick.

Immediately, the electric guitar magic tool incarnated by the vampire queen Nevan broke in response.

The deep purple electric guitar was easily broken in two and fell from the air towards the ground.

The flat bulletproof glasses on Asada’s face were almost frightened to fall.

Her pair of black eyes shook violently, and her slender body couldn’t stop trembling, and she couldn’t help shouting to An Cheng, who inexplicably destroyed the new magic tool.

[Isn’t it, is the Demon Hunter God such a ruthless person, because with duplicate magic tools, even if he destroys it with his own hands, he is not willing to sell it to others?! ]

But I saw before that he obviously wanted to give Cerberus white to Miko!! 】

[Laughing to death, the electric guitar magic tool is the private trophies of the demon hunter god himself, and people can deal with it as they want. ]

Besides, people see that the child is a beautiful girl, are you? Let’s get the key first! 】

[Although the electric guitar magic tool is the private trophies of the Demon Hunter God, I still feel that he is a little selfish in this way.

Even if you don’t want to sell it to others, lending the magic tools to Asuna for the time being now as an arm through the Demon Tower can be of great help to the team! 】

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