Chapter 95: Are Kittens Really Demons? How can someone not fly?.

[Appeared! ] Demon Hunter God’s new magic tool! 】

[Is it a sword-type magic tool this time, I don’t know what kind of powerful ability it will have, I’m looking forward to it! ] 】

[The end of Echidena has arrived! ] 】

When they saw An Cheng take out the magic sword Alastor, which they had never seen before, from the system space. The audience in the live broadcast room of the trial space immediately boiled.

The audience in the live broadcast room was looking forward to what kind of brilliant performance the Demon Sword Alastor would make in the next battle with the fourth-layer guard demon Echidena.

“Don’t be triumphant there, let you, the despicable half-demon, and that group of lowly humans, see the power of the noble demon from the demon world, Lord Achedena!”

Like being surrounded by hideous man-eating flowers, Akidena manipulated the huge blue-black wooden snake connected to her body, and suddenly rose into the air with great sensitivity.

The blue-black colossal snake body is like a swimming fish in the sea, deftly moving in the sky dome. And as Hyder said earlier.

Achedna, hovering high in the air, was like a bomber rushing by.

From the position above the heavenly dome, towards An Cheng and Asada Shi on the ground, they were the girls of the trialists.

One after another, like cannonballs, and stained with sticky brownish-green sap, like egg-like demon seeds.

“Attack those demon seeds that fall from the sky! Don’t give them a chance to land successfully! ”

Looking at the flower demon Echidena swimming at high speed above the heavenly dome, it was exactly as An Cheng had prophesied. Relying on the advantage of air supremacy, a large number of demon seeds are thrown from high in the air to the ground.

Under An Cheng’s advance science, Asugi Shinai, who had long been wary of the attack method of Echidena throwing demon seeds from the sky.

Immediately, he shouted to the fellow Trialist girls beside him.

And while warning his teammates, he simply raised the Artemis magic gun in his hand. Like the delicate purple string arrows shot out by the moon god, it suddenly shot out from Artemis’s muzzle position.

Reminiscent of the volley of moonlight on a full moon night, the purple moon arrow rose up from the ground to meet the demon seed that Echidena dropped from the sky.

The Crimson Soul Stone crystals condensed from the blood of demons, and the thunder and lightning bat energy body that flew out with the dynamic string sound. After being enhanced by mana, the golden shotgun shoots out at high speed.

And the monstrous flame that seemed to burn the entire sky completely.

The Trialist Maidens each raised their magic tools and made a fierce combined attack towards the brown-green demon seeds that descended from the heavenly dome.

Under the reminder of An Cheng, Asada Shino and others who had been prepared for a long time.

There is simply no such situation as when facing an unknown enemy, because you don’t understand the attack methods of the enemy demons, resulting in a black eye and being caught off guard.

“No, —- my children!!!”

Looking at the hundreds of demon seeds that he expelled from his body.

She was actually easily smashed by the human girls who were as humble as ants in her eyes, like smashing eggs.

Of the hundreds of demon seeds bred, only a dozen successfully landed on the ground and hatched out smoothly.

It turned into a strange demon whose body is composed of vines called Kemira Seed.

The flower demon Echidena, who was flying above the heavenly dome, couldn’t help but let out an extremely sad angry sound. The Kemira seed demons were not particularly powerful.

But all of them are the children she worked so hard to conceive!

The bothered flower demon Ecchidena, her blue-black body of a giant wooden snake, turned her direction high in the air.

Immediately, ignoring it, she swooped towards the trialist girls who had eliminated most of her demon seeds on the ground.

It was as if infected by Ecedna’s strong emotions of grief.

I heard the Kemira seed demons summoned by the creator burst out of the demonized tree.

Swarms of bodies woven from black and green vines surged from all directions of the Demon Forest towards the location of the river that had been reduced to a battlefield.

The girls of the trialists such as Shino Asada were completely besieged in the middle position.

There are even other demons other than Kemira Seed, with the official opening of the boss battle, and a steady stream of people rushing to this battlefield.

The entire Demon Forest seemed to come to life completely in an instant.

The Trialist girls, who were surrounded by demons, couldn’t help but feel a strong sense of pressure in their hearts that they were making enemies of the entire world.

The crimson translucent phantom sword was like a machine gun firing with full force, with a furious posture that was about to completely explode the air.

Vigorously shot out from the ripples of air that rippled around An Cheng’s body.

From above the sky dome, the blue-black huge wooden snake that rushed straight down like a meteorite was suddenly completely hit by the phantom sword array that bombarded like a meteor shower.

No matter how hard Echidena tried to move her figure, her huge wooden snake body was still under the fierce pursuit of the Ancheng Phantom Sword Formation at all times.

A crimson translucent blade pierced Achidena’s huge blue-black snake body, completely dissolving her powerful impact like a meteorite falling from the sky.

As a result, Achidena suddenly rushed towards the Trialist girls on the ground, and was forcibly stopped. While tying her entire body like a red hedgehog.

The powerful impact force set off by the Phantom Sword Array made Akidena’s heavy blue and black wood snake body rush backwards towards its position in the sky.

It was enough to see how powerful the crimson phantom sword formation released by An Cheng was. The black-green rancid sap is as continuous as rainfalling.

From the colossal wooden snake body of Echidena, who was frantically struggling above the heavenly dome and dodging the pursuit of the red phantom sword array, he fell to the ground with a mighty swing.

“Shinai, Miko, you give priority to destroying those demons outside the Kemira seed.”

Manipulate the crimson phantom sword formation and chase Si Shi above the sky dome with the body of the blue and black wooden snake of the flower demon Echidena.

An Cheng gently turned his head and made combat suggestions from the experience of legendary demon hunters to the trialist girls who were surrounded by a huge number of demons in the Demon Forest.

“I see! But what would happen if we didn’t? ”

As soon as he heard An Cheng’s suggestion, Asada turned his gun.

The clear moon arrow that suddenly shot out from Artemis’s magic gun instantly completely pierced a puppet demon who was shaking and walking.

Asada, who immediately strictly carried out Ancheng’s combat instructions. After pulling the trigger to destroy the puppet demon.

Only then did he ask An Cheng in a puzzled tone.

What would happen if they didn’t prioritize the elimination of those puppet demons and bladed demons?

“Kemira seeds are demons with parasitic abilities, will actively seek a host, parasitize on the bodies of other demons, and greatly strengthen the ability of parasitic demons, simply put, it will exert the power of one plus one is greater than two.”

An Cheng raised a finger and answered unhurriedly to Shino Asada, who asked the question. Just as Ancheng replied to Shino Asada and other trialist girls.

There was already a Kemira seed, and it suddenly swooped above the body of the puppet demon and the sharp knife demon beside him.

The black-green vines, like incomparably tough ropes, completely bound and entangled the bodies of the other demons. While covering the physical appearance of the original demons, it also robbed the demons’ dominance of the bodies.

The Kemira demon, who completed parasitism, emitted a piercing screaming sound, as if going berserk, and exerted physical abilities far beyond normal puppet demons and bladed demons.

The rapidly running body dragged out black and green afterimages and rushed towards the direction of the Trialist girls.

The Kemira Demon, who parasitized on the blade demon, exerted extremely explosive power and speed, plus the fact that it was originally close to the Trialist girls.

In the blink of an eye, he burst into the effective attack range in front of Yuki Asuna. The black and green vines scattered all over the body were like flexible steel tentacles.

Because he couldn’t react from the high-speed movement of the Kemira demon, his delicate body stiffened.

Under the influence of immature fear, Yuki Asuna, who could not even move the simple action of plucking the strings, poked away mercilessly.

It was at the moment when Yuki Asuna closed her eyes tightly, ready to forcibly withstand this wild attack that penetrated her delicate body. A fierce thunder light suddenly shone brightly in front of her tightly hidden eyes, and a heavy thunderous roar sounded.

A fierce wind rushed past Yuki Asuna’s side, brushing her long, silky chestnut hair up. The source of the thunder light is not the electric guitar Nevan magic tool he is holding in his arms.

Other words—-!!

Yuki Asuna hurriedly opened his eyes.

Sure enough, what came into her chestnut eyes was An Cheng’s majestic and secure upright back. The silver-white demon sword that An Cheng held tightly in his right hand was wrapped around the sword body with a chaotic thunder light visible to the naked eye.

The Kemira demon suddenly stretched out the vine tentacles that burst out in the air, and in the vast thunder light, it was easily cut off and shattered, together with the Kemira demon, and all the demons at a straight distance of twenty meters behind him, all completely dissipated in Fangcai’s dazzling thunder light.

Obviously, the magic tools that An Cheng took out this time, like the electric guitar Nevan, are magic tools that belong to the thunder attribute.

“Thank you… Mr. Hyder! ”

Yuki Asuna had a blush on her tender face, not only because she had some special affection for Ancheng. It was even more because of the immature mentality that he had panicked on the battlefield just now, and he felt a full sense of shame. It is clear that there is a strengthened version of the electric guitar Nivan lent by Ancheng.

An enemy of Kemira’s magnitude, as long as she is careful enough to deal with it, should not be able to threaten her life!


In the final analysis, it is still the current Yuki Asuna who has not been able to fully get used to and adapt to the brutal combat environment of the Demon Tower. If she entered the trial space on the first floor, she would definitely grow into an excellent flash warrior.

But when Yuki Asuna enters the Devil’s Tower.

The Trialist squad consists of three reliable seniors armed with powerful magic tools, Tajo Kitten, a demon family from another world.

and the real Tower of Demons that has already cleared once. As the thigh of all the hopes of the entire Trialist Squad, and even the audience of the entire two worlds in the live broadcast room of the Trial Space.

That descendant of the legendary strongest demon swordsman Spartan in the demon world, the legendary demon hunter An Cheng with half-human, half-demon blood! Among the three players who entered the Demon Tower at the same time, Asuna Yuki was the weakest, helpless and pitiful. After Ancheng and Tajo Kitten, Asada Shino and Yukinoshita Yukino their showy fighting methods.

Yuki Asuna, who is like a small transparent that has been shielded from most of the wind and rain, has not yet grown enough to be on her own. However, after the mistakes in this battle, Yuki Asuna, who has begun to reflect.

is rapidly fading immature immaturity, gradually growing into a real warrior who does not hold the team back.

【Good insurance, good insurance! 】 Fortunately, the Demon Hunter God reacts quickly, otherwise Asuna will be attacked by Kemira Demon, resulting in the reduction of the team by one person, and there will be a terrifying scene of a large number of demons raging in the real world!! 】

[Akidna loudly interrupted the Demon Hunter God explanation before, just to keep the enhanced secret about Kemira’s demons, and want to sneak up on Asuna and them, it’s too despicable! ] 】

[Speaking of which, Nivana on the upper level is also chasing Asuna, is Asuna particularly able to attract the hatred of female demons, or can she attract as long as the hatred of demons? ] 】

[It is true that the Demon Hunter God cares about Asuna and her teammates, but even if the Demon Hunter God does not come just now, Asuna will be fine. ] 】

[Just now, the kitten also reacted and wanted to support Asuna……. ] Although even if she was closest to Asuna, she could not run the speed of the Demon Hunter God coming from a distance. 】

Looking at the live broadcast room of the trial space, the dismantling audience barrage spoke. The corner of Tacheng kitten’s eyebrows twitched fiercely.

Above the flaming Ifrit fist, the fire seemed to become even hotter and fiercer under the rendering of the flames.

It was completely fierce enough to punch a Kemira demon and destroy.

“That big guy is moving too fast, although limited by the environment of the Demon Tower, Echidena cannot rise to the sky above the tower, but it is difficult for our attacks to reach her in a high position.”

Under the snow, Yukino frowned under the brim of Faust’s hat, and she looked at the flower demon Echidena in the sky, who was far away from the Trialist girls.

The tone was very helpless and said so.

Even if the Faust Hat and the Artemis Magic Gun are both long-range magic tools, they also have range. The distance that Aitchidna pulled away was already beyond the range of the magic tool.

Even if it barely hit Akidena’s body.

The remaining power of Moon Ya and the Soul Stone was simply enough to scrape Achidena.

The current situation is that the Trialist Maiden has no choice but to take the Flower Demon Echidena, who is in the position of the sky and has a firm air supremacy.

I can only stay on the ground and honestly solve the miscellaneous soldiers and demons who are constantly gathering from the Demon Forest.

“Can you fly? If not, stay on the ground, the demon called Ecedna, I will defeat it. ”

As if to prove himself, the Tacheng kitten silently took two steps forward.

The light inside the Demon Tower seemed to deliberately avoid her for a moment, and darkness shrouded the petite and slender body of the little cat in Tower City. When the darkness dissipated.

Under the stunned gaze of Yuki Asuna and Yukinoshita Yukino.

Behind the white-haired and brown-eyed petite loli, a pair of huge pitch-black demon wings had already opened!

“Of course, if you want to help, then use the king pawn that Minister Lias gave you.”

Seeing that An Cheng never rose into the air to chase Ichidena, thinking that he had no ability to fly, the Tacheng kitten.

A hint of joy and pride quietly flashed in the brown-yellow pupils, and he felt that he had finally found an advantage over Ancheng. Then the look in her brown and yellow eyes turned into a burning fighting spirit.

The Tacheng kitten clenched the red dragon head worn by the two slender palms, and the fire on Evelit’s fist sleeve was raging.

A pair of pitch-black demon wings behind him shook suddenly, and their figures were like off-string arrows, flying straight towards the flower demon Echidena above the sky dome.

“After using that demon pawn, you should also have the same demon wings as I do!”

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