Seven Nights is now standing in front of the Hulk, but the Hulk is conclusive, and a pair of Seven Nights are killers.

Every move he made was for the life of the seven nights. Although Nanaya tried to convince himself, all of this in front of him was an illusion.

But time and time again, this illusion is too real.

Seven nights began to slowly come out of the hallucination.

“I have regarded you as a brother from my heart, but you have never regarded me as a brother, and I have had enough again and again.”

Seven Nights witnessed them hurting themselves one after another, and for this he began to roar at their actions.

And just after this roar of his, the Hulk seemed to feel frightened from the bottom of his heart.

So much so that Qiye just waved his fist, but this guy thought that Qiye was going to kill him. And because of this, he subconsciously took several steps back.

“Today I still say that, I won’t hurt you, but if you want to go too far, don’t blame me.”

As he said this, Qiye walked straight away, so that he didn’t care what kind of danger he would encounter in front of him.

But strangely, the Hulk wanted to move at this time but did not dare to move.

Nanaya’s body seemed to have Bgm on his body, and when he was about to shake his fist, suddenly 263 felt a pang of fear. A pang of fear came from the heart, and this was what worried him the most.

At this moment, General Ross’s daughter suddenly appeared, this time to force Dr. Banner to make the final decision.

“Have you forgotten everything? We said okay before, this time you must give it to…”

After only half of the words, he went to Dr. Banner’s side in tears.

In this matter, Qiye was still very curious, but at this moment, he did not stop because of this.

His heart was now cold and harder.

“I know all this, even if I fight for my life next, I will leave it behind.”

As he said these words, Dr. Banner had already come to Seven Nights, and at this moment, he blocked Seven Nights’ way with his heavy body.

Because his body is very heavy, it has a good cushioning effect on any force.

He also seemed to realize this advantage of himself, so at the beginning, towards the seven nights was his chest.

“Three or five times, I don’t feel annoyed, since you have to block my way, I can only use my way to let you…”

Just as Seven Nights was saying this, Tony suddenly appeared in his arrival, which really caught Seven Nights off guard.

“Just now, Colonel Howard has already returned to the US military with me, and these next troubles are not troubles.”

For these, Qiye just sneered, what was this for him?

“To tell you one last time, no one can dictate my decision, not even my good friend.”

Qiye was unwilling to continue to watch his friends here and persuade him to join the American military.

So he wanted to leave this place as quickly as possible, but leaving was not easy.

In the following instant, dozens of tanks surrounded Seven Nights.

Not only that, but dozens of fighters were ready on the sidelines.

Such a battle, but the US military used it to deal with foreign invading forces, but at this moment it was used to deal with the seven nights.

Obviously, the US military regards Seven Nights as a guy who is more difficult to deal with than foreign invading forces.

But for Seven Nights, a self-contained Bgm, the arrival of these people is a mistake, because they will be fruitless.

“I haven’t been so comfortable for a long time, and in a moment, I will beat these armored vehicles and planes into a pile of scrap iron.”

Some words came out of his mouth, and Qi Ye felt that his mood became much more relaxed.

But in the matter of [CBDG] treating Dr. Banner, he felt extremely aggrieved, but now this situation seems to be history.

“You really can’t do it, if you do it this time, you are making enemies of the entire earth.”

“But why not be the enemy of the whole world.”

As soon as the words fell, Seven Nights directly pushed the Hulk forward, and then used his heavy body to smash the armored vehicles in front of him into a pile of scrap iron.

Such a picture is really quite shocking, but from the screen, there is no way to understand the power of the seven nights.

Now, the few people behind General Ross gave Seven Nights a thumbs up at this moment, but they only dared to think so in their hearts.

“I really don’t know what you two think, do you feel very happy watching others beat us to the point of collapse? Do you think it’s glorious? ”

For what General Ross said, the two were just silent to them, but if they did, they admitted that General Ross was telling the truth.

But with such a black pot on their backs, they are estimated to be enemies of the whole world.

“Since you don’t think so, why don’t you drive over with fighters and armored vehicles to cheer up the big guys?”

It seemed to them that such a thing should have been done by General Ross, but for some reason, such a thing fell on their heads.

“Don’t hurry up yet, if you have any comments about what I said, hurry up and put it forward.”

Now, how dare these two people behind General Ross say such a thing.

So, after a brief tidying up, they walked towards the place that General Ross had said.

On the other hand, Qiye has almost solved the obstacles in front of him.

“It seems that you really don’t treat me as a brother, but just as a tool to clear obstacles in the way of progress.”

When he said this, Banner did not smile coldly, for him, this feeling of being used by his brother was something he could never accept.

“Friend, you really think too much, I have regarded you as a brother since the beginning, but you have betrayed me again and again.”

As he said this, Seven Nights’ hands began to exert their strength, and Dr. Banner was thrown out like a stone.

Although he resisted with all his might at the beginning, the final result of this rebellion was thrown out by Seven Nights.

After seeing this scene, everyone panicked in their hearts, they really didn’t know that Seven Nights would have such innate divine power.

Just when they were terrified by this, Qiye suddenly turned his head and made a disdainful gesture towards them. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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