“Aren’t you kidding me? You are a criminal who invaded the earth, and I am the one who protects the earth, do you think it is appropriate for the two of us to become masters and apprentices? ”

Nanaya said this with a look of disdain, and then turned his head away, thinking that if he did this, Loki would go on his own.

But in reality, Loki didn’t, he froze in place for a moment, and then set his eyes on Nanaya’s body again.

Seven Nights’ strength is obvious to all, but it is more than a little stronger than Thanos.

“What are you guys doing here? Don’t hurry back to your place yet. ”

Seven Nights wanted to use these two sentences to send my milk away, but in fact, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t get rid of this Loki.

“These things are so evil that when you say that, I always want to stay.”

As he said this, Loki plopped down on his knees.

On weekdays, he was very arrogant and domineering with the god of Asgard, and he would not make such a move at all.

In front of Seven Nights, he not only did, but also showed an extremely obedient side, but his current obedient appearance is what he should have in his usual days.

“I tell you, even if you behave obediently, I won’t do what you say, or die this heart!”

Although this Loki was still in place, Seven Nights plopped the door shut.

As the saying goes, good eyes are not clean, ears are not annoying.

Since this guy was turned away by him, the sound that came to the Seven Nights Room became smaller and smaller.

And at this moment, he also turned on the TV directly.

When such a voice was put together with Loki’s pleas for help, even Loki’s voice could not be heard at all for seven nights.

“This is where the Avengers are now, and he is the third important member of the Hawkeye Avengers.”

When Nick. When Fury introduced the current members of the Avengers to Tony one by one, he encountered extremely embarrassing things.

The first member was naturally the Hulk, but he wasn’t at all interested in Tony, and he would rather lie there than shake Tony’s hand.

As for Hawkeye, he was even more arrogant, and Tony was just an ordinary person in front of him.

“As the saying goes, people’s hearts are made of flesh, can your heart withstand bullets and shells?”

As he said this, he extended his hand to Tony’s heart.

But just as he was about to make a move, Tony successfully passed him with a flashing motion.

“I really didn’t expect your kid’s skills to be quite good, but this place is too small, but let’s use our strength.”

For the Hulk, he had to win this matter with dignity, or he would feel guilty for the rest of his life.

When the two of them were fighting hotly here, a red light suddenly flashed on Hawkeye’s neck.

After this light, the dark eye was directly put down by Tony.

The rest of the people were dumbfounded, because they didn’t know what had happened in the meantime.

“I know that you still have some disobedience to me, but I can fight until you obey, and I will try to satisfy you in this matter.”

As Tony said this, the Hulk suddenly jumped out again, and he was the first to disobey Tony.

The two were entangled again like this, and Tony, who had no way, could only use the same method.

This time the result was not as good as the last one, and he actually lost this time.

“If you want to be our captain, you have to pass me, and you definitely can’t even pass me now.”

As he said this, the Hulk’s heavy fist was ready to smash towards Tony.

At moments like this, this Nick. Fury suddenly appeared, and for him, the captaincy was chosen by him.

If anyone is not satisfied with such a decision, they are working against him.

“What the hell are you two trying to do?” Do you know it’s Tony, but I just don’t want to meet you in general. ”

Nick. Fury directly took out his own heart words in front of the big guys.

When he said this, he had considered that the mood of the giant and hawkeye would be hit by this.

But he knew better that talent like Tony couldn’t afford to lose.

“That’s the end of this matter for today, I don’t want you to quarrel about this one thing again.”

When he said this, he had already set his eyes on Tony, and he hoped that this thing would start with Tony, but it would end with Tony.

“He doesn’t deserve to be our captain, we have to be convinced.”

At first, it was the Hulk who recognized such words, and Hawkeye followed suit.

After expressing their opinions, the two of them left one after another, looking at their fading backs, Nick. Fury’s heart had an indescribable taste.

“Don’t let the two of them have the idea of giving up, this is what the two of them look like on weekdays.”

Nick. Fury patted Tony lightly on the shoulder, and then took his assistant to find other superheroes.

This Nick. Fury’s departure left Tony alone.

To be honest, he didn’t want to rule someone, he just wanted to make others less detours, because he could think of many things.

“Stop bothering about this, they just can’t figure it out on this matter temporarily.”

It was Tony’s who said this, and his good friend Colonel Howard was especially happy when he heard that Tony was coming here.

“It turned out to be you, I thought who it was, today the two of us met, let’s go have a drink!”

Colonel Howard directly refused Seven Nights’ request because he had important things to do.

“Now this earth is really going to be chaotic, this Thanos has come to the earth, it is estimated that it will not be long before the earth is destroyed.”

Looking at Colonel Howard’s melancholy look, Tony understood that this was not a simple matter. “

Can you send me a copy of Thanos’s information? I want to take a good look at it. ”

As Tony said this, Colonel Howard simply put the document in his hand.

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