Under their expectant gaze, Qiye slowly walked out of his apartment.

Raising his head, the clear blue sky appeared in front of Seven Nights.

To be honest, this situation really has a beautiful feeling.

And standing here with a look of enjoyment in the seven nights, those with sledgehammers in their hands are not a taste in their hearts.

“You have already promised us this thing, so you better hurry over, the big guys want to return to the era of peace.”

In Thanos’ invasion plan, it is these ordinary people who suffer. In their own livelihoods, they grovel and do things they don’t like.

They are trying to change themselves, so that they can adapt to the society that makes them terrible as soon as possible.

It is not easy for them to live well, and now such a thing has happened.

“Then rest assured, in the blink of an eye I will appear in front of Thanos, in the blink of an eye, this thing will be like this.”

On this issue, Seven Nights has thought through a lot, and at this moment he came directly to Thanos.

Thanos was not surprised at all by the sudden appearance of Seven Nights, and he felt a contract from his pocket.

“According to the rules of your earthlings, signing this document seems to guarantee the interests of both sides.”

It was not at all strange that Thanos would do these seven nights, and at this moment, he brought this document to himself, and after careful reading, he signed his name.

“That’s already signed your name on this document, so you have to find a way to get those people for me, and you have to find a way to settle those things for me.”

All Thanos wanted was for Seven Nights to sign this document, and now, his purpose has been achieved, so the means he used will naturally become a thing of the past.

“I wish us a happy cooperation.”

As Nanaya finished saying this, he stretched out his hand.

And Nanaya did not extend his hand, he took his shoes off his feet and placed them directly on Thanos’ hand.

“I already knew you liked this leather shoe I wore.” While saying this, Qiye also let out a burst of laughter.

In the midst of such laughter, this Thanos heard the irony, but he didn’t do anything, he just stood there quietly.

After Seven Nights left, Tony and the Hulk came to him, still for the purpose of completing the mission with the past.

“Although you didn’t do this thing as I intended, you also worked hard, so I agreed.”

This is the long-awaited answer that Tony and the Hulk have been waiting for. So in the next second, the two people became happy and held their heads there.

“Shouldn’t I go back and clean up now? If nothing else, you’ll be leaving here tomorrow. ”

Thanos kindly reminded him, and then walked away.

With Thanos gone, there are only two people left in this place, Tony and the Hulk.

“What are the two of them having fun doing there?” After seeing this scene, Nick. Fury was there asking the patrollers.

“If you don’t have the right to ask about this matter and want to live well, you just stay here and don’t go anywhere.”

When these people gave such an answer, Nick. Fury’s curiosity was immediately aroused.

However, at this moment, he can’t ask Tony and the Hulk in front of these people, because then he will definitely be stopped.

“If you don’t let it, you won’t let it, and say so many excuses.”

Find yourself a step, and then Nick. Fury came to his office.

And the moment he pushed the door in, Hawkeye and Black Widow were waiting for him.

The reason why they came over was because they wanted to talk to Nick. Fury discusses how to deal with Thanos.

“It’s not April Fool’s Day!”

In Nick. Fury looked as if Hawkeye and Black Widow were teasing him.

“We’re not joking, what we’re saying is true, we’re really fed up with this kind of subjective taste, we’re going to turn over the serfs and sing now.”

Their ideas are naturally good, but to say such things in the face of no absolute strength is to dig a trap for themselves.

“I heard his words, I won’t say it, don’t say it in front of others, otherwise I won’t promise you that something happens.”

The moment he finished this sentence, this Nick. Fury left his office angrily, wanting to show his attitude with these actions.

“On weekdays this Nick. Doesn’t Fury hate being controlled by people? How to deal with this matter, he has undergone a 180-degree change. ”

The two left a little helplessly after sighing, to be honest, it didn’t make much sense to stay in this place, after all, Nick. Fury is gone.

On the other side, Thanos has prepared almost everything related.

“One thing I want to ask you, and that is that you must hide in this storage compartment and follow my orders.”

Thanos is having a conversation with Thor, the god of thunder. At the beginning, he naturally refused to agree, after all, he is a well-known figure.

“What about you, it doesn’t matter if you don’t do it, I can turn you into a puppet now.”

To be honest, this sentence poked the heart of Thor, the god of thunder and agreed, so he nodded helplessly and agreed.

“However, you have to promise me not to do those things that hurt nature, or Asgard and I will not let you go.”

There are no relevant documents signed between the earth and Asgard, so the life and death of this earth is not Asgard’s business at all.

Because this place is where Thor will experience next, he doesn’t want his experience to end before it has begun. and

Thor ended this conversation after this Nick. Fury set his sights on Loki again.

To be honest, the reason why he found Loki was because of Thor’s unease.

“Didn’t you always want to take revenge on your brother? Didn’t you always want to prove in front of your father that you were better than your brother? Now there is such an opportunity, do you want it? ”

What Thanos said was something Loki had always dreamed of. The moment Thanos finished speaking, Loki nodded in agreement.

“I knew you would nod yes in this matter, so everything was ready for you.”

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