Karp rebelled?

Receiving such news, Qiye was also slightly stunned.

This is indeed somewhat unexpected.

Karp actually defected from the Navy?

This operation was something he didn’t expect at all.

You must know that the original book is in the war, even if he saw his godson Ace being killed in front of him.

His own grandson Luffy fell into a death crisis, and Karp did not make a move.

In that case, there was no betrayal of the navy, which shows how much Karp values the identity of the navy.

But now he actually betrayed the Navy?

What the hell is going on here?

Qiye was very puzzled in his heart.

And at this time, Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku sent a message.

Karp contacted him and wanted to meet him.

Betrayed the Navy and found the Thirteenth Team of the Guardian Court?

Qiye’s eyes flashed, as if he had guessed something.

He then left the kingdom of Alabastan and came to an island in the New World.

Since they were both hostile parties on the surface, it was naturally impossible for the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court to appear in the Kingdom of Alabastan.

The new world is so big, it’s still easy to find a place to stay.

Jingle Chunshui also once left contact information for Karp.

Upon defection, Karp contacted Kyoraku Chunshui.

Then, he said that he would discuss with Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, the commander of the 13th team of the court guard.

Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku did not respond immediately, but asked the meaning of Nanaya.

After all, they have been rewarded, and Karp has an incredible defection operation.

Then, I immediately came to them, and I felt that there was a problem no matter how I looked at it.

But Seven Nights found it somewhat interesting.

Come directly and let Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku hide, and he himself becomes Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku.

He was eager to see what Karp wanted to do.

Or rather, what tricks the Sengoku wants to play.

Soon after, Kyoraku Chunshui brought Karp with him.

Comes with an Ace.

“Your Excellency Captain, long time no see!”

As soon as he saw him, Karp grinned and said hello, as if he was greeting an old friend.

Adhering to the character of Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, Nanaya did not speak, but just looked at him indifferently.

It wasn’t until Karp was a little uncomfortable that he spoke.

“The old man heard that you, a naval hero, defected to the navy?”

“That’s right, defected.”

As if he didn’t know what the shame was, as if he didn’t care about the navy at all, Karp looked indifferent.

Ace on the side had a complicated face.

This stupid kid still thinks that his godfather defected to the navy in order to save him.

“So, I came here to join your Guardian Court Thirteen Team.”

Karp grinned.

“How to say, I also have a 5 billion bounty now, and I am also eligible to join you!”

Qiye glanced at Karp lightly, after such a contact.

He was even more certain that Karp’s defection to the Navy had something else to hide.

“The old man doesn’t like to beat around the bush and directly state your purpose.”

Seven Nights said in a deep voice.

The smile on Karp’s face became extremely serious.

“Then I won’t talk nonsense, our navy wants to join forces with your thirteenth team of court guards.”


Join forces?

Ace was stunned for a while.

In fact, he didn’t know much about Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, in fact, he stayed in prison and didn’t know anything about the outside world.

And most importantly, he has not yet come out of the shadow of the destruction of the Whitebeard Pirates and the killing of Daddy Whitebeard.

Now that he suddenly heard such a play, he was a little dumbfounded.

Wait, didn’t you defect to the Navy?

How can it still be said that the Navy joined forces with this what Guardian Thirteen Team?

Karp did not pay attention to Ace’s surprise, but immediately took out a phone worm.

“Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, everything Karp said is true, our navy intends to join forces with you against the Seven Nights Throne!”

Sengoku’s sonorous and powerful voice came from the phone worm, which startled Ace’s jaw.

What the hell is this?


Seven Nights was not surprised by this.

With Karp’s character, defection to the navy is unlikely to think about it.

Perhaps defection to the world government is still possible.

In the words of the Navy, it will be different.

Why didn’t Karp get promoted to the rank of admiral?

The reason is simple, the admiral will come into contact with the five old stars.

Even to some extent, admirals often personally serve the Draco.

For Draco, Karp did not have half respect.

In his eyes, Draco is ‘that kind of garbage’.

From these points of view, Karp’s defection is definitely something else.

Now, it seems, that’s true.


The old voice came from the mouth of Seven Nights.

“If the old man remembers correctly, your world government has issued a supreme reward to the old man, and now you are still coming to talk to the old man about cooperation?”

“No, Your Excellency Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, you misunderstood. You also said that your reward was issued by the world government, not our navy. ”

Sengoku said.

“Does it make a difference? Isn’t your Navy a government agency under the World Government? ”


This time it was Karp who spoke up.

“Your Excellency Yamamoto Motoyanagi Shigekoku, one thing you need to be clear about is that perhaps the Navy is a government agency under the world government, but now it is different.”

Karp’s tone was calm, but what he said could be regarded as a complete disobedience.

If it is passed out, I am afraid that it will detonate the whole world.

Because of this statement, there is no doubt that the Navy is about to betray the world government.

“Hey, Vice Admiral Karp, you mean, your navy is going to go independent? To betray the world government? ”

Jingle Chunshui couldn’t help it.

He now knows the world well.

But precisely because of this, the Navy intends to betray the world government?

Isn’t that too much exaggeration?

You must know that eight hundred years ago, the world government established the navy, and this is the first time that the navy is going to betray the world government.

“No, it’s not a betrayal!”

The voice of the Warring States came, full of firmness.

“The Navy is there to protect world peace and uphold true justice. It’s not the world government that has walked by…”

For a slight while, as if something sounded, the voice of the Warring States sounded again.

“Maybe it used to be, but from now on, the Navy is just the Navy!”

Obviously, the appearance of the curly-haired five old stars, as well as the attitude of the other party, made the Warring States let go of the last trace of obsession in his heart.

After all, the Navy was created by the world government.

Really want to betray the world government, this… Some of it doesn’t make sense.

Even morally, it is reprehensible.

But the attitude of the curly-haired five old stars made the Warring States thoroughly cleansed.

Perhaps the Navy thinks it is maintaining world peace.

But in the eyes of the world government, the navy is just a thug.

Even in the eyes of the five old stars, the navy is just a bunch of lackeys.

Now that the world is suffering from an unprecedented crisis, the five old stars have not taken any measures.

This completely disappointed the Warring States.

Therefore, he discussed with Karp and Lieutenant General Tsuru for a long time.

Finally, such a plan was made.

Seven Nights was amazed in his heart.

This Warring States is worthy of being a wise general and has such courage.

A well-deserved marshal!


Fifth more!

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