The power of the seven nights made the Nemesis particularly admired, and at this moment, he no longer wanted to continue fighting.

“There is a problem with this person, that is, admire someone who is stronger than me, since your martial arts are above me, then the two of us will worship!”

When Nemesis said this, her eyes were particularly sincere, and she didn’t look like lying at all.

“Don’t call me arrogant, don’t talk about anything else, if you want to be brothers with me, you have to promise me a condition and lend me that gem.”

Seven Nights didn’t want to use these gems to do bad things, just wanted to use these to prevaricate Thanos.

For this request of the seven nights, Nemesis seemed particularly embarrassed at this time, to be honest, it was difficult for him to be able to take this thing out.

After thinking about it, the Nemesis suddenly said meaningfully, “If you can help me realize my plan of revenge, it doesn’t matter if this gem is given to you.” ”

Listening to what Nemesis said, Seven Nights’ heart was a little panicked, he wanted to destroy the planet.

“Holding six gems is to save the earth, if I help you, wouldn’t I be indirectly harming the people of that planet.”

Seven Nights’ words did not make Nemesis change his plans for revenge, for him, living is for revenge.

“Since you can’t fulfill my wish, you can only discuss this matter after I destroy this planet.”

While saying this, the Nemesis turned her back and looked directly into the eyes of Seven Nights for him, which made him feel guilty.

“If I could know what kind of grudge you have with that planet, I think this one thing would probably …”

For the topic that Seven Nights said, Nemesis has always avoided.

So for a long time to come, the Nemesis either fiddled with her hair or moved the topic to something else.

It was precisely because of these magical operations that Seven Nights didn’t know what to do next at this time.

“Still not settling? Just now, we said well, we want to become sworn brothers! ”

Nemesis was so serious about this matter, which made Seven Nights feel a little embarrassed.

“To be honest, fate is such a strange thing, if it comes, you can’t stop it.”

While saying this, Qiye unconsciously touched the back of his head.

“I don’t know what kind of way to become a sworn brother on your earth, so I can only follow my way.”

While saying this, Nemesis bit her index finger.

“What are you doing there? Our rule here is to bite your index finger and cut it into a piece. ”

As soon as the words fell, Nemesis, before Seven Nights could react, she directly bit off his index finger, and without saying a word, she touched his index finger with Seven Nights’ index finger.

After a while, Nemesis slowly took her index finger back.

“Now, it’s already a brother, your business is my business, these six gems, I don’t give them to you, but I have to say it after I destroy this planet.”

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