Here it comes!

As if sensing something, the two five old stars suddenly raised their heads and looked at the sea in the distance.

The storm is coming.

In the distance, the black pressure was pressed, as if countless peaks came one after another.

It was still far away, and the five old stars all felt the pressure.


It’s really scary!

Originally, the two thought that it was only the momentum of the Seven Nights King that could make them feel frightened.

But now I didn’t expect that these legions of the Seven Nights Throne had already made them feel great pressure.

Not quite good.

The two looked at each other, and both saw the bad in each other’s eyes.

At the same time, a thought appeared in my mind.

I hope that Lord Yimu can fight against the thousand armies and use the power of the Heavenly King to destroy these people.

But the next moment, the faces of the two suddenly became even more ugly.


The sky is blowing.

It was as if it had been blasted away by some behemoth.

A behemoth appears.

What is that?

Looking at that terrifying giant, even if it was the mentality of the five old stars, they were already stunned.

It was a huge fortress.

Battlestar Galactica!

The Flying Fortress that Seven Nights asked Barrett to build has been completed.

It is a very large air fortress fortress.


Round on top and tip at bottom.

The diameter of the circular area above is already more than a thousand kilometers.

From top to bottom, that’s three thousand kilometers.

In the circular area at the top, a huge palace was built.

Seven Nights Palace!

Above it is a luxurious and majestic throne.

Throne of the Seven Nights!

The person sitting on it is naturally seven nights.

The entire air fortress is divided into seven levels.

The first level is the Throne of the Seven Nights.

In the highest position, no one can enter it except for the seven nights.

The second floor is the Palace of the Seven Nights.

Not only the second floor, but also the third and fourth floors are the Seven Nights Palace.

The second floor is the palace of the Seven Nights.

Except, of course, for the Seven Nights…

Robin, Nami, Princess White Star, Hancock and other women also live here.

The third floor is where the upper floors of the Seven Nights Throne live.

The fourth level is where the members of the Seven Nights Throne battle are stationed.

The fifth layer is the defense of the Seven Nights Throne.

This has a strong defensive force.

Once the Air Fortress is attacked, the defensive forces here are activated instantly.

There are quite a few defenses here.

The sixth layer is the attack measure.

There are a lot of special big things on it

These are all made by Seven Nights based on the giant cannons of the Hades battleship

And the forage it is built is even more Barre. The power of the body, the manufacture.

It can be said that One Piece is strong in the world and the best alloy.

No government in the world compares.

Because throughout the history of One Piece, no one has been able to raise the Combined Body Fruit to such a realm.

Not only the material from which the cannon is made is this alloy.

Even the entire Flying Fortress was made of this special alloy.

Even with Barrett’s ability, it took months to build this flying fortress.

As for the seventh floor, although it is in the lowest position.

But this place can be said to be the most central and important place in the entire Flying Fortress.

Because this layer is where other abilities are integrated.

With Lan Ran’s efforts, the entire Flying Fortress ‘ate’ a lot of devil fruits.

Fluttering fruits, gate fruits, barrier fruits, diamond fruits…

But all the Devil Fruits that could enhance the defensive power of the Flying Fortress were collected by the people sent by Seven Nights.

Then, all concentrated on this layer!

Even Seven Nights used the power of Broken Jade to exert the soul fruit to the extreme, and even split a part of his soul…

In the end, a special pure soul was created.

Now this soul has been integrated into the flying fortress.

Then, combined with a large number of special abilities, plus blue dye and jade power, they were cultivated.

This special pure soul has already given birth to spiritual intelligence.

It can be said that she is the spirit of the Flying Fortress.

Seven Nights named it Little Seven!

The highest level of the Flying Fortress, on the throne of the Seven Nights.


A white light appeared, transforming into a little girl of six or seven years old.

It is the Spirit Little Seven of the Flying Fortress.

“Little Seven, what’s wrong?”

Nanaya asked with a smile.

“Because the detection is clear, the life breath of the entire Holy Land Mary Joa exceeds three million, of which the ability index exceeds 10 points, 100,000 people. The exact figure is 10,673. But…”

Saying that, Xiao Qi tilted his little head, and his eyes showed a trace of puzzlement and doubt.

Although it is an existence like an instrument spirit, Xiao Qi is actually no different from ordinary living beings.

The only thing that is so special is that her body is a huge flying fortress.

“The deepest core of that holy land Mary Joa, the place that Doflamingo guy mentioned, I can’t detect it.”

Xiao Qi’s tone was a little deflated.

“Well, it’s okay, I can’t detect that place clearly, Xiao Qi can detect these things, it’s enough.”

Nanaya smiled.


Xiao Qi’s eyes instantly lit up and said, “Did that Xiao Qi help the master?” ”

“Of course!”

Seven Nights Road.

Xiao Qi’s detection ability is actually the role of her own birth.

Xiao Qi, born with the ability of Hongyu, has a complete ability.

And because of the special way of birth, it naturally has special abilities.

The powerful detection ability is one of the special abilities of Xiao Qi.

The ability index is a unique division of strength in Xiaoqi.

If the ability index is 1 point, you have a certain strength.

More than 10 points, that is divided according to the strength of the navy, at least all are at the rear admiral level.

That is to say, the current Holy Land Mary Joa has more than 100,000 people with major general-level combat power?

I have to say, this is a very surprising number.

Sure enough, the heritage of world government cannot be underestimated.


“Little Seven, pass on the order and let this final war begin!”

Qiye spoke, his voice indifferent.


Xiao Qi nodded his little head and closed his eyes.

At the same time, both the Flying Fortress and the fleet below sounded the voice of Little Seven.

Every place has a screen.

This is also the ability of Xiao Qi.

Ability to deliver messages.

Xiao Qi can divide some power and create small screens.

It’s like a phone screen.

“The master announces that the war has begun.”

Suddenly, on every warship, there is such a screen.

Then, the warship moved.

Rush straight to the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

Here we go!

Everyone under the throne of the Seven Nights was excited and excited.

They have also been looking forward to this battle for a long time.

At this moment, the faces of the five old stars on the Holy Land Mary Joa changed.

The breath on the opposite side changed.

It’s become more offensive.

It’s finally about to start!


Second more!

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