Ks S. D. Gibeck’s words, and that expression that didn’t quite know anything…

Let Karp seem to understand something.

Although he didn’t know it, Ks · Why D. Gibeck didn’t die.

But apparently the handiwork of the world government.

At that time, the world government was afraid that by some means, it would be a general D. Gibeck was saved.

Then, put it in a certain place.

In the end, I don’t know what means were used, Jean X· D. Gibeck obeyed the orders of the world government.


The next moment, Karp’s guess was confirmed.

“Hmph, what is so much nonsense for? Some garbage debris should be removed. ”

Ks S. The man in the middle of the D. Gibek snorted coldly, and his gaze towards Karp was full of killing intent.

“Kill them!”

With this person’s low roar, his eyes lit up slightly, and a trace of black light flashed.

And at this moment, not only the X· D. Gibeck’s eyes flashed a black light at the same time.

Behind them, there were many people whose eyes also lit up slightly, and black light flashed.

Suddenly, each face became expressionless.

Is this under control?

Karp and the others’ faces moved, and they seemed to understand something.

I am afraid that the man in the middle has some special ability that allows him to control X· D. Gibeck et al.

Seeing this scene, Doflamingo understood.

It seems that this is another special mysterious force of the world government.

Those who are not controlled are probably the strong people of the Draco.

That’s true.


An indifferent voice sounded, and Ulquiorra appeared.

Looking down at Ks · D Gibek and others, there was no fluctuation in his eyes.

“Do you think that just this little bit of power can compete with our Seven Nights Throne? It’s really stupid! ”


As he spoke, Ulquiorra’s breath exploded, and it instantly exploded.

No nonsense, go directly to the second paragraph of the return to the blade.

What is it?

The leading Tenryu’s face changed…

This breath… That’s an exaggeration, right?

“Black Void Flash!”

After entering the second stage of returning to the blade, Ulquiorra burst out with a black void.

Not good!

The leader Tianlong’s face changed, and he shouted violently: “Get out of the way!” ”

Although he shouted quickly, the people behind him also reacted quickly.

But Ulquiora’s Black Flash is not slow either.


With a loud bang, the black void exploded in the crowd.

Suddenly, more than twenty people were killed.

Although they are all at the level of vice admirals, more than twenty were killed at once, which …

It’s so unexpected and it’s too shocking.

The leading Tenryu’s face changed, and he roared: “X· D. Gibeck killed him for me. ”

Ks S. D. Gibeck responded, but the actual action answered.


In a flash of sharpness, he killed directly at Ulquiorra.

But at this time, the brush flashed, and a figure appeared to stop it.


The figure is very important to X· D. Gibeck threw a punch and burst into laughter.

“Ks · D. Gibe, let me be your opponent! ”

It’s Karp!

“Karp, you’re not an opponent.”

Ks S. D. Gibeck sounds cold.

Although it is a controlled state, this control does not have any distorted effect on itself.

It seems to be just letting it do exactly what they are told.

“Hahaha, this is not necessarily, I am not the original strength.”

Karp laughed.

As he spoke, the armed domineering instantly broke out.

The surging and heavy momentum, rippling eruption, the vibration of the air, spread.


An indifferent and expressionless X· D. Gibek, there was finally a slight change in his face.

It became a little surprised, and a little surprised.

“So it is!”

Ks S. D. Gibeck nodded, and then shouted violently: “Let go of my control, I want to fight with all my might!” ”

Not far away, the leading Tianlong’s face changed.

A hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes…

But after feeling Kapu’s terrifying armed domineering aura, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth sharply.

“As you wish· D. Gibeck, but if you dare to rebel, you will surely die. ”

“Hahaha, rebellion? I’x · D. Gibeck has never been a lackey of your world government. ”

Ks S. D. Gibeck’s laughter burst out, and the breath on his body became more and more violent along with his maniacal laughter.

“However, this time I will go all out to fight.”

Suddenly, X· D. Baker rushed to Karp.

Karp also laughed and went forward.

At this moment, his blood surged again.

A long-lost bloody battle!


The two immediately fought.

On the Flying Fortress, looking at the seven nights of this scene, a trace of consternation flashed in his eyes.

Ks S. D. Gibeck is very strong, he has known this for a long time.

Because according to Karp’s words, even with his LV9 state, he can’t win the game of Ks · D Gibek.

When he and Roger teamed up, they only occupied some special advantages, which was a fluke victory.

However, after the Karp reaches the full level, his strength can definitely defeat X· D. Gibeck…

You can even kill easily.

But at this moment the Ks · D. Gibeck, however, fought inextricably with Karp.

Obviously, after being controlled by the world government, X. D. Gibeck’s strength has also improved.


Maybe it’s the full state of X· D. Gibeck.

So, Seven Nights was surprised.

He did not expect that in addition to his accident with the power of the system, there were actually people who could use special means to raise others to full level.

Seven Nights Feeling Out, Ks · D. Gibeck was manipulated.

In some special way, the hardened will be the knots · D. Gibeck’s strength has been raised to the extreme.

Even broke through the Ks · D. Gibeck’s own extreme.

This method seems to be a countermeasure to Ks · D. Gibeck’s body was remodeled.

However, this transformation is the result of Jeanx· D. Gibeck himself had very bad side effects.

Seven Nights Clear Feeling X· D. Gibeck has a hint of death on him.

This is not to say that he is already dead.

It was that kind of transformation, although it improved his strength.

But it also exhausted his own life force.

Eks S. D. Gibe’s state, once he goes all out to fight, I am afraid that there is not much time to live.

And at this time, Seven Nights also noticed that those who were controlled were also related to X· D. Gibeck is in similar shape.

“Sacrificing life force to improve combat effectiveness? Although it is a little lower, it is very good to be able to upgrade to such a realm. ”

Qiye nodded, a flash of admiration in his eyes.


The world government finally came up with a means that surprised him a little and felt good.

Prior to this, none of the means of the world government had entered the eyes of the seven nights.

Too low-level.

Now this…

It’s on the table in front of you.


Fourth more!

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